Worldwide Brotherhood of Modern Arnis

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Hi All,

I thought Dieter would beat me to this but I am happy to announce the founding of the Worldwide Brotherhood of Modern Arnis. This was done at the Remy Presas Memorial Festival this last July.

The mission/vision statement reads as follows:

Bound by the principles of honor, autonomy, equality, respect and recognition regardless of political inclination, cultural differences and religeous beliefs, we bind ourselves together for the purpose of preserving and promoting the legacy of Modern Arnis.

We hereby establish a brotherhood of Modern Arnis practitioners to give meaning and reality to the art.

We are committed to accomplish this purpose through cooperation, exchange of ideas and knowledge, promotion of solidarity and brotherly love.

Through these, we shall continue and strengthen the legacy of Modern Arnis.

Founding Members -
  • Common Sense Self Defense/Street Combat (CSSD/SC) Bram Frank
  • Deutsches Arnis Verband (DAV) Dieter Knuttel
  • International Modern Arnis Federation, Philippines (IMAFP) Samuel Dulay
  • Modern Arnis 80 (MA-80) Dan Anderson
  • Russian ArnisFederation (RAF)
  • Arnis International - Rodel Dagooc
  • Cruzada Arnis - Jerry DeLaCruz
There are several points about the Brotherhood which I am particulary pleased about. First is that each member is considered an autonomous organization. This means there will be no interference in the organization itself from the Brotherhood - no imposing of certain ranking or curriculum requirements or internal gradings. In short, DAV will continue to be DAV and MA-80 will continue to be MA-80 without our older brothers telling us what to do. It is recognized that the Professor's is very broad and that each of us are fulfilling that legacy in our own way.

Second is that there is only one Grand Master of Modern Arnis and that is Remy Presas. The senior most ranking within Modern Arnis is Senior Master. Cristino Vasquez, who is the highest ranked student of Remy Presas (I've seen his 9th degree cert) and is still only Senior Master within Modern Arnis. It is recognized that a member may be a Grand Master in a different art (example: Rene Tongson is GM of Tres Puntas de Abanico) but within the Modern Arnis framework still a Senior Master. Roberto Presas is listed in IMAFP as Grand Master but he is holding the title for his brother, Remy.

Thirdly, the initial duties of the Brotherhood is one of holding events and one of information exchange. There will be a WBMA website in the near future. In the summer of 2007 Dieter Knuttel is holding a 50th anniversary of Modern Arnis training camp in Germany. More on that from Dieter in the future.

I am very happy that the Brotherhood is an outgrowth of the successful Remy Presas Memorial Festival and I look forward to its growth in the future.

Dan Anderson
Dear Mr. Anderson,

Congrats on the new organizations. I am sure the group will do a lot to proliferate th efine art of Modern Arnis. I look forward to the future your organization.

Please keep me informed of events, schools, new website, etc. so that I may post on

Thanks Dan,

to publish out new organisation here.
I actuay did not have the mission statement.This is why I could not post the founding.

I talked already in 2003 with the Masters and Grandmasters in Manila about this and I am really happy, that it came true.
We want to set positive points for Modern Arnis, work positive for a great future of Modern Arnis.
We all have the same roots, even though we are all different.
We accept this and we will work together. We all came together in the Philippines to found this brotherhood and to set a sign against seperation but towards cooperation and friendship. This is, what the brotherhood shall stand for.

Already now, through the present organisations, the Brotherhood has groups in the following countries: Philippines, USA, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, England, Italy, Slowenia, Bosnia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong and mybe more, that I am not aware of right now.

We hope, other groups will see the positive impact, that we will try to achieve with this Worldwide Brotherhood of Modern Arnis and that they might join us in the future.

One of the first contributions of the brotherhoood to the Modern Arnis world will be the publisihing of an interview with Master Romy "Bibing" Lisondra, who started to train with the Professor in 1958 until early 1970ies, and who was an assistent instructor to GM Remy during his time in Bacolod and in the beginning in Manila. He also was the man, who did all the drawings for the pink Modern Arnis book.
I was fortunate to meet him in Bacolod/Negros Occidental, and to make a long interview with himm which I could record, so that his answers will be preserved.

