Core workouts


Sup y'all (little bit country right there :) )

Anyway like the title says Im looking for some good core workouts. Ive got the wood chop down and it works great but im looking for some other good ones. any recommendations. thanks as always

Have you looked into working with a stability ball? The added instability of the ball can really create some deep impact on the muscles..most of these have pictures and instructions can be found on the web. These are some I've tried...just go slowly as they work your back and abs, and will point out any weaknesses you have (as I discovered on return to training after pregnancy and c-section:uhohh:)

Some favs (well, they're a love/hate thing, really!:uhyeah:):
  • walkout-kneel behind and over the ball, then walk your hands out in front of ball, until your body is in plank with your knees/shins/ankles resting on ball (that's the progression...start with walking out to your knees)...hold for 3-5 count, walk back, and repeat for number of reps/sets
  • pike-start in walked out plank position with knees resting on ball, and lift hips up to form a triangle with your body,end with shins/toes resting on ball,roll back and repeat for number of reps/sets
  • roll-ins-similar to pike, start in walked out plank position with knees resting on ball, pull knees toward chest (feels sorta like a reverse crunch),end with shins/toes resting on ball,roll back and repeat for number of reps/sets
  • roll-outs-kneel behind ball, keep knees at 90 degrees throughout, place palms on ball and roll forward (keeping back straight and butt tucked),roll back and repeat for number of reps/sets (you can roll from/onto forearms)
  • butt lift-start sitting in front of ball, leaning back against ball, lift hips into bridge position and hold for 3-5 count, then lower and repeat for number of reps/sets
  • low back extension-lay over ball, and lift upper body to form straight line, lower and repeat for number of reps/sets.
Hope this is what you're looking for!
Reverse crunch
Side v-up
Back extension
Long arm crunch

10-15 reps on all, except for the Plank and hold it for 30sec-3min
Have you tried doing the bicycle exercise or knee/leg raises in a captain's chair? They really do it for me. But woodchop is still my favourite :)
if i had to trim down my workout to two exercises, it would be the farmer's walk & turkish get ups. here are some videos for those interested.

of course i just do these with 50lbs tractor weight :)


I can't get youtube on this computer, so I'll have to wait till I get home to find out what a "farmer's walk" is. But, I just learned the "Turkish get-up" and I think its one of the best overall exercises I've ever done. It will definitely be a part of my workout routine from now on.
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You probably won't be able to do this because of your knee...btu I thought I'd share a recent discovery with everyone else.


This excercsie is gauranteed to get you also sorts of interesting looks at the'll also blast your core, back, and legs.

Put a 45# plate on one end of a 45# olympic bar (you can use a lgihter standard bar, just adjust the weight accordingly). Get yourself some sort of barrier that's 24" high (I use a weight bench). Hold the bar in both hands like a shovel with the wieght where the shovel head would be. Touch the bar on one side of the barrier, lift over touch down on the other side. That's 1 rep. Switch hands every 5 reps or so. You'll look like your shovelling snow if you do this right.

Mix this up wioth pullups, situps and other stuff for a nasty little workout.

You probably won't be able to do this because of your knee...btu I thought I'd share a recent discovery with everyone else.


This excercsie is gauranteed to get you also sorts of interesting looks at the'll also blast your core, back, and legs.

Put a 45# plate on one end of a 45# olympic bar (you can use a lgihter standard bar, just adjust the weight accordingly). Get yourself some sort of barrier that's 24" high (I use a weight bench). Hold the bar in both hands like a shovel with the wieght where the shovel head would be. Touch the bar on one side of the barrier, lift over touch down on the other side. That's 1 rep. Switch hands every 5 reps or so. You'll look like your shovelling snow if you do this right.

Mix this up wioth pullups, situps and other stuff for a nasty little workout.

i like to see a video or some sort of this. very interesting

I can't get youtube on this computer, so I'll have to wait till I get home to find out what a "farmer's walk" is. But, I just learned the "Turkish get-up" and I think its one of the best overall exercises I've ever done. It will definitely be a part of my workout routine from now on.

it's pretty simple; you pick up a weight in each hand & walk until you can't carry them any more. also a really good total body exercise.

Yeah...take care of that knee first. Once you're better, check out crossfit for lots of really interesting workouts.

ive been hitting the gym since i got clearance from the doc and have discovered that the woodchop routines will blast your core. just thought id let people know

Leg raises on wall bars (a.k.a. stall bars) are a key strength exercise for the abdominal muscles. By doing this core exercise only, you can develop the strength needed to perform numerous other core exercises with ease, making them unnecessary.

13 reps performance:
