darn stereotypes!!!

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in the past month. i have witness people talk about martial arts. some talked to me and some talked to others. what i hear are stupid stereotypes like "u do kung fu or karate?" or they get in that Karate Kid stance. one of the things that make me mad the most is when the do that "wwwwwhooooooooooooaaaaa" sound. i wished theyd understand.:asian:

and there are people out there who actually think that martial arts is weak. and whoever joins is a bad fighter. they always want to challenge you. :mad:

i simply just try to tell them what MA is about. but ill just save me energy

do u guys have any stereo types u hate?
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson

in the past month. i have witness people talk about martial arts. some talked to me and some talked to others. what i hear are stupid stereotypes like "u do kung fu or karate?" or they get in that Karate Kid stance. one of the things that make me mad the most is when the do that "wwwwwhooooooooooooaaaaa" sound. i wished theyd understand.:asian:

and there are people out there who actually think that martial arts is weak. and whoever joins is a bad fighter. they always want to challenge you. :mad:

i simply just try to tell them what MA is about. but ill just save me energy

do u guys have any stereo types u hate?

I hate when someone finds out you do martial arts and they say, "Well, I'd better not pick a fight with you then!"

So, what? You would have picked a fight if I didn't do martial arts?

My favourite question is, "Have you ever had to use it?"
My answer, "Everyday in everything I do!"


i think peoples stupidity bothers me the most. the old saying still holds true..."you cant teach an old dog new tricks."

they always have a comment to provoke you, or put what you are doing down. people mock what they don't understand...how sad :(
TKD blows
boxing is better
BJJ is king
traditionalists can't fight
do a quadruple spinning kick
throw a fireball
throw a hadoken
many other stereotypes...

The only stereotype that I've heard that even has little truth in it is that it doesn't matter what belt you have, you don't need one to fight well. That's true, especially in the West. Although in the East, it has a little more indication on skill.
Originally posted by Marginal

The whole "TKD sucks" crowd gets kinda boring...


I just don't let people know I do martial arts unless I know they'll be cool about it. It's not that important to let people know because of the whole "so beat my *** then!" thing. Waste of my time and breath.

Basically, they don't bother me because I don't advertise it. No reason to worry about it.
The whole "TKD sucks" thing or "TKD is just a sport, not good for self defense" thing is getting old fast. I just wanna "show" them that it's not true (besides the McDojangs). I always say that it's not the martial art, it's the person practicing it. If you training like s**t, you'll get your @$$ kicked. If you train hard, work hard at what you are doing, you'll be good. Plain and simple. That goes for any martial art.
People who have no understand of somthing say it has no value? ok......(puzzled look)

I once was told that MA's only works aginst other people who study MA's but it would never work aginst some one untrained. Unfortunatly I could not think of a stunning reply to this so I asked the guy to come by our dojo and take a look some time and see what he thinks.

Despair Bear
Interesting. I've been studying ninpo for two years now and nobody has even hinted about challenging me in any way. Most have never heard of ninpo and they ask if its like (insert MA of choice here).

The closest is my work companions. They've asked me to show them something or other and I'll usually do a joint lock of some kind (painful :D ). Now, most of my co-workers are afraid of me in that respect, especially if I say something like, "Hey, let me show you this one..."
The guy doing the interview kept making the dumbist remarks.

"You know me, Crouching Tiger, Hidden JEFF"
"Better watch what I say about you I guess!"
:OOOOOOo, bet you are tough."

Really, he was nuts.
Gou was there, ask him!!
Gou came up afterwards and asked if we felt like we really should have smacked him around after the interview.
What an idiot.
theres a thing going on that make ppl think boxers can kick MAists a$$. this thing is called tv. on tv, boxers are are these huge guys with power punches. while MAist are these petite guys with abs and high kicks. peple often get the wrong idea that huge boxer guys have the advantage over the MAist.
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson

theres a thing going on that make ppl think boxers can kick MAists a$$. this thing is called tv. on tv, boxers are are these huge guys with power punches. while MAist are these petite guys with abs and high kicks. peple often get the wrong idea that huge boxer guys have the advantage over the MAist.

They do.
In a word (2 actually), WHO CARES!!!

