Favourite Quotations for MAs?



Hey, folks,

Since we've probably got a few people new to Martial Arts on the site, I'd figure I'd ask what some of everybody's favourite inspirational quotations where for Martial Artists. This can also be applicable to those of us who've been in the game long enough to get good and cynical... and we all know who we are in that category.

No limits, and yes, I'm sure this HAS been done before somewhere, so maybe we should just keep the focus centered on quotations for those who are just starting out, or those who are questioning whether they should continue as MAs.

Thanks all!


PS: One of my personal favourites has to be from Marcus Aurelius:

"Waste no more time debating what it is to be a good man. Be one."

Of course, that's more general than I really want, but you get the picture.
Famous quotations? I don't know, there's so many to choose from.

A friend of mine came up with a quip I like scaring white belts with: "Martial arts-- it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye,-- and then it's just fun!" :)
"Slow down to go faster." -Chuck Norris
"We teach the graceful art of Killing and Maiming" my instructor Master George Chartier.
This is one I have been using a lot and I should put in my sig:

"Black belts are just advanced beginners. Color belts learn the basics, black belts learn to USE the basics" ;)
"Do it a thousand times slow, before you do it one time fast"
-- Huk Planas

"It's not who's right, but who's left that counts"
-- Ed Parker

"For those of you on the other side of the room who didn't hear,
I floated a kenpo air biscuit"
-- Ed Parker Jr at a seminar in San Antonio, after letting one rip.
Originally posted by thesensei
"He who hesitates, meditates in the horizontal position!"
-- Ed Parker


Everyone knows the old No Pain No Gain but I perfer No Burn No Learn.

Originally posted by tshadowchaser
"We teach the graceful art of Killing and Maiming" my instructor Master George Chartier.

Always cover your face with your hands or your assailant will cover your face with his.

In Japanese there is a saying “miso kuso”.

Miso is beanpaste that you use to make miso soup and is very good for your health.
Kuso is fecal matter or excrement.

Miso actually looks almost exactly like kuso and vice versa.

The saying can be applied to martial arts and means something that looks like **** (miso) isn’t always **** and could actually be of great value for you, reversibly something that seems like it is good for you (kuso) might actually not be.

So seeing really extravagant technique is not always good technique.

In short all that glitters is not golden.

Some in Chinese:

“dao ke dao fei chang dao”

What looks like the “way” cannot possibly be the “way” because it looks like the “way”.

Fen Shen Swei Gu

(Powder body smash bones) Do anything to repay kindness

Hwa She Tyan Dzu

(draw snake add feet) Unnecessary embellishment, to do to excess.

Jing Yi Chyou Jing

“refined more seek refined” Constantly strive for refinement

Lin Jen Mwo Chyang

"go to battle sharpen spear" act at the last minute, to procrastinate

“The sound of the Gionshoja bell

Echoes the impermanence of all things.

The color of the Soliflowers reveals the truth

That even the prosperous must decline

The proud do not endure

They are like a dream on a spring night

The mighty fall at the last,

They are as dust - before the wind."

"If you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough."

Name withheld to protect the not-so-innocent ;)

The instructor tells the class while looking at the uke- "This technique demonstrates the power of mind over matter. I don't Mind and he doesn't Matter"

A common one, but I still like it:

"It's not how many times you get knocked down, it's how many times you get back up."

Another version: "Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall" -- Oliver Goldsmith

I remember this one from a black belt assistant instructor who was 6' 3" and probably about 230-245 pounds:

"If you're going to throw a punch or a kick, or any technique, you better make sure that you do it so that it can stop me... Do you think THAT can put me down? If not, you're not doing it right."

I think that was motivation enough for the class that day... especially since I was the dummy on that one!
"Black belts are just advanced beginners. Color belts learn the basics, black belts learn to USE the basics"

Like it.

"Don't think - feel"

Andy Sheader
The exact words my dad told me

A: As I was about to spar him after I challenged him

"Dont hunt what you cant kill"

B: On my birthday when we were talking bout how dangerous he is

"Look mate I can slit your throat with a credit card! That tell you how dangerous I am?"

God I love my dad.....:rofl:
Originally posted by Cliarlaoch
A common one, but I still like it:

"It's not how many times you get knocked down, it's how many times you get back up."

Another version: "Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall" -- Oliver Goldsmith

I was a colored belt and the test dummy for a demonstration for the Boy Scouts of America. The Two Black Belts kept hitting me and taking me down and or throwing me. When all was said and done they asked the crowd for any questions.

The First Boy replied: "Yes, What art does he study,(* Pointing at me *)" One of the Black Belts replied "Why do you ask?". Little boy replies, " Well no matter what you did to him he kept getting back up for more!" :D

Originally posted by Cliarlaoch

I remember this one from a black belt assistant instructor who was 6' 3" and probably about 230-245 pounds:

"If you're going to throw a punch or a kick, or any technique, you better make sure that you do it so that it can stop me... Do you think THAT can put me down? If not, you're not doing it right."

I think that was motivation enough for the class that day... especially since I was the dummy on that one!

Good Advice, this coming from myself being 6'3" and 275 lbs. :D
On your knuckles, give me 50 - my first instructor:eek: