Do you know this guy in the video? I bet you do

They do train, that is why I applaud them for actually uploading something productive for once instead of the usual "this style sucks yada yada" rhetoric.

My response to someone telling me "karate sucks bro" is usually"pfft your mom sucks" then that leads to a fight that I tend to win or they wuss out of, or we simply agree to disagree and both go our own ways, it really depends on the individual.

We are very different people, I understand that.
Well that's a stupid thing to say in a response. In one of your threads you claimed you hate getting into fights well the more stuff I read from you the more I feel you kind of do come across as asking for it. Someone says karate sucks you say sure whatever you say man. That way there's no fight
See, here's the thing. When you say you don't like TKD because it lacks things like punching, elbow strikes, and trapping, what you're really saying is "I don't like TKD because I didn't know that TKD has all these things."
Maybe other people also say things out of ignorance.
Maybe the problem isn't that people say ignorant things.

But why go around displaying said ignorance all over the internet? I don't do that and I am willing to be corrected. My experience with Tae Kwon Do is very limited so when someone like you comes by and educates me about it I accept it.
Well that's a stupid thing to say in a response. In one of your threads you claimed you hate getting into fights well the more stuff I read from you the more I feel you kind of do come across as asking for it. Someone says karate sucks you say sure whatever you say man. That way there's no fight

Sorry I didn't mean fight as in seriously try to hurt eachother, more like spar with them.
But why go around displaying said ignorance all over the internet? I don't do that and I am willing to be corrected. My experience with Tae Kwon Do is very limited so when someone like you comes by and educates me about it I accept it.

Perhaps they don't know they are ignorant, perhaps like you they think they have the truth of it. Perhaps if we watched you doing light sparring and pad work we'd think you worse than them.
Sorry I didn't mean fight as in seriously try to hurt eachother, more like spar with them.

That's no better. What exactly are you trying to prove and to whom?
Perhaps they don't know they are ignorant, perhaps like you they think they have the truth of it. Perhaps if we watched you doing light sparring and pad work we'd think you worse than them.

I have seen myself spar, I am not like them at all, but I will still accept the criticism as I have done before. For example my bag work videos, I have learned a lot from the critiques I have gotten.
I have seen myself spar, I am not like them at all, but I will still accept the criticism as I have done before. For example my bag work videos, I have learned a lot from the critiques I have gotten.

That's your opinion, don't you see? You think you are fine, well, so do they. You posted your own videos, someone else posted theirs, they aren't here to answer any questions, they aren't here to take or refute any comments/criticism, we are talking about them behind their backs. Their video has been posted up with 'oh look how funny these guys are', would you be happy if that had happened to you? If you consider their opinion to be wrong, say so by all means but you cannot say their opinion is a slander/libel just because you don't like it.
A critique of their techniques would be in order but ranting because you think it was a personal insult is just plain doolally.
That's your opinion, don't you see? You think you are fine, well, so do they. You posted your own videos, someone else posted theirs, they aren't here to answer any questions, they aren't here to take or refute any comments/criticism, we are talking about them behind their backs. Their video has been posted up with 'oh look how funny these guys are', would you be happy if that had happened to you? If you consider their opinion to be wrong, say so by all means but you cannot say their opinion is a slander/libel just because you don't like it.
A critique of their techniques would be in order but ranting because you think it was a personal insult is just plain doolally.
To be fair iron bear is the only one here actually going off on them the op just posted the video and apart from ironbear there's not really been any insulting comments
I am more enjoying the cruel irony of the situation than bearing any ill will towards them. It was just bound to happen.

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To be fair iron bear is the only one here actually going off on them the op just posted the video and apart from ironbear there's not really been any insulting comments

I know, but the point is still the same, those chaps aren't here to defend themselves... which would be 'interesting'
I am more enjoying the cruel irony of the situation than bearing any ill will towards them. It was just bound to happen.

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It would have happened even if they turned out to be the best we'd ever seen!
I know, but the point is still the same, those chaps aren't here to defend themselves... which would be 'interesting'

I talked to them on their YouTube channel before. Its not as I i think they are the worst people ever. I just think the situation is funny, they acted like they were some high authority on martial arts and in reality they are not even that good at it.

I applaud them for posting an actual training video though becuase that is something actually respectable.
But they want to make videos insulting martial art styles hey whatever your into who are we to judge anyone's choices

Apparently they think they are an authority to judge becuase their entire Channel is practically about that.
But why go around displaying said ignorance all over the internet? I don't do that and I am willing to be corrected. My experience with Tae Kwon Do is very limited so when someone like you comes by and educates me about it I accept it.