Regarding the Grandmasters in the Philippines you are correct, that there are no intentions to instal a new Modern Arnis Grandmaster there.

Still, all independent groups have of course the right, to announce, elect or whatever the Grandmaster of their group. Like Bram Frank, Grandmaster of CSSD/SC, Rodel Dagooc, Grandmaster of Arnis International, Jerry de la Cruz, Grandmaster of Arnis Cruzada. So the title belongs to the organisation and nobody tries to replace GM Remy, which would not be possible anyway, as we all know.

We all are looking forward to the 10 Modern Arnis summercamp in Germany, which is also the 2nd meeting of the Brotherhood and the celebration of 50 years of Modern Arnis: 1957 - 2007.
More details will follow, when we can share them. We hope, there will be a lot of international participants.


Good Luck and Best Wishes

This is exactly what Modern Arnis needs to move forward. This is a positive step towards fostering a truly unified International Modern Arnis community.

Grandmaster Remy would be proud. I can't think of a better way to honour his memory.

-Rich Acosta
Dan Anderson said:
Hi All,

I thought Dieter would beat me to this but I am happy to announce the founding of the Worldwide Brotherhood of Modern Arnis. This was done at the Remy Presas Memorial Festival this last July.

The mission/vision statement reads as follows:

Bound by the principles of honor, autonomy, equality, respect and recognition regardless of political inclination, cultural differences and religeous beliefs, we bind ourselves together for the purpose of preserving and promoting the legacy of Modern Arnis.

We hereby establish a brotherhood of Modern Arnis practitioners to give meaning and reality to the art.

We are committed to accomplish this purpose through cooperation, exchange of ideas and knowledge, promotion of solidarity and brotherly love.

Through these, we shall continue and strengthen the legacy of Modern Arnis.

Founding Members -
  • Common Sense Self Defense/Street Combat (CSSD/SC) Bram Frank
  • Deutsches Arnis Verband (DAV) Dieter Knuttel
  • International Modern Arnis Federation, Philippines (IMAFP) Samuel Dulay
  • Modern Arnis 80 (MA-80) Dan Anderson
  • Russian ArnisFederation (RAF)
  • Arnis International - Rodel Dagooc
  • Cruzada Arnis - Jerry DeLaCruz
There are several points about the Brotherhood which I am particulary pleased about. First is that each member is considered an autonomous organization. This means there will be no interference in the organization itself from the Brotherhood - no imposing of certain ranking or curriculum requirements or internal gradings. In short, DAV will continue to be DAV and MA-80 will continue to be MA-80 without our older brothers telling us what to do. It is recognized that the Professor's is very broad and that each of us are fulfilling that legacy in our own way.

Second is that there is only one Grand Master of Modern Arnis and that is Remy Presas. The senior most ranking within Modern Arnis is Senior Master. Cristino Vasquez, who is the highest ranked student of Remy Presas (I've seen his 9th degree cert) and is still only Senior Master within Modern Arnis. It is recognized that a member may be a Grand Master in a different art (example: Rene Tongson is GM of Tres Puntas de Abanico) but within the Modern Arnis framework still a Senior Master. Roberto Presas is listed in IMAFP as Grand Master but he is holding the title for his brother, Remy.

Thirdly, the initial duties of the Brotherhood is one of holding events and one of information exchange. There will be a WBMA website in the near future. In the summer of 2007 Dieter Knuttel is holding a 50th anniversary of Modern Arnis training camp in Germany. More on that from Dieter in the future.

I am very happy that the Brotherhood is an outgrowth of the successful Remy Presas Memorial Festival and I look forward to its growth in the future.

Dan Anderson

Dear Master Anderson,

May I inquire as to how others might join the WBMA? When you speak of "founding members" there is an implied suggestion that others might become members, but you have not mentioned if or how that might occur.
Is membership by group or individual status? The inference is toward group membership. I ask this question because I might be inclined to seek membership for myself, but my teacher is definately inclined to avoid memberships in any organization because she hates "politics".

