flying snakes!

Xue Sheng said:
I saw these on a documentary once and I remember thinking DAMN these are cool and I am SOOOO glad I don't live where they do.
Well if they're not poisonous then you got nothing to worry about don't cha? heh...
Way cool though.
Xue Sheng said:
I saw these on a documentary once and I remember thinking DAMN these are cool and I am SOOOO glad I don't live where they do.

Ditto, I lived in Venezuela a few years (I am not from Venezuela) anyway its a nice country with nice people. In the jungles of Venezuela, through the Orinoco River is a hybrid of the Boa Constrictor called "Traga Venado" which translates to Deer Swallower (it doesnt really swallow deers, its favorite prey are rabbits), it can be a huge friggin snake though up to 3 m in length and supposively does that as well. PS I ve never seen one up close.
MA-Caver said:
Well if they're not poisonous then you got nothing to worry about don't cha? heh...
Way cool though.

True, and although I have no problems with a snake on the ground whether poisonous or non-poisonous (I have run into both) something about a snake flying through the air with the potential of being hit by said snake just does not appeal to me.

If GOD meant snakes to fly he'd have givin' them wings :)

But they are still cool though
My wife and I were driving back from Vermont one weekend when snakes drops and hits out windshield. We were like, "What da?!" I was taking to a friend that is a state trooper and he said the hawks pick them up and will drop them (to kill them) or lose them as they take off. :)

Different story, but this reminded me of it. :)
Xue Sheng said:
True, and although I have no problems with a snake on the ground whether poisonous or non-poisonous (I have run into both) something about a snake flying through the air with the potential of being hit by said snake just does not appeal to me.

If GOD meant snakes to fly he'd have givin' them wings :)

Well Alan Dean Foster did... Pip the Alaspin Mini-dragon had wings and could spit acid... although it was science fiction. :D
MA-Caver said:
Well Alan Dean Foster did... Pip the Alaspin Mini-dragon had wings and could spit acid... although it was science fiction. :D

I'm ok with a flying mini dragon that spits acid its the flying snakes I can't handle :)