"Don't taze me bro!" has apologized for his actions...

Hes saying it to get a plea. I dont believe its sincere.
I would tend to agree, Blotan, or if it is heartfelt then it's more down to 'fear of consequences' than 'seeing the error of his ways'.

I can't say I blame him tho', when it comes down to, when we talked about these events last time, I don't think any of us thought we were observing deliberate political activism, just a somewhat misguided 'my right' young adult acting up. Being faced with actually having to take responsibility for what he said or did must be horrifying (just to be clear, that's not sympathy you're hearing there).
I shouldn't laugh but that one caught me unawares - top marks, Cory and I proffer you a laurel for dry wit :D.
Never been able to figure out just exactly why it is that kids like these always seem to act so shocked when the blatantly obvious consequences of their actions catch them up.

Perhaps because it doesn't happen often enough in this age, could be it.
Maybe he should've not acted like such a fool in the first place. Had he acted like an adult instead of a fool wanting his 30 secs of fame, he would'nt be in a situation like this today.