DF: What is more powerful: capital punishment or martial virtue?

Clark Kent

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Sep 11, 2006
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What is more powerful: capital punishment or martial virtue?
By ancestor000 - 12-21-2010 04:25 AM
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


Capital punishment sure as anything has two sides. On the one it deters individuals to commit crimes which are likely to be punished with death. On the other hand it adds to any virtue the element of cowardice.
So: does a country/nation need to get rid of the capital punishment first before its (martial) virtues come into full blossom?
Capital derives from the latin word for head (the word race, by the way derives frome the arab word ras which also means head)...Kualalumpur? Is it a capital?
The semantic combination and its practical meaning ss deeply rooted in the bodies&heads of the people who live in capital cities which are located in states which entertain capital punishment.
Every city has a councel...a redundant one, when it comes to freedom of choice. Convicts are not to choose their way of dying, are they? Why? Because nobody is brave enough to grant them this last choice.


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