Dear Georgie, Tanks for the Memories......

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
This morning my dad, his wife and I visited the Patton Museum at Fort Knox. A wonderful memorial to the armed services and the legacy of one of America's foremost commanders.

I took a ton of shots, here are a few.

If you're planning on visiting and seeing the huge collection of mostly functional tanks from WWI through today, go soon. Congress is moving the armour school and along with it most of the collection of armour. :(


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Awesome, I've always been more fascinated with German armor than I have with Allied armor... probably because the German tanks and SPG were more intimidating (which was part of their design)... they were mighty and if circumstances had been in their favor they'd really kicked ***.

Cool pics to be sure... You're a man of great talent Bob and it's showing more and more.
Great photos Bob. I'd love to get up close to one of those things sometime. I stood a few feet from an F117 once and spent a ton of time aboard aircraft carriers but there's just something cool about a tank.
Hello, I believe the name "Tank" came from the British army..during WW1...

There were seaking there secret weapon to the enemy lines (dress as water get closer with a disgiuse....

Hence...the name today "Tanks".....
Hooker came from General Hooker...he took a force of soldiers to them with girls.....came back home with some of the girls...known as "hooker's girls" just "hooker's) after the civil war..

A lady nearby...passed away...mention she was a relative of General Hooker's family line........

Anyone for "Bazooga" knows? .....
