First Move Usually Made



From your experiences, what is the first strike thrown at you in a street fight?
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson
From your experiences, what is the first strike thrown at you in a street fight?

Usaly the first strike thrown at me was a hard one ..LOL. I guess id have to say more times than not it was a right hooking or twisting hay maker..
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson
From your experiences, what is the first strike thrown at you in a street fight?

The Sucker Punch.

is the most common i have seen & delt with.
Originally posted by ace
The Sucker Punch.

is the most common i have seen & delt with.

I would have to agree with you on this one!

be aware of the person who talks with thier hands.

A push/shove.

I think women start with a shove more often than a swing, probably due to social conditioning. On the few occasions I've gotten into it with a man, once a solid gut punch, the other times wild haymakers.
Never been in a fight since junior high, but the one fight I started was with a grab to the other guy's throat. Almost like a sucker punch, since he never saw it coming.

Jill, just out of curiosity, how many fights with women have you seen? Girl vs. girl fights are pretty rare (or so I thought). I've seen like 2 myself, and those once again were in school. The ones I've seen started with hair pulling.
I saw a fight in high school, where a woman clawed this guy in the chest with her long fake fingernails. It ripped his shirt down the front. He responded with an overhand punch to her face, making her bend forward, and then he kicked her in the head.

We didn't see him again after that incident.
They usually start witha hard right swing
I'd say a sucker punch. The fights I seen/been in in high school were sucker punches. But when I was in a self defense situation, it was a head lock from behind.
Originally posted by Zepp
Jill, just out of curiosity, how many fights with women have you seen? Girl vs. girl fights are pretty rare (or so I thought). I've seen like 2 myself, and those once again were in school. The ones I've seen started with hair pulling.

I've been in a few. I think it's more common in cities than the 'burbs, maybe. And if you spend a lot of time in bars.
Usually the ol' sucker punch, I'd agree. It's the quickest and surest way to take a person down before he or she notices what's hit 'em.
damn, ive never sucker punched someone. just no honor in it:mad:
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson
damn, ive never sucker punched someone. just no honor in it:mad:

Aye, but it works.

(The ol' sucker punch to the groin... as opposed to the boot to the groin)
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson
From your experiences, what is the first strike thrown at you in a street fight?

The wrong one.
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson
damn, ive never sucker punched someone. just no honor in it:mad:

There is truely no honour in fighting!

Originally posted by silencethehero
The wrong one.

Ladies and gentlemen (and you, too Seig) we have a good goddam answer here!

Welcone to MT, hero! :rofl:
I agree with many of you about the first being the sucker/haymaker. And to this day, it is amazing at how often it works on people. We work on 1 steps and fighting combinations from haymakers and immediate response situations quite often, and that is a primary attack we "defend" from.

Having worked in a bar for many years, i have had just about everything from guns to hockey sticks pulled on me in the bar and in the parking lot. The first "punch" is usually the big right hand, however; practice defending against someone coming at you with the Push. That happens more then most people realize.

I think we had about a 25% of the fighting in the bars was women on women. Although exciting to watch, still must be broken up!
Originally posted by Jill666
Ladies and gentlemen (and you, too Seig) we have a good goddam answer here!

Welcone to MT, hero! :rofl:

Thank for the kind words Jill666. This board is quite interesting.