Does Anyone Know the Traditional Kata For This Weapon?

I'm starting a petition drive - everyone in the UK please call your MP; in the US please call your Senator/Representative - this is getting too dangerous, and we must BAN HEDGEHOGS!
I'm starting a petition drive - everyone in the UK please call your MP; in the US please call your Senator/Representative - this is getting too dangerous, and we must BAN HEDGEHOGS!

I share your fears but think we need to be a little circumspect about this. It is necessary only to ban samurai and samurai-style hedgehogs!!
Maybe we can ban automatic hedgehogs (with more than 100 spines), or at LEAST mandate a background investigation and a waiting period! Even then, I am not sure I know how, if I get a permit, I could possibly conceal one.

I think you are probably right, though, Steel tiger - after all, if hedgehogs are outlawed, then only outlaws will have hedgehogs.
Well it looks like I finally settled the debate once and for all:

Upon whipping a hedgehog as hard as i could into a sidewalk, it bounced and not a scratch on the pavement.

So the answer is definitive:

As much as these storefront McPetStore owners would like to fantasize about it--Hedgehogs just DON'T WORK ON THE STREET.
I just read the article.

How much did the hedgehog weigh? He threw the animal 16 feet.

FIVE years in prison if convicted.
Go ahead laugh it up guys but this is a real threat. There was a bully on my block when I was a kid who used to throw the family cat at his victims. It always seemed to hit feet first and cling for dear life, sinking its claws deeply into the unfortunate target!

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