Favorite technique?!?!?



If you had to pick one technique out of American Kenpo as your favorite what would it be? And Why?

Mine would be Thundering Hammers......I really enjoy the way the stance changes and strikes work out alot of principles envolved and your attacking in the dark of your oppoent. I love the Hammerfist as a weapon
I usually find that in each belt level there is one technique I love, and one I absolutely hate.

Once I figured out that most times the reason I hated it was because I didn't fully understand it, I knew that the ones I hated were the ones that I had to work on.

As for an all time favoutite.......I don't know, theres so many.

Picking only one is hard!

If I had to, it'd be Thrusting Salute, because

a) it's short enough to actually work

b) it's against an attack you're likely to encounter on the street (the classic drunk's clumsy kick to the bollocks!)

c) it's got plenty of kenpo principles packed into it, and can be seen as clearly kenpo rather than another style

d) it's not clumsy, an no point in that one do I ever feel exposed, off balance or as though I might fall over my own feet!

e) easily grafts into Buckling Branch from the same block if the use the left leg

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Is also a good one...... to get you thinking and moving on multiple opponents.


Not at that point yet...Ill keep an eye out for it ;)
Let's see, picking one....I can't. I like Courting the Tiger-multiple attackers, Delayed Sword-simple and to the point, Rotating Destruction-I like to kick more than useing my hands (working on that), Falcons of Force-multiple attackers, Bear and the Ram-bear hug, I could keep going and going on this one. But I'll save you all the trouble and stop now before I get carried away. ;)
For me it is back-breaker. I love the idea of slamming someone to the ground as hard as possible to see how high they can bounce. To me, this is just a great technique.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7


Why, yes, yes I do. The mechanics found in Back Breaker epitomize American Kenpo to me. The moving around the body, the redirecting the attack, the use of multiple strikes with different parts of the body, the leaving the attacker on the ground to give yourself a better opportunity to flee. To me that is why I started taking lessons.
I think I'm too new to have a favorite yet. Each time I learn a
new technique I think .. THAT IS SO COOL!
I dont know why....i just like the way the technique flows and how you can graft it perfectly into other techniques :D
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
The mechanics found in Back Breaker epitomize American Kenpo to me. The moving around the body, the redirecting the attack, the use of multiple strikes with different parts of the body, the leaving the attacker on the ground to give yourself a better opportunity to flee.

You forgot forward and reverse motion, oppsites, and a number of other valuable items.........

I can't single out one technique as a favorite since I like so many, mostly the techniques against common attacks . My most favorite technique, which is more a graft, is thrusting salute or delayed sword combined with triggered salute, five swords and then crossing talon with extension ending with a wristlock. I also work this graft with raking mace but it does'nt flow as well.
My Favortie Kenpo technique so far and I'm not sure if this a American kenpo technique as well ,since I practice Chinese kenpo.But its called Spear of Jade I just love the sticky hands movement of the technique
Originally posted by Zenmaster

My Favortie Kenpo technique so far and I'm not sure if this a American kenpo technique as well ,since I practice Chinese kenpo.But its called Spear of Jade I just love the sticky hands movement of the technique

Mind explaining it??? the name sounds cool anyways ;)
because of the heal kick. I would think pulling someone into that heal kick would create some fun sound effects. Snap, Crackle, Oooff. :D

Since we like opposites in Kenpo, I really dislike Striking Serpents Head. Thrusting Prongs is low on my list as well.
Originally posted by brianhunter

Mind explaining it??? the name sounds cool anyways ;)

Spear of Jade is a Tracy's Kenpo technique. It is a requirement for 3rd Degree Brown Belt. It is a defense against a right - left or a left - right punch combination.

It goes as follows:
s1. Right foot steps to 1:30
s1. Right inward block to first punch
s2. Left vertical outward block second punch
s2. Pivot 90 degrees CW into a hard left bow facing 1:30
3. Left firts 2 finger strike to the eyes to 10:30
s4. Pivot body 90 degrees CCW to squre horse to face 10:30

Follow Ups:
A. s4. Right punch to ribcage to 10:30
B. s4. Left kick to body to 10:30
s4. Right puch to head at 10:30
C. s4. Right kick to body to 10:30
s4. Right puch to head at 10:30

To help those that are unfamiliar with the manuals s = Simultaneously . CW is Clockwise, CCW is Counter Clockwise.
Would have to be Unfurling Crane, very good use of reverse motion, and it is short sweet and to the point!
Hard one.........I would have to say Hooking Arms or Snapping Arm. They both use white zone awareness to the max. But these are two of many techniques that I love.

Originally posted by brianhunter

Mind explaining it??? the name sounds cool anyways ;)

Its a blue belt technique in our system. the attack is from either a right hand or left hand punch.

you step in with a two arm block you pivot into a bow and palm heal to the face you then pivot into a horse and trap the arm and chop to neck with the left hand all the while keeping there arm pinned to your chest. Its a fast technique with good street application to control an attacker the followups are numerous.