Fighting in the school

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I get approached quite a bit by people in school who think that anyone who does martial arts must be able to fight and only does martial arts to be able to fight and not for the love of the arts. So everytime someone approaches me, I find it difficult to control myself, if the person even just places their hand on my shoulder I give them a punch or when they come to close to me I just go at them again. I want to deal with these guys in a way so I don't have to hurt someone, I try my best to just shock them but it seems they just keep coming back at me the next day. I don't want to have to injure someone because I might get expelled from school. They seem to want me to prove to them that I can fight by beating the sh** out of someone but I don't want to. I try to talk the situation down, that sometimes works and these guys walk away.

Any advice would be helpful on how to deal with situation. I practise Muay Thai, just so anyone else who does MT can give some advice on what techniques to use just to bring the guys down with out a broken nose. :D lol.
Originally posted by adrenaline

I get approached quite a bit by people in school who think that anyone who does martial arts must be able to fight and only does martial arts to be able to fight and not for the love of the arts. So everytime someone approaches me, I find it difficult to control myself, if the person even just places their hand on my shoulder I give them a punch or when they come to close to me I just go at them again. I want to deal with these guys in a way so I don't have to hurt someone, I try my best to just shock them but it seems they just keep coming back at me the next day. I don't want to have to injure someone because I might get expelled from school. They seem to want me to prove to them that I can fight by beating the sh** out of someone but I don't want to. I try to talk the situation down, that sometimes works and these guys walk away.

Any advice would be helpful on how to deal with situation. I practise Muay Thai, just so anyone else who does MT can give some advice on what techniques to use just to bring the guys down with out a broken nose. :D lol.
Don't fight them.

Do what Jesus did. If there is a group of people wanting to test you, just walk right through them. Nobody will really want to hit you because they know deep down not to. If they wanted to test your fighting ability, they would have. But, if some idiot does throw a strike, and since you do muay thai, do a military clinch on them. Just don't do anything to put yourself in trouble with the school.
Originally posted by adrenaline

I get approached quite a bit by people in school who think that anyone who does martial arts must be able to fight and only does martial arts to be able to fight and not for the love of the arts. So everytime someone approaches me, I find it difficult to control myself, if the person even just places their hand on my shoulder I give them a punch or when they come to close to me I just go at them again. I want to deal with these guys in a way so I don't have to hurt someone, I try my best to just shock them but it seems they just keep coming back at me the next day. I don't want to have to injure someone because I might get expelled from school. They seem to want me to prove to them that I can fight by beating the sh** out of someone but I don't want to. I try to talk the situation down, that sometimes works and these guys walk away.

Any advice would be helpful on how to deal with situation. I practise Muay Thai, just so anyone else who does MT can give some advice on what techniques to use just to bring the guys down with out a broken nose. :D lol.

I don't think you need to "bring anyone down". I think the longer you are in martial arts the less you will watn to prove yourself to anyone. Just walk away from them. If someone grabs you, knock their hand off, and walk away. LEarning this early will save you trouble in the future I promise! Take it from personal experience!

I didn't want to hit anyone in the first place but I jus wasn't sure what to do since this has been going on for about a year and I thought I better get some advice before I took the matter into my own hands. I wouldn't hit someone unless they seemed agressive towards me or threw a punch or kick before me. I go back to school this later this week so i'll see what happens. Thanks for the advice.
I get approached quite a bit by people in school who think that anyone who does martial arts must be able to fight and only does martial arts to be able to fight and not for the love of the arts. So everytime someone approaches me, I find it difficult to control myself, if the person even just places their hand on my shoulder I give them a punch or when they come to close to me I just go at them again. I want to deal with these guys in a way so I don't have to hurt someone, I try my best to just shock them but it seems they just keep coming back at me the next day. I don't want to have to injure someone because I might get expelled from school. They seem to want me to prove to them that I can fight by beating the sh** out of someone but I don't want to. I try to talk the situation down, that sometimes works and these guys walk away.

seriously, i do my best to talk it down. but if they push me, i dont do anything at first. ill tell them that ill throw their arm to the side and elbow them in the face and lock their neck and knee them, then ill wait and see if he pushes me again. most of the time they walk away. and if the have an ego, theyll most likely hit you.

always expect something to be on the safe side.

if the push you, throw their arm to the side and elbow them in the forehead, then lock their neck (BUT DONT KNEE HIM), tell them youll give them a chance to walk away or else.
hmm.. I would suggest dealing with it in a more creative way.. first off don't get into a fight at school, and if you do 1: don't throw the first punch 2:don't go overboard and get out as fast as posable becuse you don't want to get kicked out of school or suspended. unless someone hits you you realy shouldn't be throwing punches, if some one does hit you than you are in a fight. some times the best way to get out of a fight is to just leave it alone, don't bother trying to tlak it down. and if you do try to talk something down be very neutral, tends to work better than trying to over compensate for their agresion. but if someone does try to fight you and it isn't one of those high school pushing matches but a real fight you gota remember it is a real fight, you can't go half way or you will get hurt, just remember whent he thret is over, wether its the guy submiting, someone breaking it up or the other guy goin down, that's the end, don't throw anything aditional.
Personally, I always went in for the Dirty harry style threats. The way I figure it, if you can't sa something cool don't say anything at all. Nothing drives me crazier than hearing two guys go at it with that,

"I kick you ***, Bi%&h!"
"I ain't a Bi%$h, Bi%$H, And I'll kick your ***, bi%$h!"

etc, etc,etc.

A little bit of cool goes a long way.

