Dan Anderson
Master of Arts
Hi All,
I thought Dieter would beat me to this but I am happy to announce the founding of the Worldwide Brotherhood of Modern Arnis. This was done at the Remy Presas Memorial Festival this last July.
The mission/vision statement reads as follows:
Bound by the principles of honor, autonomy, equality, respect and recognition regardless of political inclination, cultural differences and religeous beliefs, we bind ourselves together for the purpose of preserving and promoting the legacy of Modern Arnis.
We hereby establish a brotherhood of Modern Arnis practitioners to give meaning and reality to the art.
We are committed to accomplish this purpose through cooperation, exchange of ideas and knowledge, promotion of solidarity and brotherly love.
Through these, we shall continue and strengthen the legacy of Modern Arnis.
Founding Members -
Second is that there is only one Grand Master of Modern Arnis and that is Remy Presas. The senior most ranking within Modern Arnis is Senior Master. Cristino Vasquez, who is the highest ranked student of Remy Presas (I've seen his 9th degree cert) and is still only Senior Master within Modern Arnis. It is recognized that a member may be a Grand Master in a different art (example: Rene Tongson is GM of Tres Puntas de Abanico) but within the Modern Arnis framework still a Senior Master. Roberto Presas is listed in IMAFP as Grand Master but he is holding the title for his brother, Remy.
Thirdly, the initial duties of the Brotherhood is one of holding events and one of information exchange. There will be a WBMA website in the near future. In the summer of 2007 Dieter Knuttel is holding a 50th anniversary of Modern Arnis training camp in Germany. More on that from Dieter in the future.
I am very happy that the Brotherhood is an outgrowth of the successful Remy Presas Memorial Festival and I look forward to its growth in the future.
Dan Anderson
I thought Dieter would beat me to this but I am happy to announce the founding of the Worldwide Brotherhood of Modern Arnis. This was done at the Remy Presas Memorial Festival this last July.
The mission/vision statement reads as follows:
Bound by the principles of honor, autonomy, equality, respect and recognition regardless of political inclination, cultural differences and religeous beliefs, we bind ourselves together for the purpose of preserving and promoting the legacy of Modern Arnis.
We hereby establish a brotherhood of Modern Arnis practitioners to give meaning and reality to the art.
We are committed to accomplish this purpose through cooperation, exchange of ideas and knowledge, promotion of solidarity and brotherly love.
Through these, we shall continue and strengthen the legacy of Modern Arnis.
Founding Members -
- Common Sense Self Defense/Street Combat (CSSD/SC) Bram Frank
- Deutsches Arnis Verband (DAV) Dieter Knuttel
- International Modern Arnis Federation, Philippines (IMAFP) Samuel Dulay
- Modern Arnis 80 (MA-80) Dan Anderson
- Russian ArnisFederation (RAF)
- Arnis International - Rodel Dagooc
- Cruzada Arnis - Jerry DeLaCruz
Second is that there is only one Grand Master of Modern Arnis and that is Remy Presas. The senior most ranking within Modern Arnis is Senior Master. Cristino Vasquez, who is the highest ranked student of Remy Presas (I've seen his 9th degree cert) and is still only Senior Master within Modern Arnis. It is recognized that a member may be a Grand Master in a different art (example: Rene Tongson is GM of Tres Puntas de Abanico) but within the Modern Arnis framework still a Senior Master. Roberto Presas is listed in IMAFP as Grand Master but he is holding the title for his brother, Remy.
Thirdly, the initial duties of the Brotherhood is one of holding events and one of information exchange. There will be a WBMA website in the near future. In the summer of 2007 Dieter Knuttel is holding a 50th anniversary of Modern Arnis training camp in Germany. More on that from Dieter in the future.
I am very happy that the Brotherhood is an outgrowth of the successful Remy Presas Memorial Festival and I look forward to its growth in the future.
Dan Anderson