Ex-pat Yoshukai NZ karateka gaijin says hello!


Yellow Belt
Hi all! Looks like a really good site you've got here, and I look forward to learning from you all and sharing my thoughts.

I'm a shodan karateka from New Zealand, and I've been training for about ten years now, though not entirely continuously. I started with Yoshukai karate, training at the Canterbury University dojo in Christchurch, New Zealand (where I gained my blackbelt in 2001), but I've been living abroad for the last six years or so, and have spent the last 5yrs here in Japan.
I've been training with a small but excellent Geshinkai karate dojo here, though we only train once a week (actually more like three times a month) so it's been more a matter of maintaining my skills than actually improving them much.
To be honest, I prefer kata over kumite though I certainly enjoy and engage in both. I love kicking and am currently working on developing my jumping and spinning kicks. I enjoy weapons training, having received instruction in sai and bo, and I'm trying to pick up some nunchaku skills. My Japanese dojo doesn't do much weapons though, so my weapons training is mostly personal practice at the moment.
I also surf, enjoy movies and reading books, and have a strong interest in science, logic, and philosophy.

I'm no expert and I fully expect to learn more from people here than I'll be able to give back, but I'm always willing to share what knowledge I have. I'll look forward to getting to know you all.

- Tetsu
Thanks for the welcome everyone!

Has anyone else noticed the typo here:

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