Further you state that each organization within the WBMA each organization will remain autonomous without your "older brothers telling us what to do". That is a very noble idea, but that also leaves the door wide open for an individual group leader to do virtually anything he wishes and there is nothing that the WBMA can or would do if that action is highly offensive to some members within the larger organization. This is a an open-ended invitation for abuse without any sactions.

Would people be prevented from attending WBMA functions if they are members of an organization that does not have an affiliation with the WBMA?

Morgan said:
Dear Master Anderson,

1. May I inquire as to how others might join the WBMA? When you speak of "founding members" there is an implied suggestion that others might become members, but you have not mentioned if or how that might occur.

2. Is membership by group or individual status? The inference is toward group membership. I ask this question because I might be inclined to seek membership for myself, but my teacher is definately inclined to avoid memberships in any organization because she hates "politics".

3. Further you state that each organization within the WBMA each organization will remain autonomous without your "older brothers telling us what to do". That is a very noble idea, but that also leaves the door wide open for an individual group leader to do virtually anything he wishes and there is nothing that the WBMA can or would do if that action is highly offensive to some members within the larger organization. This is a an open-ended invitation for abuse without any sactions.

4. Would people be prevented from attending WBMA functions if they are members of an organization that does not have an affiliation with the WBMA?

Hi Morgan,

Questions 1&2 could be better answered by Dieter Knuttel as I think he is closer to the actual organizational end than I am. He is in closer communication with the Senior Masters in the PI. Personally I believe that single memberships should be allowed as well as group memberships. There are a number of individuals practicing Modern Arnis without affiliation. Remy Presas taught literally thousands of people.

#3. Yes, in theory, this could happen. We discussed this and the basic thing that is a requisite is that any member group is following the Professor's legacy. What might that be? Simple. Technically speaking there are certain technqiues and terminology that was used in Modern Arnis that should be used in member groups. Whether the terms are in Tagalog or English, they should be used. Another might be the anyos. There are 8 empty hand anyos and 4 cane anyos. They would be taught. I think the original 7 tapes, the Black Belt magazine tapes, and the latter day tapi-tapi tapes (when they are available) would be guides to the material to be taught as well as all three books RP wrote.

This would not stop someone from innovating within their school, as I have and as Dieter has, as long as one was teaching Modern Arnis.

It was covered, however, that if one were to go off and do what you fear, they would be exited from the group.

#4. Absolutely not. The concept here is inclusion, not exclusion.

Dan Anderson
Dan Anderson said:
Hi Morgan,

Questions 1&2 could be better answered by Dieter Knuttel as I think he is closer to the actual organizational end than I am. He is in closer communication with the Senior Masters in the PI. Personally I believe that single memberships should be allowed as well as group memberships. There are a number of individuals practicing Modern Arnis without affiliation. Remy Presas taught literally thousands of people.

#3. Yes, in theory, this could happen. We discussed this and the basic thing that is a requisite is that any member group is following the Professor's legacy. What might that be? Simple. Technically speaking there are certain technqiues and terminology that was used in Modern Arnis that should be used in member groups. Whether the terms are in Tagalog or English, they should be used. Another might be the anyos. There are 8 empty hand anyos and 4 cane anyos. They would be taught. I think the original 7 tapes, the Black Belt magazine tapes, and the latter day tapi-tapi tapes (when they are available) would be guides to the material to be taught as well as all three books RP wrote.

This would not stop someone from innovating within their school, as I have and as Dieter has, as long as one was teaching Modern Arnis.

It was covered, however, that if one were to go off and do what you fear, they would be exited from the group.

#4. Absolutely not. The concept here is inclusion, not exclusion.

Dan Anderson

Thanks, Master Anderson, for your reply and clarifications. At this time, I am going to take a wait aand see position with regard to the WBMA. As my father use to tell me quite often "Good intentions must be followed up with good deeds." I'll have to give the members of the newly created WBMA some time and watch to see if their actios are as good as the words of the organizational preamble.

