Do you carry a blade on a regular basis?

Do you carry a blade regularly?

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Crazy like a...
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The FMAs have a rich history of blade training.

How many of you folks carry a blade, for whatever reason, on a regular basis?
Personally, I do carry. While my primary motivation is self-protection, I've found it to be very convenient to carry something that can cut through tye-wraps and open boxes upon demand.
I carry one for self protection and little odds and ends that may come up.
Ken Onion chive very useful for opening boxes. I see a lot of talk about knives for protection but statistically it doesn't happen much. If I really thought I needed protection I'd get a concealed carry permit and walk with a cane.

I carry a small folder all the time. Not so much for SD, but for the tons of useful things you can do with them.
Ken Onion chive very useful for opening boxes. I see a lot of talk about knives for protection but statistically it doesn't happen much. If I really thought I needed protection I'd get a concealed carry permit and walk with a cane.


I sure hope my fortune is consistent with those statistics, Jeff. :asian:

Statistically, where I work in southern New Hampshire, crime doesn't happen very much either. It's one of the safest areas in the metropolitain areas in the entire nation (FBI Uniform Crime Report, 2003).

Apparantly someone forgot to tell that to the badass that approached me at the gas station a few weeks back. :lfao:
I carry a tactical folder to open boxes and do other little jobs. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I carry always and consider it a "tool" not a weapon. However if the need arises... then the latter designation is used for it. :D
The thing is... so much stuff these days is seriously overpackaged that if you don't have a blade, and a sharp one at that, you may never be able to open that package of headache pills/screwdriver set/pack of florescent green highlighters you just bought. The way merchandise has become embedded in layers of plastic that seem to have been tightly molded around it means that without a good knife at hand, you'll probably have to use your teeth on the damned things (with no guarantee that that will work...)
I carry two, one fixed blade for SD that doesn't get used for anything, and a cheap CRKT folder for utility stuff, but it could easily be pressed into SD service as well.

Whenever I am not at work. Strict rules against it (but I may forget form time to time :)

May I ask what you do for a living? The only jobs I could think of where such a restrcition would be legitamate would be working in corrections or mental health environments where absolutely no weapons are allowed at all, lest they should be taken from you.
unless you count my swiss army knife, which i don't.

i have some tactical folders i will carry if i'm going someplace i don't know well. my daily life just doesn't bring me into spaces where i need it.

now, when i was living in an albuquerque neighborhood affectionately called the 'war zone', that was different.

these days i hardly ever leave my suburban coccoon.
I carry a small Case pocketknife generally. The only time I carry anything bigger, such as a Buck folding hunter, I am in the woods.
Hey Stan,

Lots of private companies have rules that do not allow you to have
any form of bladed tools.

DOE rules restrict most workers knives at their facilities by size-it's down to 2.5" blade length, now (it was 3.5" when I started at the Lab), and some facilities are not allowing blades to be brought in at all, as in, if you need one it's already on site in a toolbox or the tool room.

Funnily enough, though, most facilities that have kitchenettes have a motley collection of kitchen knives that violate this rule big time......