So an opinion is formed based on inadequate and inaccurate information, and then that opinion is posted on the internet.
Am I describing what they did, what you did, or both?

Every once in awhile it comes up.

Something you might want to think about...
To be fair, we only see what appears to be what I would call kind of "step sparring," which is really just going through the motions. I'm not sure how "dangerous" any of us would appear under those circumstances. However, when you make blanket statements like "this art sucks" then what do you expect?

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To be fair iron bear is the only one here actually going off on them the op just posted the video and apart from ironbear there's not really been any insulting comments
ha ha ha. only because I haven't said what I truly think and not because I haven't thought it.
What ironbear said was kind in comparison to what I really think about their performance and of them as people in the context of how they put others down.

I'm not shocked that Ironbear feels the way he does or said what he said about them. People have said far worst than what Ironbear commented. I'm not sure how anyone can say the things that these guys do and not expect to have someone say something nasty in return.

I personally have very little respect for those 2 guys and that's putting it politely. My reason for posting the video was because it was ironic that they put so many people down about what they do and they talk really bad about other fighting systems, but they fall extremely short when it comes to demonstrating any expertise. I'll voice my opinions about them at a later date, probably in reference to why stance training and footwork is important. It'll save me time from editing and uploading a video of one of the students from my school.
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My reason for posting the video was because it was ironic that they put so many people down about what they do and they talk really bad about other fighting systems,

Is this the place to do it though? Are we to be become like Bullshido now?
Going back to the original topic, I don't mind the guys in the video having opinions on the other styles of Martial Arts, but the way they speak and present their arguments is quite frankly disrespectful and ignorant. It's not like they say "We believe that [insert style here] is not good for self-defense because [insert reason here]." They more often than not just say "[insert style here] lovely sucks and all people who practice it are idiots and/or fake Martial Artists." They aren't presenting opinions in this, they are talking as if what they say is simple fact. That is what I hate, especially from 2 guys who have a very limited understanding of Martial Arts. I mean, just look at their "top 10 Martial Arts" video, where their number one pick is MMA......That just says it all really. News flash! MMA is not a style, it is purely a term used to describe anyone who fights using multiple different styles. I could combine Hung Gar with Taekwondo and that would be MMA.

And yes Tez3, I am going to defend the art I practice, and couldn't give a damn if you believe we should be above such things or not. Granted, I'm not going to go as far as challenge them to a fight because that won't solve the issue, but at the same time I'm not going to just let them slander and disrespect the art I love. Ignorance is no excuse for disrespecting what someone else does. The thing about these 2 is they feel safe posting their videos on the internet, where nobody can hurt them. I doubt they will have the guts to go into a Martial Arts school and say those things, because chances are they will come out of it in a full body cast. That's why in their crusade to expose "fake Martial Arts", they go in using fake names and take part in the class as if they are brand new and wanting to learn. If you are so confident in your skills and beliefs then why not just go in there and ask to spar with them? People will respect you a lot more for that than sneaking around with your hidden cameras.
And yes Tez3, I am going to defend the art I practice, and couldn't give a damn if you believe we should be above such things or not.

And yes, I'm sure you are but unlike some you aren't working yourself into a frenzy and wanting to beat them up. You are also taking it that they are disrespecting your art not disrespecting you, there's a difference.

You've also stated that MMA isn't a style, which many would dispute so it's not actually a statement it's an opinion, just like theirs.

If we are going to turn into Bullshido, it would be a great shame. Perhaps their videos shouldn't have been posted on here in the first place then we wouldn't have come to this, you could have argued on their video site or Bullshido itself rather than here.
And yes, I'm sure you are but unlike some you aren't working yourself into a frenzy and wanting to beat them up. You are also taking it that they are disrespecting your art not disrespecting you, there's a difference.

You've also stated that MMA isn't a style, which many would dispute so it's not actually a statement it's an opinion, just like theirs.

If we are going to turn into Bullshido, it would be a great shame. Perhaps their videos shouldn't have been posted on here in the first place then we wouldn't have come to this, you could have argued on their video site or Bullshido itself rather than here.

MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts, which to me can be any combination of Martial Arts in the world. To me it is a term for a collection of styles rather than a single individual style. Other people only see MMA as the very small selection of styles you see in UFC and MMA tournaments. As to the topic not being discussed here, I believe issues regarding respect of other's art should be discussed, as there is too much friction and animosity between the different styles, and especially between MMA fighters and Traditional Martial Artists. Ignoring these issues isn't going to make them go away, and I believe that as long as personal gripes and egos are kept out of it, there is no harm in discussing this.