Department of Interior allows carry in National Parks!

Yes, more GOOD people with guns. Those wishing to do harm don't care about laws and ignore them (a definition of being a criminal, right?)

Oh and one fly in the ointment as for the National Park regulation change. It turns out it does not cover buildings. Seems those are regulated by Congress, and it will, litteraly, take an act of Congress to change. But as long as you don't enter the vistor center, it's legal.

You guys want to know why the regulation was changed? Christmas Mountains in Texas, that's why. Seems the NP service wants it 'donated' to them and Texas made a stipulation it's a no go unless citizens can still carry guns there, just like they do now.

Funny how money motivates the government.

Yes, more GOOD people with guns. Those wishing to do harm don't care about laws and ignore them (a definition of being a criminal, right?)


I think that allowing people to carry is a good thing... especially those who enjoy hiking deep within the park's interior. There are still wild things out there than can hurt you. Having that edge take off the edge and allows one to enjoy the park better without having to worry too much about being defenseless... still folks still need to keep their awareness levels up high while admiring the views.
Hopefully this will prove to be an inconsequential thing and they'll be no incidents which will cause the Park Service to regret their decision for the change.

This is a nice change, but I wonder if it will be overturned when the new administration takes over next year.