Cobra Stunlight - I want one!

I am buying one for my GF so when she goes off to school...

one application they didn't mention is that its heavy enough to knock someone out
I am buying one for my GF so when she goes off to school...

one application they didn't mention is that its heavy enough to knock someone out
Or even durable enough, like say a Mag Lite.
I'm guessing that this would be a good choice for the persons wanting a non-lethal device. But as the guy says, it's effective if you act quickly enough. Not to mention you're gonna want your SO to have a big enough purse to carry it around in. So having it on you during formal functions might not work.

The man touting the bells and whistles of the device says that there are three weapons. 1. A powerful light, 2. a laser pointer (???) and 3 the pepper spray.
Now I dunno about any of you but I'm finding it hard to call a laser pointer a weapon. A weapon's aid yes but in-of-by-itself... no. They should attach a taser to that sucker so in case they miss with the pepper-spray (and it's possible to do so) at least a taser will be effective when the attacker closes in.

I personally can't see myself buying one of these.
a seasoned martial artist isn't going to want one...but if my girlfriend is at a night class and she is walking to her car...a self defence system like this would be quite GF has had about 7 months of MA training, but still...not enough to be a fully funtional martial Artist
Check to see if the lady's school has a zero-tolerance policy regarding weapons. If they do, she may face suspension or expulsion for carrying pepper spray. Also have a chat with a qualified defense attorney in your state about whether a laser pointer escalates a conflict. Shine a laser pointer on someone carrying, you have probably just given them justification to shoot.

Just my two cents though.
a seasoned martial artist isn't going to want one...but if my girlfriend is at a night class and she is walking to her car...a self defense system like this would be quite GF has had about 7 months of MA training, but still...not enough to be a fully functional martial Artist

She's had more than quite a number of people. If she's going to a good school don't underestimate training.

But what Carol said... make sure of the laws in your state and her school.
My Mother is a Paralegal and she looked up the laws in my state, and shes good to go, to carry one, but I will need to look into what the school's policies are, but in my eyes she has every right to carry a non-lethal weapon
My Mother is a Paralegal and she looked up the laws in my state, and shes good to go, to carry one, but I will need to look into what the school's policies are, but in my eyes she has every right to carry a non-lethal weapon
Yes, I dare say in my eyes too (and probably a lot of people on this forum). Just C.Y.A. as it were (and hers). :uhyeah:
I know that I talk about pepper spray and canes a lot here at MT, but the only weapons that I truly carry are a kubaton on my keyring and a maglight. Truth be told, my maglight is an off brand that only cost me $8. It is very big and very heavy, so it is my weapon of choice. Also, $8 is far better than $200.

I showed my wife the Cobra Stunlight and she made a comment about just duct-taping pepper spray to my maglight to cut the price down about $170.

Check to see if the lady's school has a zero-tolerance policy regarding weapons. If they do, she may face suspension or expulsion for carrying pepper spray. Also have a chat with a qualified defense attorney in your state about whether a laser pointer escalates a conflict. Shine a laser pointer on someone carrying, you have probably just given them justification to shoot.

Just my two cents though.
I agree. Good point.
Hello, Beware? If you can purchase one? So can the bad guys!

Just beaware if anyone can get one? .....criminal can too....Aloha
bad guys are about intimidation....not about protection...

True that they "could" get it...but I highly doubt that they would spend that kind of money on it.

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