Clinton Supporter Knifes Obama Supporter

Oh boy.

And voter registration records reveal that Ortiz, who supports Clinton, is registered Republican.

All I can say is, if Hillary steals the nomination with the super delegates, I'm not voting for her. Otherwise...

Got Hope? Hehehe...
Party unity seems like one thing the Democrats seriously need to work on. Romney drops out to allow McCain to focus on beating the Democrats, the democrats are at each others throats.

McCain will have it easy, he can just reuse all of Hillary's smear stuff and the party infighting to discredit the Democrats after the primaries.
Party unity seems like one thing the Democrats seriously need to work on. Romney drops out to allow McCain to focus on beating the Democrats, the democrats are at each others throats.

McCain will have it easy, he can just reuse all of Hillary's smear stuff and the party infighting to discredit the Democrats after the primaries.

Thats funny because early in the primaries it looked like the Republicans were going to beat each other up until the last day and Hillary was supposed to roll over her competition.

Romney dropped out after he had no shot, it would be silly for either Democrat to do the equivelant now. Obama needs the spotlight, he needs any dirt he has to come out now rather than in the actual presidential contest. Hillary for better or worse has been as well raked over as you can ask for.

This doesn't really come across to me as a "true" political discussion so much as a domestic dispute that happened to involve politics as the trigger point. I'm willing to bet that they have a history of pretty heated discussions and maybe even outright fights.
A Republican Clinton supporter, no less. Yay, the silly season is officially here!
Maybe that's how they can decide the Democratic candidate. Stick them in a circle bind them at the wrist and give them 1 knife. Let Clinton and Obama go old school.
Maybe that's how they can decide the Democratic candidate. Stick them in a circle bind them at the wrist and give them 1 knife. Let Clinton and Obama go old school.
Can we opt for this instead of 863 more debates between now and the conventions?
Obama's got reach, but Hillary is sneaky...
Much as I despise Hellary....... in reality troglodytes will always find excuses and ways to maul each other in the family cave.

Over the years, I've seen assaults for the silliest of reasons: he looked at my woman/sister/mother, he "dissed" me, he said his (sports) team wuz better and my team sucked, I think he stole sumthin' of mine, he - most any road rage fight - , he wuz talking about me to - , he wuz cheating at - , and so on and so on.

Violent stupidity knows no political bounds.

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