Crapping all over your dreams...



This 'freind' of mine was driving me home this one day after watching me spar with some buddies. She told me that I should forget about my dream of competing in the mixed martial arts. She didn't think I could cut it.

:rpo: :snipe2: :rpo:

But instead of discouraging me, this only made me angry, then it gave me motivation to prove her wrong.

Has anybody else had an experience like this? How did you deal with it?

I don't know if it was her motivation or not...but that can be an excellent negative motivation i.e. 'I'll show her!'...and then you do.

There is an excellent book called 'Boundries in marriage'. In it is states that you can't control what is said to you...but you can control how you receive it.

Go for it :asian:
It probably happens more than you know. I always hear; won't you quit that crap already or my favorite; what are you ever going to do with this stuff. Just my pet peeves.
Compete all you want, nobody else should care but you. I think she was more concerned on your physical well-being or the amount of time it detracts from other activities. Or, if you think you have a good future (career) in MMA but you really don't... Kids have dreams of being in the NBA, the NFL, etc., but how many make it?

But if you're doing this for yourself, and nobody else, then you should be fine.
Originally posted by MartialArtist
Compete all you want, nobody else should care but you. I think she was more concerned on your physical well-being or the amount of time it detracts from other activities. Or, if you think you have a good future (career) in MMA but you really don't... Kids have dreams of being in the NBA, the NFL, etc., but how many make it?

But if you're doing this for yourself, and nobody else, then you should be fine.

I know this girl. When she said to give it up, I asked her if it was because she thinks I wouldn't be able to make it, and she said yes. I'm sure she cares about my welfare a bit, but in this context, it means she thinks I suck, and always will. I may not look good now, but I'm only at 5% of my potential, probably less.

The NBA and NFL are big professional leagues, comparable to the UFC or Pride. I don't have to be in the UFC. I just want to compete. I don't care if it's the smallest league in the world. My passion is fighting. And I am doing it mostly for my self. But also, it's to show those who believe and don't believe in me that I can do it.
Originally posted by chaosomega
I know this girl. When she said to give it up, I asked her if it was because she thinks I wouldn't be able to make it, and she said yes. I'm sure she cares about my welfare a bit, but in this context, it means she thinks I suck, and always will. I may not look good now, but I'm only at 5% of my potential, probably less.

The NBA and NFL are big professional leagues, comparable to the UFC or Pride. I don't have to be in the UFC. I just want to compete. I don't care if it's the smallest league in the world. My passion is fighting. And I am doing it mostly for my self. But also, it's to show those who believe and don't believe in me that I can do it.
Then you should be fine, don't worry what others tell you. If they tell you that you suck, then laugh it off. Don't think about taking revenge by showing everyone, that attitude won't do you any good... Blind passion is useless. You need to be smart, train smart, and play smart. Then the wins will take care of themselves and you will show everyone without even thinking about it.

You only get one shot at life. And it goes both ways.
Take her input as a point of concern for yourself, and think it over, really good.

The choises you do now will relfect THE REST of your life.

If you want to prove her worng, OK.
If you want to listen to her, OK
If you want to do something third or a combination of alle three, OK.

But , reflect on it. She's on the outside, your on the inside. Some people on the outside have pretty good perception.

I'm not trying to take your training away from you, just broadning your horisant.

I don't know how well versed in MMA this girl is, but take that into consideration also. When UFC first aired there where a lot of people who didn't understand how much goes into MMA. When Royce came out and laid on his back, most people were like, What the.......? There still are alot of people out there like that, they just don't know.

We get comments like that alot when we get the PPV events and invite someone new to join us. They think if you are not punching the heck out of someone, you are not winning.

It seems to me you are confident in your abilities and in my opinion that is the biggest factor to overcome to become involved in MMA. Good Luck.

-Jason Johnson
This is just my opinion and it comes from experience in my own life. But what the hell gives any person the right to piss on someone's dreams or goals? As long as you know what you are doing in the sense of dreams and goals no one can take that away from you. And here is a couple of quotes I like to read that puts it in perspective.

"Right now I can project my thoughts into the future. I can see ahead of me. I dream (remeber that practical dreamers never quit). I may now own nothing but a little place down in a basement, but once my imagination has got up a full head of steam, I can see painted on a canvas in my mind a picture of a fine, big five- or six- story Gung Fu Institute with branches all over the States....I am not easily discouraged, readily visualize myself as overcoming obstacles, winning out over set backs, achieving "impossible" objectives" ----- ----- ---- Bruce Lee

"My will to do springs from the knowledge that I CAN DO. I'm only being natural, for there is no fear or doubt inside my mind."
---- ----- ----- Bruce Lee

Originally posted by chaosomega
:rpo: :snipe2: :rpo:

But instead of discouraging me, this only made me angry, then it gave me motivation to prove her wrong.

Has anybody else had an experience like this? How did you deal with it?


Yes. When I was a senior in high school, I had a teacher who stood up in front of the class on the first day and told us we were all losers for not taking AP British Lit. (AP = college credit class you can take in high get college credit if you take the test at the end of the year and pass) That teacher's attitude really made me mad. I took the AP test without even taking the class, and passed. That summer, I got a story published in a journal... and part of the author's note read "This one is for Mrs. C., who told me I'd never accomplish anything. Thanks for the kick in the rear." I then sent a copy to the school. She actually called me and apologized.

