does taking martial arts enhance your life?


Blue Belt
i was wondering if any of you would say that martial arts enhances your life in any ways? meaning no matter what you do for a living, do you find that martil arts adds a balance to your life that would not be there if you did not take martial arts?
im sure that most of you will say that taking martial arts enhances your lives, but im interested in how? does it make you a more balanced or focused or calm or peaceful person? when you are training are you able to get into the physicality of it so much that you are able to tune out other things that may be in your mind competing for your attention?
what about if you have a job where you travel a lot? are you still able to get focused practice time when you are on the road traveling? do you find that traveling a lot and not being able to take class for awhile effects your abilitly to lean and grow? (i ask these questions because they pertain to my career).
When I work out, whether I am in the dojo or at my home all the problems of my life fade to black. I've gained friends that I value, and am now a respected part of a "family" of students. I am more confident, and in better physical condition. I am more apt, now, to avoid a fight, than I was before I started Kenpo. I am more patient and more kind.
The Martial Arts/Self-Defense I have taken throughout my life has enhanced every aspect of my life, from relationships to self-confidence, self-esteem to everyday normal tasks. The Martial Arts are not my life as so many will say, but they are a big part of it, they have helped me achieve whatever I set out to do.
1. I'm not scared of everything anymore.
2. I can draw on it when I need extra confidence, strength, or when I don't believe I can accomplish something.
3. Once you've had a 200 lb guy sitting on your chest, how bad can your petty little problems really be?
Hard to say if it enhances it or not. It's been such a constant part of my life for so long that it's hard to say what I would be without martial arts. It certainly makes me see and do things differently than most people I know. And it has changed my inner life and the way I react to the world. Some people would call that an enhancement. Others would say the opposite.
Hello, Life changing for sure....the friendships, fellowships, the people from all over who you meet that share the same enjoyments of martial arts....will last a lifetime.

The training gives you lots of confidence, excerises, and when you help others achieve more knowledge, skills and learning experences...very rewarding.

Martial arts gives you a new way of living, sharing, caring of others, it changes you life in a very positive way.

Many of the younger kids...who are now teenagers, young adults...many of them you see grow up to be very good people and you had a small part in their so rewarding. (two are now in college and one them is finishing his "Masters in Edcuation"... is planning to be martial art Instructor with his own school.) is a nice feeling!

The other person...a rocket science....for Nasa....true story (4 year scholarship and is guarantee to a job with them....) his mother said his plans for fire ecape procudure was selected by Nasa too among the many entries...

Aloha, ( each of us will experience their own paths of what martial arts does for us.....) the pains, the injuries, the enjoyments of growth, friendships, fellowships, and self prides knowing what you had accomplish in your life....CAN NEVER BE TAKEN AWAY!

PS: Qi gong: Don't think....enjoy the is...JUST DO IT!
Of course it does. I'm still a University student and ever since I took martial arts, I've gathered enough energy to last me days without sleeping. As well, I've been able to focus more and become more alert, not only academically, but everyday

I'm preparing to start Combat Hapkido in the late Winter (after a surgery on my thyroid that is suspicious for cancer) and just preparing for it mentally and physically is enhancing my life already -- and I have not even hit the mat yet! :high5:

What's really cool is that it is giving me a purpose and a goal to get through that darn surgery and do something fun that is going to benefit me both mentally and physically. I am already feeling some of the effects as I learn more by spending time on boards like this, work on my cardio and strength, work on flexibility, read books/magazines on MA and watch DVD's. I am having so much fun just putting myself there that I know it is going to give me the strength to get through my surgery and move towards my goal.

I definitely think it will continue to enhance my life. Cool stuff.
It gives me a reason to stay in good shape, I met most of my friends through it, I get a sense of acomplishment from it, and a few dozen other things.

So yes, it does.
I have said this before in similar threads but without MA (specifically CMA) it is likely I would be looking outside through the bars of my cell.

More balance, MUCH more calm. I was fine when I studied Jujitsu years ago but I forgot what my Sensei always told us about fighting for awhile and it was a hard lesson to relearn. I was taking TKD at that time but it, for some reason did not remind me of what my Jujitsu teacher had drilled into us. It was not until CMA that I started to calm down everywhere. It also could be I was older too but I had people tell me when I started CMA that I had changed or I seemed much calmer and I felt much more centered.

