
ok i found all the info that i needed and was about to share it with everyone until i discovered a small matter of some copyright thing bloody heck!
Ok, I did some digging...found the following:
1- link to very terse description
1- link to very bad sailor moon fanfic.
1- link to a school, with no mention of the art.

When split to "Choson Do" I got a lot of links on Dogpile to Korean culture, and TKD.

My 'guess' is that it is a variation or derivitive of TKD.

:confused: :confused:
keith, thanks for the effort heres what i know, originally a small family art Choson Kwon Bup founded 1850 by upper class scholar its a hybrid of Northern Shaolin Chuan Fa,TaekKyon, Okinawa-Te, Naha-Te and Mongolian wrestling. Respects.
ok, originally i started this thread to see if anybody else out there may have studied this style. i got to 2nd gup and apparently besides myself and a few others nobody has ever heard of im starting to wonder if it was legit. boy, i hope so, i really enjoyed it.
Almost all the Korean arts are fairly recent so it may well be legitimate. It's not familiar to me though. It sounds like you really got a lot out of it though, and a success is a success!
thats wisdom, arnisador, i hadnt thought about it like that.............thanks and respects.
Originally posted by Richard S.
keith, thanks for the effort heres what i know, originally a small family art Choson Kwon Bup

You may already know this, but Kwon Bup is the Korean translation for Kempo. (I just found that out a little while ago and wanted to share) :rolleyes: :D

Take care
If I am not mistaken "Choson" (sp) is the word for warrior in Korean.
I've seen some of it (my first post in Korean section..hi all). It is propogated by a guy named Ian Cyrus. He use to show up at Tony Annesi's Aiki Fest a lot. He's on some of the tapes, doing the Choson Do.

I've been in the seminars a few times while he was teaching it. Last time was 1996.

Oh, I believe he was teaching out of Philadelphia if I remember.

greetings arthur! i have met Kwan Jang Nim Cyrus numerous times and i knew it was only a matter of time till someone showed up. he taught my old inst. but they had a falling out. do you know of any schools still teaching chosondo? by the way did you ever send a package of traditional medicines to the raleigh institute of m.a.?
Sorry I don't. Before I answered the thread I went looking on google and whet not for a web page, but couldn't find anything. Which is pretty strange these days:idunno:

Its been 7 years since I've had anything to do with anybody related to my other post, so I'm pretty out of the loop.

My guess would be contacting Tony Annesi would be your best bet. He's pretty good about helping people out that way. He probably has contact information for Ian at the least. Also Bruce Juchnik of the Sei Kosho Shorei Kai knows him and me be of some help.

As for sending Trad medicines to NC... I do remember sending some different liniments and the like to a fellow who I think was in NC. Last name was Sewell I believe. Is that you? Small world if it is.:)

I'll be down that way some time early next year actually. I'll be teaching a Systema seminar over at Shocoh Ju Jutsu over in Huntersville, NC. I just did one there a few weeks ago, and I have to say a lovelyarea. The people were all so nice. I'm looking forward to returning.

I got the impression that Ian Cyrus still represents himself as the head of Choson-Do and currently meets on a regular basis to train under GM Ji. There was an article on Choson-Do in one of the MA magazines here in the States not so very long ago. I'm not sure how I feel about the authenticity of the art or the story as represented by Ian. I think its another one of those things where people have to go seek out Ian, give it a try and see what one thinks. For me personally I don't know that Choson-Do offers anything particularly special when compared with any of the other modern takes on KMA. These folks seem to network loosely with a wide variety of KMA organizations so I would just hit the larger websites like BUDO-SEEK or DOJANG DIGEST and ask around. I bet someone will turn-up for you.

Best Wishes,

GM Cyrus does acupuncture in a clinic in PA. Just type his name in any web browser, and you'll get a hit or so via the acupuncture road if you can't find it via the Choson Kwon Bup way.
GM Cyrus has a lot of credentials. Is his art the best? No...But what art is?
I agree. As I alluded to in another thread. IMHO, there are no "super" arts. If one art is portrayed better than another, IMHO this is a credit to the martial artist who performs best... not to the art.
Mr. Cyrus is on the Dojang digest some. You can ask there, they should know. Hope this helps, Mithios
Kwang Jang Nim Timmerman, congrats on the Ku Dan Promotion Sir. Peace....
Thank you for the congrats; however, this rank is just an administrative rank (no testing) to facilitate the acceptance of my late GMs (Pak) art Kong Shin Bup™ as a legitimate kwan.

The last rank I tested for was 8th (back in the early 80s), and because it was administered by the teacher with whom I spent most of my time on the mat, I'll always hold that one dearest:)