Originally posted by tmanifold

Personally, I always went in for the Dirty harry style threats. The way I figure it, if you can't sa something cool don't say anything at all. Nothing drives me crazier than hearing two guys go at it with that,

"I kick you ***, Bi%&h!"
"I ain't a Bi%$h, Bi%$H, And I'll kick your ***, bi%$h!"

etc, etc,etc.

A little bit of cool goes a long way.


I agree, I usually just brush off anything they say, if they put their hand on me, I can remove it quickly and easily, without hurting them and starting a fight, but letting them know, not to touch me. You can usually get out of 99% of fights without fighting if you really want to.

Not what I thought this thread would be about.

Has anyone ever had to people go at it in the school?

I know in the boxing gym we have had it lots of times. usually while sparring and then people will pull them apart. Afterwards it's ok and apologies go but it's usually just a heat of the moment thing.

Anyone else?
I don't know what type of martial arts you study, but in Jujutsu you could apply some kind of lock, or grab a nerve point to get this person to comply, without punching them. avoiding is the best method of not getting into a fight.
Bob :asian:
bullies are just that. a lot of hot air. people often want to test you because they feel you have something to prove. not doing anything on your part often makes them wonder what you can really do and sometimes earns you more respect from other peers.

it also makes the bullies look like jerks since you have not given into their childish demands. then they walk away looking like the dummies.

keep it cool. play it safe. but always be ready.
I either take the "thinking poses"( look like your thinking: 1 hand up to the face, the other hand touches your first elbow). whitch gets my hands up and ready if there's anything. Another way is to meet them by thouching the arm or shoulder of the person that moves into your near sphere.

When I'm so close I try to place myself so I have my "side" to them and in their weakest angle.

Somtomes I just play the underdog, and let the person think he's best. I don't care, since we both get out of it with no scraches...

But relax and go with the flow.

There was a great quote someone brought up a while back on the Martial Talk board.....I'm gonna have to paraphrase it, so my apologies to the original author:

Essentially, the bully either *knows* he can beat you up or *thinks* he can. If he *knows* he can, why should he have to prove it, since everyone else will probably know it also? If he only *thinks* he can, is it really worth the risk for him? What if he is wrong?

Bullies pick on those that they believe they can push around. Most often, they do it to look cool to someone else--if they don't look big and bad, someone might come get *them*. Stay in places where a fight is less obvious, with lots of people, and plenty of witnesses. When they grab you and threaten you, use your voice. Say something out LOUD, like, "Why do you want to PUNCH me?" that EVERYONE can hear it (teachers, other students, etc). Make it obvious that this person is the aggressor, and for no reason. Play the victim (not a wimp, just someone who is being unfairly targeted). Embarrass the guy. If that doesn't work, and they come after you anyway, do whatever you can to avoid the strikes. If you get a chance to lock him, do it. Give him just enough pain to think twice, but not to really hurt him.

The key here is that you want to be showing people you will defend yourself, but that you don't think that you are "all that". If you have an ego, they will come for you. If you are a non-combatant, then you are no sport at all.

Good luck!!

Originally posted by GouRonin

Not what I thought this thread would be about.

Has anyone ever had to people go at it in the school?

I know in the boxing gym we have had it lots of times. usually while sparring and then people will pull them apart. Afterwards it's ok and apologies go but it's usually just a heat of the moment thing.

Anyone else?

I almost did. While doing a tech circle of Snapping Twigs, this
guy hyperextended my elbow. It hurt so bad, my temper flared
BIG TIME. My first reaction was to pound the guy, but he's a 2nd
brown, I'm an orange. I decided to calm down :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Kirk

I almost did. While doing a tech circle of Snapping Twigs, this
guy hyperextended my elbow. It hurt so bad, my temper flared
BIG TIME. My first reaction was to pound the guy, but he's a 2nd
brown, I'm an orange. I decided to calm down :rolleyes:

I can relate Kirk

Had a Blue Belt grab my arm to do an arm bar only he slammed his forearm across the back of my elbow about as hard as could.
It was just lack of control on his part, and lack of quick action on mine. Everyone thought I would get revenge, but the thought wasn't really there, just a very sore elbow.

Originally posted by Klondike93

I can relate Kirk

Had a Blue Belt grab my arm to do an arm bar only he slammed his forearm across the back of my elbow about as hard as could.
It was just lack of control on his part, and lack of quick action on mine. Everyone thought I would get revenge, but the thought wasn't really there, just a very sore elbow.


The thing that made me mad was the lack of control. At that
rank, he should have it down! Don'tcha think?
Most browns I know have real good control.

I do know of a few Black belts that don't though :shrug:

Reminds me of when I was training Muay Thai. I was sparring a newbie (couple months experience) and taking it easy, more practising my evasion skills than actually hitting back much when suddenly out of the blue he threw a full body right cross that caught me flush on the side of the jaw.

Seeing as we were meant to be light sparring I just snapped and threw a huge right cross back. I swear I saw his eyes widen with fear as he jerked his head back (just!) out of the road. I then threw a left roundkick at his ribs, once again juuuust missing him, chasing him as he backed away as quickly as he could. I threw one last push kick at him that missed also, and by that point he hit the ropes going backwards and fell out of the ring.

I felt bad about it but there was no hard feelings. I noticed that he did exert some control sparring thereafter! :rofl: :rofl:
I'd get that kind of reaction (people wanting to pick a fight) because people knew I was into martial arts (my dojo did a demo at my school).

the easiest solution was STOP TALKING ABOUT MARTIAL ARTS. ya see, bullies as a whole aren't too intelligent, usually, and they have lousy long term memories... so if you don't draw attention to the karate thing, they will forget about it eventually and move on to more tempting targets.

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