Find this throw

That was supposed to be find this throw but spell checker.
Choy Li Fut (Bui Jong) Tai Chi (parting the wild horses mane)
Shuai Jiao & BJJ all have similar throws to this but each has a bit of a different flavor to it.

Also since CLF is Shaolin Base it would be expected to see allot of other Shaolin Styles with a similar throw so I guess we could just say shaolin Kung fu instead of Choy Li Fut.

- Taiji, it's called "diagonal fly".
- Chinese wrestling, it's called "trunk hit".

Your opponent will have less chance to escape if you use your

- back hand to pick up your opponent's leading leg.
- leading leg to hook on his back leg.
Agree! It's easy to apply in "mirror stance" that when you have right leg forward and your opponent has left leg forward.

Yep it's one reason i love it so much since for some odd reason im one of those right hand dominant people that uses the southpaw stance over 50% of the time.

Also modifying the technique by lifting the opponents closest leg with your opposite free hand makes it more applicable at times.
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This throw is also in baji quan and it looked really flashy and cool so i asked by shifu about it his response was like "noobs dont learn this throw" LOL.

Video explaining it
Bajiquan Kua - Master Zhou jingxuan - YouTube

This throw is around 13 seconds
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Sometime I just wonder, "Will it be more effective if you just use your sharp elbow to strike at your opponent's heart area"?

Depends what it does to your hip placement. Otherwise you get an elbow but a crap throw.
It'll be more effective if he sinks his elbow and turns his waist into the throw.

It depends it can be used as lifting throw or applied like the method your speaking of.

It just depends on how you catch your opponent and how he reacts to it when you catch him in the throw.
Certainly it is one of the applications of Shiko dachi in Goju Ryu karate. We would move into it from a grappling position then stepping behind.
I wish I could see this. My computer is having a stroke and can't watch vids of any kind.
I wish I could see this. My computer is having a stroke and can't watch vids of any kind.
Mate you should see it. He goes 6 feet into the air, triple twists with a somersault and finishes back on his feet. Awesome! :)

Edit ... just kidding. ;)
I wish I could see this. My computer is having a stroke and can't watch vids of any kind.