Coolest Sci Fi Ship?

Clark Kent

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Coolest Sci Fi Ship?
By Silent Bob - 12-03-2008 01:44 PM
Originally Posted at: Dead Parrot Tavern


Lets list em, and when we have enough, I'll add a poll :)
Non-fighters please.

Star Trek / TOS & TNG
- Original Enterprise
- Enterprise A
- Enterprise B
- Enterprise C
- Enterprise D
- Enterprise E
- Klingon D7
- Romulan Bird of Prey
- Klingon Bird of Prey
- Klingon Vorcha

- Defiant
- Cardasian Galor Class



- TOS Galactica
- TOS BaseStar
- TNS Galactica
- TNS Pegasas
- TNS Basestar

- Vorlon Crusier
- EDS Crusier
- Centari Crusier
- Minbari Battleship
- Shadow Crusier
- Whitestar

add yours to the list. :)


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She wasn't perfect, sometimes she barely flew -- but she was as much a character as any other member of the crew!
I always dug the Star Destroyers in Star Wars
Somewhere on this forum I had posted a link to a site that showed the comparative sizes of nearly every Sci-fi ship ever made/conceived... durned if I can find it now... tried these key words Sci-fi, ship, sizes and got nothing... a little help here... I know I posted it... just can't remember where or the name of the thread... sigh.

But I liked the Sulacco from Aliens... looks like a big assault rifle.
Moya from Farscape (with Pilot of course)
I loved the EDS ships in B5 - as I said elsewhere I was struck by the 'grounded in reality' science on which they were based and the use of what I would term "Capital Ship Missiles" (from Space Empires) was a winner for me.

Having said that, the navy in Starship Troopers was pretty good - a shame that the infantry based nature of the story kept us from seeing more.
I looked too and nothing showed up - it's as if it never was (and I do recall seeing it so we're not dreaming :D).
The Enterprise NX-01, though not strictly Star Trek canon, still appeals to me. The look metallic of the thing, with rivets and cumbersome bulk heads, looks man made to me. The Battlestar Galactica from the new series has that authentic feel.



Star Trek Phase II online is running a new ep in December in which Kirk's TV era ship will be destroyed, paving the way to a vessel that will be in line with the beginning of the movie era. I'm looking forward to seeing them reconstruct it.
I'd forgotten the Andromeda... She should definitely be in the running -- especially with Ronnie the Avatar!

And what about some of the ships from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century? Like the Draconian Warships, or the Searcher? (Saved the Earth Starfighters for the inevitable "coolest fighters" thread!)

Or the Space Carrier Saratoga from Space: Above and Beyond? The ships in that series should definitely be on the list for being "real" feeling...
Oh, there might be heavier firepower floating around out there. But you'll never find a more... well-endowed vessel than Richard "John Boy" Thomas' ship in Battle Beyond the Stars.
How come Star Wars ships are never included in this stuff? Aren't they cool enough or don't they have enough people that like them enough?