Do science, get reported to the government as a terrorist

heretic888 said:
Perhaps somebody could give some specific examples of these atheist thinktanks or atheist movements that I've never heard of??

Well, it's been an entire week and not a single example has been given of these widespread atheist "movements".

That, to me, is very telling.

heretic888 said:
Well, it's been an entire week and not a single example has been given of these widespread atheist "movements".

That, to me, is very telling.


"Athiests make poor suicide bombers..."

Bumper Sticker on the back of a VW
heretic888 said:
It seems to me that what many Christians are perceiving as an attack on "their religion" are really attempts to enforce the Separation of Church and State. Most Christians that I have met are actually behind such democratic principles. It is only a rather neurotic, yet politically powerful, minority that seems to be huffin' and puffin' about the whole situation.

Sorry, guys, but I just don't see it. And, while I don't agree with Marginal's vitriole about the subject, I am inclined to agree with his general perspective of the situation. Perhaps somebody could give some specific examples of these atheist thinktanks or atheist movements that I've never heard of??

I won't defend my sputtering incoherancy, 'cause that's what it largely was, but what got me angry, is what the other side's supposed to be doing that triggers these fanatical outbursts. As far as I can tell, it's simply the act of being blocked from being able to force Christianity onto the public at large through whatever means possible is the persecution being cited. The Air Force Academy, ignorant whining about prayer in school, the judge with his weeping 10 commantment fans on the courthouse steps, the phrase "Happy Holidays" etc are all examples of this constant attack on Christianity.

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