Originally posted by yilisifu
I think we have to begin by insisting, through letters or by whatever means available, that the martial arts media stop exploiting the kind of hype we see with the UFC and other events and teachers who are frauds or who, at the very least, have no real interest in promoting or preserving the integrity and true spirit of our arts.
I think people will always have a deep seated perversion that will draw them to gladiatorial games... To paraphrase
Field of Dreams, "if you promote it, they will come..."
I think "martial entertainment" is fine, but when it gets passed off for the real thing then we have a problem... I don't doubt that the fighters in UFC and other copycat productions can handle themselves well (you don't see
me trying out for that *****, do you??? Not likely!), but is it martial
We have to make our feelings known to tournament promoters who hold events wherein we find as many as 20 or more form divisions (to keep everyone happy); ie., southern short fist, northern long fist, Yang Taiji, Wu Taiji, Chen Taiji, blah, blah, blah. And events such as competitive Push-Hands (??? C'mon, guys, get real - push hands was never a competitive event as far as I know) - which we laughingly referred to as "Greco-Roman Push-Hands - or competitive Chi-Sau (ditto)........or putting on boxing gloves and armor for sparring which looks like very sloppy muay-thai (I've seen better fights in a schoolyard) instead of real, traditional martial arts......
I remember when I first started training... There were homegrown, local tournaments constantly from about August until around February. You couldn't help but hear of a new tournament every few weeks.
Now it seems that unless there are sponsors crawling out of the woodwork and tons of greenbacks to be had, nobody puts on tournaments at all...
When I first went to tournaments, there were good friends to be had, good fights to fight, good names to be made... Occasionally there was also the "arch-enemy" to earn as well. As years progressed, there was less of the cameraderie and more competition... Not sure I care(d) for that much...
But I've made this art my life and I'm here for the duration. Whatever I can do to help, I will do.
As my teacher speaks, so too must I volunteer to fix what ails our community... I think forums like this are one (small) step toward doing just that. But we need to make such feelings more public, ingrain these attitudes on our students so that their students carry the torch further...
Sooo... Anybody up in Washington State care to put together a friendly tournament? I'll do whatever I can to help, and I won't even charge a dime...