Fight scenes in Jason Bourne Trilogy

The two movies that I think show the best, most realistic fight scenes are "A History of Violence" and "Bad Day at Black Rock".

The Turkish Bath fight in 'Eastern Promises' is an extremely realistic fight scene.
Realistic fights among people who know how to fight are usually very quickly
one sided affairs......the problem with movie fight scenes is that they are generally drawn out affairs for dramatic effect.......while in real life they would have been resolved much more quickly.

Here's a good realistic fight scene.....two fight scenes actually, the second and main one begins at 2:32...based on my experiences it's about as realistic as a movie fight gets, and it's how real people fight.

Ah, what the's a movie with a few good realistic bits of violence in it, so this one as well.......though not really a fight, it illustrates the often one sided nature of violence.

The moral of the story is don't mess with Boba Fett.
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I thought the fight scenes in "Redbelt" were fairly well done and realistic.
Realistic? Maybe not. Entertaining? I think so - and that seems to be the goal in hollywood.
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Here's a good realistic fight scene.....two fight scenes actually, the second and main one begins at 2:32...based on my experiences it's about as realistic as a movie fight gets, and it's how real people fight.

Ah, what the's a movie with a few good realistic bits of violence in it, so this one as well.......though not really a fight, it illustrates the often one sided nature of violence.

Illustrates just how far aggression and intent can take you. That and knowing a head butt is coming ahead of time!

- Fight starts at about 2:50
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Agreed. Although Liam's fight scene were less realistic then bourne. So what would be the most realistic fight scene ever. I was thinking perhaps ''from russia with love''?

I think the fight in "First Blood" where Rambo takes out three sheriff's who are about to shave him looked quite realistic. It came about when the Navy SEAL who was the technical advisor for the film was told it wasn't believable that one man could take down three in a situation like that. So, he showed them it could be done the hard way, and hence they set up the choreography for the fight based on that. At least that is what Stallone said when he was commenting on the film on a DVD I watched.

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