New Star Wars trailer


fist of fury

anybody see the new trailer last night after malcom in the middle? Did it make anyone want to see the movie? or did you think it just sucked?
I'm going to see the movie just because I'm a big Star Wars fan...the trailers have no bearing on that issue.

I was a wee bit disappointed with Ep. 1. However, a lot of the fault falls on me because I was expecting to be blown away like I was during the first trilogy as a child. Now that I'm an old, cynical, S.O.B., I should have been more realistic about what to expect from the first installment of the prequel.

This time, I'm going in with no expectations.

I still hope that Anakins first step towars the dark side is gutting JarJar. :D
I'm in the same boat. Jar Jar Binks really annoyed me. They seemed to downplay the love story aspect of it with new trailer.
A buddy of mine in film school made a good point: as annoying as Jar Jar was as a character, and after all the complaints about him, can you really recall anybody complaining that he looked fake?

Yes, the character was a horrible idea, but the implementation of a CG character was very, very impressive.

You make a good point there. The CGI was -very- well done.

Still, he was an annoying git. :D
I thoought the trailer was great. Your right it downplayed the love story, which will be a major focus in the movie, and plays a large role in Anakins decent into the dark side. Like most of you i had my hopes set too high for episode 1 and was let down. I wont give up hope that easy, The scenes with Bobba Fett were inspiring. I think this one will be loaded with info that any star wars fan will appreciate, and that we are expecting. I wont wait for tickets this time like i was fool enough to do last time. As far as trailers go, it was good.
Actually its Jango Fett, Boba's dear ol dad. :) (uh oh, did I just confirm my geekness by knowing that?) :D

Seriously, this one sounds like it'll be everything EP1 wasn't.... which can be summed up in 1 word - GOOD!

Other than the Jedi battle scenes, I fast forward through most of EP1.

Here's hoping GL took his meds and hammered out a great movie. But, I aint waiting in line either. No internet connection there. :D
This could be a bad rumor, but im pretty sure the info is correct, that In Sync all play jedis in this movie for the clone wars because GLs daughter asked him to put them in the film. At least if there jedi in the clone wars, you know they die. Im a big NYPD Blue fan, so I hope Jimmy Smits has a good role in the movie. Another rumor i heard is that he is the new secret sith apprentice for lord sidious. If not him then someone else because before anakin I believe there is another apprentice. hey, i could be way off track, but who knows. Kaith, do you read any of the books?
N'Sync - I believe they are just walk on parts, in the background.

warder ,
I've read 'most' of them, but the last few with the Vuden ?? I just can't get into. Its a shame GL won't be doing the 3rd trilogy, as I'd love to see the Zahn books brought to the screen.

Im hooked on the new series, The New Jedi Order. the problem is that it will be coming out for like 3 years. I cant read them fast enough. What info, if any do you have on the third trilogy, will there really be one?
Last I heard, ep3 will be the last film. We've had some discussion on it on my other forum in the past. Its been a while since I've heard an update though.

I've heard that the Zahn books are considered the '3rd' trilogy, but thats unofficial. So, who knows. Maybe if EP2 and 3 do superb, he'll reconsider.

I'm personally wondering how they are gonna top the Maul fight scenes though... Christopher Lee is a great acter, but lets be honest, he's old. Ray Parks knows his stuff. I dunno, I have a bad feeling while the space battles will be cool, the sabe work won't move me.
On a positive note the scenes shown in the trailer looking really good and the locations very impressive.

However, the trailer just appears to show a montage of scenes rather than try to show more of the plot and what it is about.

Having seen the first trilogy as a kid, of course I will be going to see it.

As this topic is on the Martial Talk Martial Art Forum it sounds as though someone is classing this, just as Episode 1 has, as a martial arts movie.

In my opinion Episode 1 is not any more a martial arts movie than Lethal Weapon is.
Its on the sports ent forum, and there was some MA based fight scenes, so its ok. :)

It not a MA movie, but used some ma aspects. Plus, the rumor that Yodas gonna be doing a 2 stick technique, well, thats just cool if its true.

:) is a good place for starwars info, it has spoilers so becareful if you don't want to ruin any surprises. It also has troops if you've never seen it and you have a high speed connection I suggest you check it out. It's a paody on the cops t.v program real funny stuff.
Troops is a riot. Certainly explains a few things. :)

My favorite though, has to be Tripping the Rift. It has to be seen to be believed. If I remember right, the guys who did it are now working with one of the major animation studios. Its not for kids...Thats all I'll say on it.

ok. Here's what I found out about the nSync rumor: They were going to be jedis fighting in the background. they were filmed. HOWEVER, soon after that was revealed, the mailserver was clogged with several emails of angry fans stating that they would boycott if nSync was allowed to be in the film. Lucas even got death threats!! So, nSync was removed.

also, there's another rumor i've heard.... something about JarJar being a jedi? the justification was how his clumsiness did good things, like when a battle droid got stuck on his foot, and took out a bunch of other droids, and when the grenade he fumbled took out a tank.

personally, i hope he holds a lightsaber. in his clumsiness, he might take his own head off.

"oopsy! mesa slipped!"

and for you jarjar haters, here's a special treat!
:D I have to agreed that Jar Jar Stinks, binks.

Sorry I meant Jar Jar Binks, stinks.

Just my opinion.

Please someone lightsabre his ears off and ram a grenage down his throught.
Originally posted by deadhand31

ok. Here's what I found out about the nSync rumor: They were going to be jedis fighting in the background. they were filmed. HOWEVER, soon after that was revealed, the mailserver was clogged with several emails of angry fans stating that they would boycott if nSync was allowed to be in the film. Lucas even got death threats!! So, nSync was removed.

also, there's another rumor i've heard.... something about JarJar being a jedi? the justification was how his clumsiness did good things, like when a battle droid got stuck on his foot, and took out a bunch of other droids, and when the grenade he fumbled took out a tank.

personally, i hope he holds a lightsaber. in his clumsiness, he might take his own head off.

"oopsy! mesa slipped!"

and for you jarjar haters, here's a special treat!
LOL thanks great link