Dont know what to do

I'm 49 and the school I started out in had a separate youth and adult classes. But I moved and joined a new school two years ago that has mixed ages. We have from 4/5 year olds up to, well however far, though I am the oldest at the moment. I really didn't feel out of place. The instructor makes you feel at ease and it was easy to slide into a routine here. Now I am asstant instructor. It's great no matter the age and you will definitely enjoy it with your son!! Have fun!
I under stand how you feel about sticking out in the crowd, by being older than most students. I started at 38. I took class with a herd of 12 year olds myself. An interesting thing happened after a while I was not the only adult. Now we have a strong adult group. Maybe you will inspire other adults to get off their duff and start taking classes! Good luck!!
I think it's great that your son approached you about wanting to start, I think that makes a big difference compared to when your parents want you to start. If he is insisting on joining then I would definetely do it with him if I were you and dont worry about other peoples impressions
I can offer you this much:

Depending on when I go to class, I can be in a class full of kids, or I can be in a class with teenagers to adults. Usually, at our dojang, the later the class, the less kids.

That being said, I do often go to the class when more kids seem to be there, and on occasion, their parents will be in class with them. And, while it can be awkward at times, I can honestly say that I'm still getting good training. It's all going to depend on your instructor, and how they handle a diverse class. It is entirely possible to go to class with your son and still come home after class barely being able to walk.

So, don't worry about the self conciousness thing. That will diminish in time. If you concentrate on what the insructor is having you do, then you won't have time to worry about kids looking at you.

The other side of that coin is that it really is a better training environment to have other adults in class with you...even if they're a different rank. So if you can find a way to go to a class that you see more of a mixture of adults and kids, that would be a plus. But, it doesn't mean that you still won't get great training...provided you have a great instructor.