Eat a Roach and Be the First in Line -


Green Belt
Jan 10, 2005
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king city, ca
Eat a Roach and Be the First in Line [FONT=geneva,arial]- [/FONT]
[FONT=geneva,arial][SIZE=-2]Thursday, September 21, 2006 [/SIZE][/FONT]

(09-21) 13:34 PDT Gurnee, Ill. (AP) --

Why wait in line when you can just eat a cockroach? That's the question Six Flags Great America is asking its thrill seekers during its Halloween-themed FrightFest. The amusement park is daring customers to eat a live Madagascar hissing cockroach in exchange for unlimited line-jumping privileges.

The promotion, which has Lake County Health Department officials shaking their heads, starts Oct. 7.

Anyone who chows down the entire 2- to 3-inch horned cockroach gets a pass for four people to cut to the front of ride lines through Oct. 29.
Park officials insist it's safe to eat the crunchy critters, but health officials are cautioning participants.

Consuming live roaches might increase risks of gastrointestinal illness and allergies, according to Bill Mays, Lake County Health Department's community health director.

Cockroach eaters will have to sign waivers and still pay admission fees, said Six Flags spokesman James Taylor.

The bug buffet continues with a cooked roach eating contest Oct. 13 — Friday, Oct. 13.

Taylor says he's hoping someone can beat the 2001 Guinness Book of World Records feat in which a British man downed 36 cockroaches.

"I've heard people say, 'Wow,''Ew,' a lot of one-worders," Taylor said. "A lot have said that they wouldn't eat a cockroach, but they sure would like to see someone else do it."
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- Jonathan Randall
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I would be waiting in line because I would never ever eat a crckroach.
Exactly how many different ways are there to say NO! There are a lot of things I would eat, but roaches are not on my menu for any amount of rides. Been there done that for Great America, no rides I saw worth losing my lunch and dignity in front of others over.
I think I'd rather wait in line, thanks... so I'll pass on this offer.
That park is about an hour from my house. Been there tons of times. We'll probably go the Fright Fest sometime in October but we'll definitely be waiting in line!

The funny thing is when this came on the news the other day my husband jokingly said, "wait til PITA hears about this" and just this morning on the news, sure enough PITA is now protesting it and wants the park to cease the promotion. I think the PITA fanatics should rescue the roaches and provide life-long love and care for them in their own homes, or perhaps build a sanctuary. :rolleyes:
Watching "Fear Factor" contestants downing the six-legged critters was nauseating enough. I'll pass. :barf:
I'd consider it, if I could have a bottle of water.
I would definately do it! Besides I love grossing people out with my weird food habits. This would be difnately something I would do aslong as I knew they couldn't kill me.
It seems the younger generation is more willing. I think they've all been desensitized by Fear Factor. That show grosses me out but my kids love it.
I think you mean PETA. The animal-rights terrorists at PETA can certainly be a PITA, but the acronyms are different. :p


LMAO!!! Duh. I can't believe I did that.

Personally, I'm a know...People Eating Tasty Animals?
It seems the younger generation is more willing. I think they've all been desensitized by Fear Factor. That show grosses me out but my kids love it.

Yeah...the bug-eating - and other weird eats - is the number one reason why I would NEVER try out for "Fear Factor". Especially because I'm already a very picky eater as it is... :p
I think you mean PETA.The animal-rights terrorists at PETA

Heard on the news this morning that they are considering legal action to put a stop to this...
Do you get to use condiments? Some good barbecue sauce can make anything tasty :D ;)
One of my brothers ate cicadas a couple years ago (remember Brood X?) Or more accurately, cicada nymphs (i.e., young cicadas). He sauteed them with butter and some other spices, and said they were pretty good. I'll pass on the cicadas too, thanks...
Kinda cheap.......gonna make a person eat a whole cockroach and not give them free entrance?

I wouldn't do it for free entrance OR line cutting priveledges.....YUCK!!
Have you seen the lines at six flags and similar places? I would definately eat them even if they were big, juicy, cruncy, alive, and I wasn't allowed to puke. I hate fear factor because it always seems to come on during dinner time. I would eat them because I tend to do stuff that shock people. Hell, I would eat one for only ten bucks! :)
I would eat them because I tend to do stuff that shock people. Hell, I would eat one for only ten bucks! :)

Hmm I think we can come up with $10. Have a digital camera?

I'll pitch in two bucks toward the effot :)