Contentment… or something close to it

Day off
Had a prefect Chinese breakfast
Sitting drinking tea
Watching my daughter play
Watching my mother-in-law repair a kite
Even simple images like this you describe I believe can conquer an whole barrage of oppressive events. I am glad you have stopped in your tracks to see what you see and take it in. For any time in the future you may be unsettled, this is another picture to bring forward in your mind. Thank you for taking the time to share :)
Very cool. And what would a perfect Chinese breakfast consist of?

For me, today, it was a real Chinese Red Bean paste Bun and a type of bread that is a layer of wheat with a layer of a sweat Chinese white bread, rolled up like a swiss roll and baked... with a cup of Puerh tea.... Still rather happy about the whole thing.
Even simple images like this you describe I believe can conquer an whole barrage of oppressive events. I am glad you have stopped in your tracks to see what you see and take it in. For any time in the future you may be unsettled, this is another picture to bring forward in your mind. Thank you for taking the time to share :)


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