Eric Holder to be confirmed as AG

Not good for firearms owners.
Not good for unspeakable torturing monsters.

So far a slight but measurable tilt towards the good.
Eric Holder? You mean someone was confirmed but not a tax cheat?

I wonder what his character flaw is? Bound to be one considering what kind of people Obama surrounds himself with.

A crazed American hating preacher.
A terrorist bomber.
A convicted defrauder.
A neo-Nazi.
A pay-for-play (ex) Governor.

Sorry, I know this is supposed to be on firearms but...

Like one blogger said, "There are two kinds of people in the electorate: 1. People who remember how horrible the Jimmy Carter years were. 2. People who are about to find out."

I think Jimmy may have had an easier time before this is over.

And I just heard Obama and kin exited the White House and he said,
“We were just tired of being in the White House,” the president candidly told the gleeful second-graders at Capital City Public Charter School."

And he hasn't even been there two weeks!

Going to be an interesting four years.
