DayLight Savings Time

Originally posted by KenpoTess
October 26th 2 am Sunday... Turn those clocks back if you live in the DST regions.

I sure hate it getting dark so early *growls*

Get the whip out! :eek:
I hate the whole damn stupid thing. I just start to get adjusted to having no daylight and then we change the clock again.:rolleyes: That hour really messes up my sleep.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I hate the whole damn stupid thing. I just start to get adjusted to having no daylight and then we change the clock again.:rolleyes: That hour really messes up my sleep.

Good, now I know when to attack, he's at his weakest!:D
I 2 hate the time change. These politicians should grow a pair, and go through the books and get rid of all that clogs the system, or off with their heads:soapbox:
As long as other people have it, though, it's pretty annoying not having it here. The TV shows shift times, I can never remember if I'm on the same time as my parents in NY or's an aggravation.
The only thing that ever really bothered me about the change was the fact the Indiana,as already stated, doesn't change. When I was driving for a company that ran 48 states and had a delivery in the state it always messed me up on my drivers log and cost me an hour of time for sleep to get the load there on time. Chicago doesn't change either. I don't know if that's the entire state of Illinois or just the area around the windy city.
Even though I don't need to change my clocks, MartialTalk is now giving me the wrong time! I have to change my settings on it. :mad:

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