Comfort Zone

What is your comfort zone

  • Kicking Range

  • Punching Range

  • Elbow and Knee Range

  • Grappling

  • Ground Fighting

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Black Belt
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Oct 20, 2001
Reaction score
chicago area
Just wanted to know what fighting range people here are most comfortable.

Mine is the elbow and knee range. I like getting in close and personal. Get me in that "phone booth".:D
Oh, one more thing. Sorry I didn't add the Colt 45 range. ;)
I love the clinch, so I guess that's one for elbow and knee range. Let's not forget the headbutts either!
I would have to say punch AND elbow/knee. But it depends on the oppenent.

im gonna go with yari on this one,punching, elbow,knee,MAYBE a big, warm hug and a nice headbutt. but i was a boxer in the navy, and with what i know from Wing Chun, punching is my " comfy chair"...............respects.
Punching of course since my style deals with close range fighting.
We work on dealing mostly with the punch since that is what you most likely will see on the street.
I say I am comfortable in punching range, although I'm not uncomfortable in kicking or elbow and knee range. I want to be comfortable in all ranges eventually, but I would say right now that is my strength.

For me, it depends on the situation. Outside/nice weather/good surfice? Kicking range. Indoors (bars), punching/elbow/knee range. Outside bad weather (snow, ect), punching range. I wouldn't even attempt to kick in these conditions ....eeeekkkk.
The "F" range, because either way, you're gonna have fun and someone is gonna get %$#@ed!
For fighting, my comfort zone is definately knee elbow headbutt range...when I feel threatened I can use that range the best to save my butt. If I'm sparring then I definately like kicking and boxing range.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I perfer the elbow and knee range because it sets up for me the looping stomp kicks and conturing knee-strike stomp combinations! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
A few years ago I would have said kicking range, but since I got back into kenpo I'm more at ease in the punching and elbow/knees range.

Since I'm not a big fan of pain (yeah, I'm a wuss), I like to keep 'em as far from me as possible. Because my legs are longer than most peoples arms kicking range is most comfortable for me.
Pain is fear leaving the body........... slowly

(saw the quote on a t-shirt of a guy I was sparring, thought it was cool)

i tend to like the kicking range. although i can use my hands in close combat too.

somewhere inbetween kicking and punching is good for me. not in too close, but not so far out of range.