Elvis karate footage

Hey cool! We were just talking about this the other day in class. I'll have to snatch this article and bring it in.
That "New Gladiators" sounds like that would be fun to watch. And Elvis? THAT I would want to see!! I know he did a couple of martial arts, and I have heard he was actually pretty good. I would love to see him move "for real", and not just what is shown in the movies......

MAN....now I just have to fit this into my budget...;)

i msut have this, if any of you guys get it or get to see it please drop a line and let me know what its like..

Originally posted by Kirk

I just ordered it :)
This may be a "Lost Kenpo Treasure!"
The clip on the Rising Sun website seems to have Tom Kelly, Steve LaBounty and Ed Parker in it.
I had tried to find this when I was in Film School because I wanted to edit it since there was nothing going on, but I never tracked anyone down. I think I first read about "The New Gladiators" in Infinite Insights.

I am sorely tempted to order this now and overnight it to my house for the weekend. It is apparently available on DVD and VHS.

I want to hear Kirk tell us how it is if he sees it first. I may order it today.

I will post some type of review after I see it myself.

Here is the links I have from the producer Don Warrener:

URL - <http://www.risingsunproductions.net/>

OK. I just called him and ordered my DVD. He's going to try to deliver it for Sat for me. I could not restrain myself.

I'll post all the rest of the info in the ProShop. He says Fighting Arts put up their info yesterday and had 7,000 hits by the afternoon.

He also says he is unlikey to run out of copies even though this is taking off like a wildfire.
yeah please let me know how it is. i may want to pick it up also. thanx!!
did elvis earn the 8th degree black, or was it an honorary award from Ed Parker?
Originally posted by theneuhauser

did elvis earn the 8th degree black, or was it an honorary award from Ed Parker?

Honorary .. I think he earned a third.
Originally posted by theneuhauser

did elvis earn the 8th degree black, or was it an honorary award from Ed Parker?

When I went to the IKC in 97 I was fortunate to be invited to dinner with by Mr. Duffy and was able to sit with Tom Kelly, Steve LaBounty, Dave Hebler, Bob White and I can not remember who else. I was being amazed.

But at dinner Mr. Hebler said that he was promoted to 7th in Vegas on the day Elvis got his 8th and Mr. Kelly got his 6th. This was confirmed by Mr. Kelly.

Later I read Mr. Hebler saying that "Honorary" does not appear on Elvis' certificate. I don't know if Mr. Parker gave anyone an "Honorary" certificate. I have been to the floating "Elvis Museum" and seen Elvis' Gi and certificate and I think I have a picture of them and his certificate looks like an authentic IKKA certificate to me.

This issue has been debated a lot and I don't know if there is an official answer. I have encountered a lot of other rumors, but Mr. C. would be a good source to get the scoop on "Honorary" certificates. I think this issue is also addressed in "The Journey" which everyone should have a copy of as well.
I have a copy of "The Journey" but I haven't made it to the Elvis
part yet ... still reading it.