Ever feel like furniture????


Green Belt
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
There are days when I feel like furniture. Maybe an overstuffed chair or a love seat; comfy, warm and a little worn out.

Do you ever feel like that? You're necessary, you do a good job; whether it's at home or at work but people just don't seem to notice you there.

Of course they notice you when you don't perform as they expect, perhaps you pop a spring or your stuffing starts falling out from overuse. But instead of getting tender loving care - new upholstery or perhaps a couple of throw pillows to cover over the worn spots, you're just hauled down to the curb to be picked up with the rest of the trash and replaced with a leather recliner.

OK, this was all written tongue-in-cheek but I'm feeling over-worked, under paid, and under appreciated today and I needed to throw a pity party.
actually i was really hung over one day and all i did for like 8 hours was watch movies. i am positive that i was bonded to the couch. does that count? ohh and dont worry some one will grab that chair, i'm sure it's really comfortable.
Fightback2 said:
OK, this was all written tongue-in-cheek but I'm feeling over-worked, under paid, and under appreciated today and I needed to throw a pity party.
Been there, felt that. Here is something for you....


  • $Big Hug.gif
    29.1 KB · Views: 110

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