fighting a drunk!?

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i hear drunks get crazy when they're drunk. i mean no feeling at all. when u work MA, u hurt the opponent and they are disabled, but if a drunk takes a few swings at ya, how are u goin to defnd against a that.....?
I can honestly say, I would much rather have someone drunk attacking me then someone with full senses that is alert.

Drunk people have no balance, coordination or focus.

It's neat.
yeah I would agree.. ok look at it this way.. have one of your MA freinds over and drinka bunch than go at it.. you don't feal pain as much but you can't hit your opponant :-p
Originally posted by MTisGreat

i hear drunks get crazy when they're drunk. i mean no feeling at all. when u work MA, u hurt the opponent and they are disabled, but if a drunk takes a few swings at ya, how are u goin to defnd against a that.....?

My first instructor had a story about this once. A guy "took" him outside... and threw a punch, as noted Drunks are slow and uncoordinated..., so my instructor slipped the punch and did a takedown. No striking.

The guy got up and did it again. Same result.

The third time, the guy threw a left instead of a right and was taken down again. The takedown was not violent... but it did put the guy on the ground and my instructor was untouched.

The guy gets up for the third time and asks "Had enough?" My instructor said "Yes." And the guy left.

There were no violent strikes to the Drunk who obviously was no match for Sifu. Sifu gave us this as an example of how to handle such a situation. Since you have some BJJ training you may know some ways to take someone down and restrain them, or tie them up while standing.

I imagine that most of your MT would be destructive and damaging, but even so, you may have techniques that you could use at 1/4 power or alter the target (Kenpo Equation Formula is useful here) so that you strike to a non-vital area and/or disturb the balance... and dispatch your opponent unharmed as illustrated.

I would rather not underestimate my opponant, drunk or not. Who know, you might end up with someone like "Tank" Abbott drunk swinging at you. Somehow I think he's not someone I want to mess with drunk or not.
A quick suggestion:

Stomach shots are good. Drunks often don't have the reaction time to tense their stomach muscles, and a good shot might make them throw up.

Just watch the erruption!

Be careful joint locking drunks. Their pain threshold is higher, and you might have to break them before they'll respond.

So you might want to stick to control manuevers that will "lock" but not "break" if you don't want to.

That is, of course, unless you want to.:shrug:

Just some advise from my limited bouncing experience.
I have to agree with Paul on this one. Having been jumped by drunks in the past, the best way to handle the situation, IMHO, is to use control technique's, rather than striking technique's. With control technique's, there is a much less chance of anyone getting injured in this type of altercation. You may, however, have to hold the technique for awhile, until they realize that they need to get control of themselves, or you can leave. Walking away from an altercation with someone who is impaired by drugs or alcohol is the best way to avoid physical confrontation.
Never underestimate anyone, but drunks have nearly no reflexes and no balance. Most of them are not too hard to deal with.

What if you run into it with a drunk that know drunken style kung fu. How would you fight him?

Thank you

What if you run into it with a drunk that know drunken style kung fu. How would you fight him?
Probably sit back and laugh. A drunk has all the coordination of a one legged giraffe baby!! In other words-none! If nothing else, keep out of his reach. If he's drunk, he'll soon wear himself out and get sick.
Just watch out for flying do-do!! :o :eek:
Originally posted by SolidTiger

What if you run into it with a drunk that know drunken style kung fu. How would you fight him?

Thank you


LMAO :rofl:

Who have ever seen drunken style kung fu?

Because I have seen some, and a drunken artist have great fighting technique.

Thank You

Who have ever seen drunken style kung fu?

There is a big difference between practicing Drunken Style Boxing, and doing kung fu when drunk. The major difference is in the sobriety of the practitioner. The lower the sobriety level, the lower the quality of the kungfu!
most drunks will still notice:

a finger in the eye
a fist in the stomach
a spearhand to the throat

if they can't see, are throwing up, or can't breathe, they're not thinking about hitting you.
I'm sure that the practioner's of this style IMITATE the movements of a drunk person in order to be unpredictable. I'm reasonably sure they do not have to drink in order for their style to work and if they did drink it would NOT make them a better fighter.


most drunks will still notice:
a finger in the eye
a fist in the stomach
a spearhand to the throat
if they can't see, are throwing up, or can't breathe, they're not thinking about hitting you.

That pretty much spells it out, alright!
But can a fighter that do drunken style fight when drunk?

Thats the anwser I won't to know, and If so how would you fight a fighter that can move around your punches and kick so well?

Thank You

I agree with the controlling techniques instead of the striking. Half the time they are so drunk, they are just shooting off with the mouth (beer muscles). If you take'em down and keep'em there till they're tired, they won't fight back (specially if you have a good hold on them where they can't move, but yet you're not really doing damage). They prolly won't remember in the morning anyways.

I like the "makes them throw up" thing :rofl: That'll prolly work. Hit'em in the gut, and make'em toss they're cookies (or beer for that matter). After barfing, I don't think they'd have the energy to fight LOL.
If he's drunk, I don't think that you have to really worry about how he moves. Most of his moves will be so telegraphed that an elephant would have time to move out of the way!

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