The thing is... I got so involved with showing this other person that they were wrong, that I really didn't take the time to appreciate my own accomplishment and focus on what I had achieved. Instead, I turned it into a way to embarrass someone else. It was a satisfying feeling, but I can't help but wonder what it would've been like if I'd just focused on what I had achieved, rather than on how it would make someone else feel.

Just focus on yourself and what you plan on doing... if you happen to prove her wrong in the process, just smile and move on.
Originally posted by ChineseKempoAL
This is just my opinion and it comes from experience in my own life. But what the hell gives any person the right to piss on someone's dreams or goals? As long as you know what you are doing in the sense of dreams and goals no one can take that away from you. And here is a couple of quotes I like to read that puts it in perspective.

"Right now I can project my thoughts into the future. I can see ahead of me. I dream (remeber that practical dreamers never quit). I may now own nothing but a little place down in a basement, but once my imagination has got up a full head of steam, I can see painted on a canvas in my mind a picture of a fine, big five- or six- story Gung Fu Institute with branches all over the States....I am not easily discouraged, readily visualize myself as overcoming obstacles, winning out over set backs, achieving "impossible" objectives" ----- ----- ---- Bruce Lee

"My will to do springs from the knowledge that I CAN DO. I'm only being natural, for there is no fear or doubt inside my mind."
---- ----- ----- Bruce Lee


Thanks for the support, CKAL. Bruce has always been an inspiration to me, and these quotes make me want to train-- RIGHT NOW!! Heheh. And I will.
Originally posted by chaosomega
Thanks for the support, CKAL. Bruce has always been an inspiration to me, and these quotes make me want to train-- RIGHT NOW!! Heheh. And I will.

No problem. Sometimes all we need is a little inspiration.
Typical conversation with me

You: Hello Bod, how are you?

Me: Great I had a good session at JUDO last night. how are you.

You: Not bad I had a great walk in the sunshine...

Me: Funny you should mention that. My JUDO teacher says that walking is the same as falling.

You: Hmm. How's your brother?

Me: I don't know, but I'm sure he'd love JUDO, have you ever done any JUDO? Your family? Can I interest you in some JUDO right now?

You: :eek:

Me: JUDO this, JUDO that, JUDO the other, JUDO, JUDO, JUDO, JUDO.

Perhaps, if you're anything like me you go on about MMA all the time, and how you're gonna be good, and about your training. If like me your world revolves around your training, you probably think about nothing else either.

Maybe she got sick of listening to it, and that was her inept way of saying so.

Even if my guess is totally wrong, it gave me ample opportunity to go on about JUDO, so I'm happy.
Oh, I 'm used to it here. All the IKKO people do that to me every chance they get.:(
:soapbox: since when did you start listening to your girlfreind. Just the Idea of the UFC or Valle tudo might take her out of her comfort zone which means of course your out of your comfort zone.:confused: She is going to hammer at your self esteem or where ever to get her way. Relationships don't always allow for some of you dreams nor do dreams allow for some relationships.
Just ask my Ex-wife that day she decided I was quitting the martial arts.:D
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
:soapbox: since when did you start listening to your girlfreind. Just the Idea of the UFC or Valle tudo might take her out of her comfort zone which means of course your out of your comfort zone.:confused: She is going to hammer at your self esteem or where ever to get her way. Relationships don't always allow for some of you dreams nor do dreams allow for some relationships.
Just ask my Ex-wife that day she decided I was quitting the martial arts.:D

Well, first things first; the girl in question is not my girlfriend... Just my friend. Second of all, my actual girlfriend doesn't like the idea of me going out to get knocked around and such, but she would never tell me that I couldn't or shouldn't do it. I always listen to my girlfriend :p. She's the only other thing I think about besides martial arts.
Originally posted by Bod

Perhaps, if you're anything like me you go on about MMA all the time, and how you're gonna be good, and about your training. If like me your world revolves around your training, you probably think about nothing else either.

Maybe she got sick of listening to it, and that was her inept way of saying so.

Even if my guess is totally wrong, it gave me ample opportunity to go on about JUDO, so I'm happy.

Well, I am like you in the fact that my world revolves around martial arts. But I don't hang around with this girl enough nowadays for it to get on her nerves. She just saw me spar, and opened her big mouth after to tell me that I suck. WELL OF COURSE I SUCK NOW!! You think I'm going to be on par with the professionals this early in my training?? I don't have to be a superhuman prodigy to get into MMA. I just have to work my *** off, which I'm willing to do.

Well, I wouldn't say I suck as much as she insinuated. But there is stuff I need to work on. AND I WILL!!! :asian:
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
:soapbox: since when did you start listening to your girlfreind. Just the Idea of the UFC or Valle tudo might take her out of her comfort zone which means of course your out of your comfort zone.:confused: She is going to hammer at your self esteem or where ever to get her way. Relationships don't always allow for some of you dreams nor do dreams allow for some relationships.
Just ask my Ex-wife that day she decided I was quitting the martial arts.:D

Well, first things first; the girl in question is not my girlfriend... Just my friend. Second of all, my actual girlfriend doesn't like the idea of me going out to get knocked around and such, but she would never tell me that I couldn't or shouldn't do it. I always listen to my girlfriend :p. She's the only other thing I think about besides martial arts.
It's like I tell my students, you have to learn to walk, before you learn to run. Perhaps she doesn't have the ability to spot potential. Anyone who has the amount of desire that you do, has a pretty good chance of accomplishing their dreams. Don't let anyone stop you from trying to get what you want in life. If you need to work on a few things, then work hard, train hard, and it will come.Remember the 3 D's.




Good luck with your dreams...hope to see you on P.P.V someday!!