Dakota Meyer, Medal of Honor recipient, sues BAE for defamation of character.

I think there's two issues here and please don't get mad!
I assume in this case that he's being called unstable etc because he questioned the company, I hope he wins his case if this is so.

The other side is that many veterans are coming back from Afghan and Iraq suffering mental problems and are drinking too much to cope, we see it here a lot now. It's a forgotten and often ignored problem that many brave service personnel are being left to cope with on their own. If this chap was as they describe him they have a duty of care ( morally if not legally as we have) to see that he is found help not just give him a bad reference.
Im not mad he applied for a new job and his old job told them what they thought of his work. Happens 1000's of times a day. I wish more former employers would be honest in evaluations and not be afraid to tell the truth. Just because you win a medal does not exempt you from doing your job well.

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