Fav and mosted hated Martial Arts Movie


3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
I hope no one has posted this but if so sorry.

I was just wondering what everyones fav and mosted hated martial arts movies are?

There a few good Martial Arts movies out there but also ALOT of bad ones.

MY Fav: Best of the Best Or Karate Kid Part 3

Mosted hated: Almost all Of Van Dam's Movie Besides StreetFighter and Blood sport I did not like any others I seen.

what about u guys?

adam :eek:
Favorite: either The Perfect Weapon or Fist of Legend
Worst (a huge category): Fist of Fear,Touch of Death :barf:

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
FAV MOVIES >>>> all vandamme all dolph lundgren and all shaw brothers.... all jet li and all old kung fu flicks (jacky chan only for his comedy not fighting ability)

most hated... all best of the best and any thing remotely involving tae kwon do.......:cool: :) :asian:
For best I've gotta give the nod to Enter the Dragon.
Bruce with a big budget (and his own voice).

Worst - anything with Van Dam. The dude is like four foot three .... come on .
Favorite movie it's a toss up between -Prodigal Son,Warriors two and Stranger from Shaolin

Most hated are any van damne movie and game of death.
actually hes closer to 5'10 or 5'9

I exagerate. I don't think he's 5'9. More like 5'5. I saw one of his costumes at Planet Hollywood in Florida. One of my students remarked about how small he was
Favorites: Fist of Legend, Drunken Master 1&2, Perfect Weapon...

Hate: Fists of Legend 2 (Poor action and nothing close to a coherant story.) Dragon and the Hawk. (Impossibly bad acting.)
what about the karate kid :karate:

or star wars :jedi1: :jediduel:

hahahaha i know they both suck.....(star wars suck as a martial art flick)

but other favorites include the old chambara flicks


and if any of you ever get the chance to watch aome crappy pilipino cinema you have to watch some fenando poe movies he is an ICON :2pistols: of local pilipino action...

for all yall who hate Vandamme:bird: :2xbird: show some respect he has done so much for martial arts....
Definitly Conan the Barbarian, used to watch it sometimes before bjj fights....
Not bad also: Crouching Tiger Hidden dragon.

Worst: Indonesian martial arts movies, any.....; Jacky Chan movies...

Mabuhay ang philipino Silat at Arnis.
The duel in Seven Samuri was good.
Also enjoyble to me were Highlander, Enter the Dragon, Fist of Legend, Crouching Tiger (the fight between the two women in the training hall was great, as was the tavern brawl.), what was the name of the Japanese film that was a bio pic on Musashi Miyamoto? I liked it but can't recall the name.
Originally posted by redfang
what was the name of the Japanese film that was a bio pic on Musashi Miyamoto? I liked it but can't recall the name.
I think you're talking about the Samurai trilogy:
Part I- Miyamoto Musashi
Part II- Duel at Ichijoji Temple
Part III- Duel at Ganryu Island

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
Originally posted by moromoro
Jean Claude VavDamme is a legend in Martial Arts movies...

he has done so much but gets little appreciation these days..
The man thinks that Street Fighter was his best work, and he's trying to make a sequel happen. He's evil.
You know, why does most of "street"fighter take place in the jungle or some crazy guys fortress? You would think most of it would actually happen in streets or back alleys or bars.
my favorite: The Kid With the Golden Arm .. no, there are no "kids" in it, thats just the name they use in the title... fits a pretty solid movie, fun to watch, and has some quality fight scenes and decent acting for that type of film.

The worst... Absolute WORST martial arts film EVER made:
99 Cycling Swords ... good lord, its horrible. Lame story, cheesy special effects, fight scenes that have been cut and edited so much you think its all time-lapse photograpy, and ... ugh.. i'll stop.. i do not want to remember it anymore
If you want to see a real stinker try Fantasy Mission Force. It´s dubbed as a Jacky Chan (sic) movie because he chases a chicken for ten minutes in it. It´s a kind of Chinese version of the Dirty Dozen complete with zombies, Ninja Amazons and Nazis. It´s supposed to be during World War Two but all the vehicles are much more modern. It´s so bad it might actually be fun if you played it to a roomful of friends and kept the alcohol flowing...