Respectfully yours,

Morgan said:
Thanks, Master Anderson, for your reply and clarifications. At this time, I am going to take a wait aand see position with regard to the WBMA. As my father use to tell me quite often "Good intentions must be followed up with good deeds." I'll have to give the members of the newly created WBMA some time and watch to see if their actios are as good as the words of the organizational preamble.

Respectfully yours,

Hi Morgan,

I understand about the wait & see attitude. We are a new org and will strive to live up to our aims.

Dan Anderson
Hi Morgan,

you do ask some good questions.
Originally the brotherhood was formed for organisations. We did not really think about individuall memberschip.
We are now debating this and hope to come to a good result, especially we do not want to create conflicts with for example your instructor, who would not want to join but might be offended if you join in. So we must create something for individuals, that makes clear, that we appreciate the support of individuals, but are not in competition with any "normal" organisation, because the WBMA does not stand for a certain style of Modern Arnis, like MA80, CSSD/SC, IMAF inc., DAV, WMAA of Tim Hartman or WMAC of Kelly Worden ect. Ther are many more as you know.
They all stand for a specific was, how Modern Arnis is interpreted and trained, which is the way the head instructors were taught by Professor Presas during the time, they learned under him.

The WBMA was founded in the spirit, to be above these Modern Anris styles. This does not mean that it is superior, but more that is serves as an umbrella above these all independent organisations. We all have a common teacher who taught many different way during his long career. The WBMA wants to acknowledge all different versions of Modern Arnis to show, that we do not want to drift further apart, but come back together at least a bit, and that we do not want to stand for further separating the former unified Art of Modern Arnis. We want to make a positive impact in the Modern Anris world, because we truly are worldwide.

We have to find a way to fit in individual members here, because you cannot learn or get certified in WBMA Modern Anris because there is not such a style. So the best way would be to become a member of a WBMA affiliated organisation, but this again might result in a conflict with your teacher, who might think you are not loyal to her. This nsituation is not easy. So we will have to find a way how to solve this problem.

Thanks for your valid questions. They made us think.


Dieter Knüttel

I too would be interested in seeing something for individuals who are not part of larger organizations. Although I have indirectly supported different Modern Arnis groups/organizations by attending their seminars over the years, I am not currently part of any Modern Arnis organization.

Joining a member organization just to join the WBMA I believe is a bit excessive. And trying to create my own organization of me, myself and I just to join the WBMA is just to much of a hassel. :rolleyes:

I am glad to see an organization like this being formed though.

What about MARPIO? How can you have an organization without the family members? If I died tommorrow, I would expect my family to carry on my name first and formost. The Professor wanted the son to carry on the name. We all know this and for the life of me, I can't understand why this is bieng ignored. All of the seperate Modern Arnis groups do have the right to carry on exactly as they are now and this is great. What you have built is deserving of future growth. I have full respect for all Modern Arnis groups EXCEPT for this one area of contention. But if you close the door to the family, you are really missing the point.

I hope that I am missing something here and that MARPIO is included within this organization. But, if not, then you guys better go back to the drawing board.

Chris Arena
Highest rank is Senior Master?

How do the MOTT's and DATU's fit in to the mix?
...also missings are other Datus of Modern Arnis
may i ask why they are not included?
Chris & Sangot

Datus Hartman, Worden, Hoffman and Inocalla as well as the elder children of Prof. Presas were all invited to come to the 1st Remy Presas Memorial Training Camp. I do not know about Datu Jornales. They didn't make it to the camp. The WBMA was formulated at the camp. Master Brian Zawilinski was in attendence as well. None of the Datus are excluded. It's just that none of the above Datus nor the elder Presas children were there to join up in the first place. That's all.

This is not intended to be an exclusionary organization. Those, however, who do not wish to participate do so of their own decision.

Dan Anderson

PS - The second paragraph is my opinion from what went on in the PI when the organization was formed.

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