Congratulations to Dieter Knutel

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Hi All,

I just got this text from Dieter who is in the Philippines at a Modern Arnis camp:

Hi Dan,

Now you can congratulate me. I just received 8th Dan and Grandmastership from Rene, Christino and Rodel. Bram was also there.

  • Rene is Rene Tongson, 8th degree in Modern Arnis and Grandmaster of Abanico Tres Puntas arnis.
  • Christino is Christino Vasquez, 9th degree in Modern Arnis and Grandmaster of Ipit-Pilipit arnis.
  • Rodel is Rodel Dagooc, 8th Degree in Modern Arnis and head of Arnis Philippines International.
Well done, Dieter, and a very hearty congratualtions!

Dan Anderson
Congratulations again - well deserved and more then earned!

I has been an honor to be there!

As additional Info: Bambit Dulay has also been promoted to 8th Dan, Grandmaster during the same event! Congratulations to him as well and of course to all other Arnsadores who recieved honors, awards and rank during the Camp or Gala!

Greetings from IloIlo,

Philipp "Mono"Wolf

First and foremost congratulations!

I do have a question, as those you tested with (under?) are from Modern Arnis and other systems, where does your GM title fall? Is it recognition for the DAV? It really is none of my business, but I am curious.

Hi Dieter,

Congratulations. Very well deserved for both your own personal training and for the exposure you've given the FMA.

From all at The Laban Baston Eskrima Club, UK.


First and foremost congratulations!

I do have a question, as those you tested with (under?) are from Modern Arnis and other systems, where does your GM title fall? Is it recognition for the DAV? It really is none of my business, but I am curious.

Hey Rich,

I believe his GM title falls under the DAV banner.

Thanks for all the congratulations.
I just returned home this morning from a 4 week stay in the Philippines.

I have to say, that it makes me of course proud, that 30 years of FMA training and spreading of Modern Arnis is recognized in such a way.
It is an honor for me, to have received the Degree of 8th Dan Lakan Walo and the grandmaster title out of the hands of those grandmasters, with whom I already have trained in 1983.

Regarding where my Grandmaster title falls, I quote here GM Rene Tongson and GM Christino Vasquet from The Gala:

GM Rene Tongson:
"The same recognition and joint declaration (as for GM Dulay)
of recognition is for the same dedication and for 30 years of the promotion and practice of the Filipino Martial Arts and Arnis and Modern Arnis, the title of Grandmaster and the rank of Lakan Walo is hereby granted to Datu Dieter Knüttel of DAV, Germany!"

GM Christino Vasquez:
"With the power, the founder bestowed on me, Christino Vasquez, 9th Dan Modern Arnis, I grant Dieter Knüttel 8th Dan effective today. Thank you very much."

GM Rodel Dagooc was there too and GM Jerry Dela Cruz, 8th Dan Modern Arnis, whom I met 3 days later, supports this rank and title as well.

OK as for myself, I see me as the Grandmaster of my students and my organization, the DAV.
I have NO fantasies about being a Grandmaster for all Modern Anris practitioners.

But, As I have written several times in different forums, the first time already in 2002, GM Remy Presas was THE Grandmaster of Modern Arnis. He founded it, he was the head and he kept everything and everybody together. These times are unfortunately for Modern Arnis, over.
As he is dead now several other western persons now qualify as Grandmaster in Modern Arnis or sub-systems of Modern Arnis like Kelly Worden in NSI / Modern Anris, Dan Anderson in MA80 / Modern Arnis, Bram Frank in CSSD/SC, coming out of the Modern Arnis also using the title is Jeff Delaney and now me, from the DAV.
None of us will unite the Modern Arnis community any more.
So we hear our respective groups, still trying to spread Modern Arnis.

So, I see my title as the Modern Arnis Grandmaster of the DAV.


Just as a sidenote to how this Rank is Classified in DAV:

The DAV Rankingstructure states:

Lakan/Dayang/Dan 1-5: Expert
Lakan/Dayang/Dan 6: Master (Juniormaster)
Lakan/Dayang/Dan 7: Master (Seniormaster)
Lakan/Dayang/Dan 8-10: Grandmaster

Since there is no Curriculum in DAV for the Master Degrees (so no "Formal" Testing), all Rank higher then 5th Dan have been tested/given/granted/certfied (whatever you want to call it) directly from the Masters/Grandmasters in the Philippines (this applys to 3 Persons in Germany right now!).

Just to put all missconceptions asside:
The Rank of 8th Dan and the Title of Granmaster has been given to Datu Dieter solely by the Council in the Philippines!
It has not been given to, nor was the Promotion in any way initiated by DAV!
(There is/are no "Political" or "Organizational" Promotions in DAV)

Since DAV fully recognizes the Rank, given by this Council, and according to our Ranking Structure (see above), Datu Dieter now also holds (due to his New Rank of 8th Dan) the Title of Grandmaster within DAV.

So, by the Philippino Commitee, he has been given the Rank AND the Title of Grandmaster - in DAV/Germany, the Titel is automatically connected to the Rank therefore he is also now Grandmaster within DAV.

Maybe this puts some Light to the Ranking Structure within DAV and how/why what Ranks and Tites are Given or Used.

Any further Quetions, please feel free to ask!

Greetings from Germany,

Philipp "Mono" Wolf
(Vice President DAV)
This just in from Rene Tongson.
I am very pleased to officially announce the promotion and recognition of

Chief Instructor, Deutscher Arnis Verband e.V. DAV

For unselfish dedication and passion for the Filipino Martial Art (FMA),
and the skill required in mastery of the art of Modern Arnis, Classical Arnis
and its applied techniques in indigenous Philippine weapon, the discipline,
integrity, honor and loyalty carried by 31 long years of combined experience,
and as a true friend who exhibited respect for the Filipino, this announcement



Grandmaster - Ipit Pilipit System
Lakan 9 ( 9th degree ) - Modern Arnis

Grandmaster - Classical Abaniko Tres Puntas System
Lakan 8 ( 8th degree ) - Modern Arnis

Grandmaster - Kruzada System
Lakan 8 ( 8th degree ) - Modern Arnis

Grandmaster - AIA Classical Arnis
Lakan 8 ( 8 degree ) Modern Arnis

Grandmaster & Master of Tapi- Tapi
Lakan 8 ( 8th degree ) Modern Arnis

Senior Master - Modern Arnis
Chairman, International Modern Arnis Federation - Philippines

Awarded on the occassion of the 4th Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) Festival in
Iloilo City, Philippines on July 25th, 2008 hosted by the International Modern Arnis
Federation, Inc. - Philippines (IMAFP).

In the presence : Representatives of Negros Occidental Baston Federation
Members of the International Modern Arnis Federation - Philippines
Representatives of the German Delegation
Representatives of the Regional Arnis Federation - Russia
CSSD/SC USA Delegation
CSSD/SC Switzerland Delegation
CSSD/SC Slovenia Delegation
Representatives of the Department of Tourism - Philippines
Representatives of the Philippine Tourism Authority
Philippine Indigenous Games & Sport Savers Association
Representatives of the City Council of Iloilo City
Representatives of the Mayor`s Office, City of Puerto Princesa
Reperesentatives of the City of Sagay, Negros Occ. Philippines
Representatives of various FMA organization in Visayas, Region 6
Again, congratulations, Dieter. As I said in my text to you when you first told me, you don't really need it but you have my full support in their decision.

Dan Anderson
Congratulations Datu Dieter Knuttel on your promotion to 8th degree and Grandmaster. Well desreved for a respected brother of the FMA.

Bob Quinn
Thanks Bob,

I hope to see you soon again.