I honestly could give a fat rats clacker about how people stereotype what I do. I do it because I love it not to impress anyone else. Everyone has a right to their opinion and we should respect that. If someone asks me about how tough I am now or what would I do in a certain situation I just tell them that I am about to show them a Special Hidden
Instructors Technique and then I take the karate kid stance or some other movie type stance. Get a sense of humour guys. If such small and insignificant issues bother you how do you cope when something that really matters happens?

Just Some Thoughts

Originally posted by RyuShiKan

And how is that?

Said best with plagiarism:
Boxers are tough, are used to getting hit, train against unco-operative opponents and hit really hard. Quite frankly, most MArtists don't train that way.

Most martial artists have to pull techniques or someone could
be seriuosly injured or worse which can be habit forming.

A boxer may have less techniques than most martial artists but that allows them to truly master every punch in their
omg... I hear stuff like this all the time...

my grad school prof tried to break the ice in the class by having us play the game "two truths and a lie" you have to tell two true things about yourself and one lie, and the class guesses which is the lie. I said "I sang back-up for Michael Crawford at the Hollywood Bowl, I've taken karate lessons for more than ten years, and I have my pilot's license."

Every single person in class thought the karate was the lie. It wasn't, of course.

My professor, upon hearing that the karate was true, held up his hands, backed away and told the class "don't piss her off." I just laughed and told him that just because I knew how to fight doesn't mean that I go around starting fights.
Hehe there is a McDojo at the rec center and I know this might sound cruel but bare with my adolesence.

There are a bunch of kids in there that are say little-man syndrome who are not the toughest of the bunch and I commend them for taking up MA but its funny to watch their instructor throw kicks and for the kids maybe 1 or 2 years under me spar with each other.

Its just odd to see someone so untrained with a high ranking belt on and him probably thinking that me watching is strange. I've seen them eyeball me same with the instructor when I watch and I think that he thinks that I am interested in joining or something?

But I would never join this dojo :( No way lol. Its just to horrible to imagine grrr. I just wish I could spar some of there kids. There is 1 junior black belt instructor that is like 16 , 17 that looks of decent skill.
A boxer masters 5, maybe 6 techniques (jab,hook,cross, rip, uppercutand maybe the overhand punch) and defends only against punches. Their opponents are predetermined so they can train for their opponents weaknesses and have a whole bunch of rules to fight by and only certain targets to hit. Yes they do punch hard and this may transcend well to some degree in the street but once they're no longer in a range where they can punch they're screwed. Boxing isn't all that and full contact sparring isn't the best and only way to learn to defend yourself. Lastly, who wants to end up with irreversable brain damage for the sake of some glory or even in the name of self defence.

Just some thoughts

Originally posted by muayThaiPerson

in the past month. i have witness people talk about martial arts. some talked to me and some talked to others. what i hear are stupid stereotypes like "u do kung fu or karate?" or they get in that Karate Kid stance. one of the things that make me mad the most is when the do that "wwwwwhooooooooooooaaaaa" sound. i wished theyd understand.:asian:

and there are people out there who actually think that martial arts is weak. and whoever joins is a bad fighter. they always want to challenge you. :mad:

i simply just try to tell them what MA is about. but ill just save me energy

do u guys have any stereo types u hate?

When they pull that and take that wide bruce lee stance I just kick them right in the nuts and walk away.
The one I get rankled at the most is the "my style can beat your style" or "is a [insert style here] practitioner better than a [insert style here] practitioner?".

Ya just can't compare styles like that.....it isn't that easy. 'Course, you see this all the time, where people compare sports stars, movie stars, etc. It's all subjective, for the most part.

The other one I like is when people mention to me that they are interested in the martial arts, and have "done some research" on the MA. Then they ask me what I do. When I tell them I study Kenpo, I almost always get "Oh, is that like....". Yeah. Just like it. Except that it's different. :rolleyes:

Stupidity in most forms bothers me. I don't handle stupid people well. If someone asks a legitimate question, no problem, even if they are asking about something that they know nothing about. As long as they are *honest* about it. I admit, I don't know everything, and I am not afraid to look like a dolt, asking the most basic of questions. That, I can handle......but, if you're going to ask questions, think a bit before opening yer mouth, okies?

Sheesh. I sound like a grumpy old man....hehe.....

Anyway, there ya go.

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