Martial arts has benefited me physically through hard training, built confidence and self esteem through building a skill, and some of my greatest friends and mentors I have met in martial arts. I have seen many a success story from my students who have made martial arts a part of their lives.
im sure that most of you will say that taking martial arts enhances your lives, but im interested in how? does it make you a more balanced or focused or calm or peaceful person? when you are training are you able to get into the physicality of it so much that you are able to tune out other things that may be in your mind competing for your attention?

I'm an anxious person and MA helps me a lot to focus and to be calm. Besides the obvious and typical things of "help me to control weight better, to be stronger, etc etc".

I don't need to travel due to my activities, so I don't know specifically how to help you with that, but I'm sure here you'll find good answers. Good luck! ;)
My gosh! I could write a freaking book about this! I started when I was 12, you see. I had the Perfect Teacher. Before learning TKD, I was a COMPLETE FAILURE at everything. The only thing I could manage was to make good enough grades.

I hated competitive sports, I was so inept!!! :tantrum: My Father, he must have been DISGUSTED when he enrolled me in a basketball team. It was pitiful!

Now, I don't do sports, baseball, basketball, none of that. To be quite honest, I never saw the point. It is just some empty game to me, usually. Now, later, I practiced a long time, hard, at this TKD. Never missing practice. My fellow students then told me I had good technique and was a good student. My Father also told me this. I know that it was some consolation to him, to see me be able to do the techniques good enough.

Once -- I was in the ninth grade, and we had the gym class. Hahahahaha -- everyone took me for some loser who could not manage this. We had a test. Part of the test was the pull-ups exercise. Some kind of chinups.

Hahaha -- these other kids did theirs, and then -- you can believe this or not, but I know it to be true. I did mine. And -- I beat them all! Hahahaha!
I also held my legs out straight! To show off! Some of them then said, "Oh, that is not correct, he has his legs out like that." Others said, "But that is more difficult!" I just jumped down, because I KNEW that I did my set better!

I also climbed some rope WITHOUT using the legs -- just upper body strength.
And, while I was doing it, the teacher said, "That's right -- use that upper body strength!" Ha!

Now, later the teacher said that I should get on some sports team of some sort, but, that did not interest me. I did not wish to try to explain, either. I just ignored them all! No use in anything else!

Now, I am not in that good shape now, and the brain changes as one ages, so my values change as well. I still enjoy this practice, but for different reasons.

I have left the school for a long time, but now I am back, and my fellow students -- some of them are still there -- they are of advanced rank now! 4th and 5th degree Black Belts! Instructors!

Such good times! It has been a Most Precious Thing to me!

Yes -- regarding the brain -- this TKD practice is like a meditative exercise. When you do the kicks, you must focus entirely on the kick. You do not think about such mundane things as "What will I eat tonight", or "What about that bill to pay". No, you focus ENTIRELY on what you are doing. This is like a "seed thought", it replaces all other thoughts!

When you then leave the Dojang, the mind is clear!
I wouldn't say that martial arts enhanced my life - i would say that it transformed my life.

I had a rough year in '06. My wife left me, which broke my heart. It got worse when someone else moved in....i basically flipped out. Fortunately i didn't do anything overly stupid. Unfortunately that combined with my pre-existing depression was not a good combination. For about 6 months i sat around feeling sorry for myself. Prior to this i was in bad physical shape but this made it even worse.....

Then i took a weeks leave from work - and proceeded to sit around feeling sorry for myself. But during that week something finally clicked - i decided that i was sick and tired of being sad and depressed and that i was going to start living life. I took a 3 step approach:
1 - Get back in shape
2 - Get socially active
3 - Get active in the community.
After attempting gyms and the such to fill the first point i walked into a dojo - i watched, i went home and researched and within a week i was signed up and a white belt.

Now i train 4 times a week and hit the gym once a week just to help out.
My life rotates around my training. It's brought a focus and calmness into my life. My mates sometimes get annoyed with me because i'm never avaliable because i'm training.

The funny thing is the people i train with have similar stories - that they took it up for this reason or that reason and now it's a vital part of their lives.

So my warning to people who consider taking up an art is simple - it's addictive. If you get the bug you won't be able to stop it.

But as i said, it didn't enhance my life - it transformed my life.
Studying Tae Kwon Do has definitely transformed my life. However, I should clarify that. To me, the arts that do a better job of enhancing your life are the so-called "Do" arts-arts ending in Do. They are purposely designed to enhance your life holistically, rather than simply teach a set of techniques.
But yes, I could not imagine my life without Tae Kwon Do.