ed-swckf said:Thats a new one on me. I don't think he ever stopped training the wing chun he had learnt though.
I read somewhere that when Bruce Lee was filming his last movie b4 leaving this earth, he decided to re-visit one of Yip Man's senior students in Hong Kong and learn some more.
This article indicated that Bruce Lee realized that a lot of his natural fighting abilities depended on distance, speed, and youth. Bruce came to the self knowledge that one day he too would be frail and old like Yip Man and, knew speed and distance would not be on his side forever. Bruce Lee came to the conclusion that there was way more to Wing Chun and martial arts than what he already knew. So he decided to study and train in Wing Chun even more in order to develop more of the internal energy, unfortunately he died before the fruits of his labor could blossum.
I don't know if i can find this article ever again