
there are many beautiful gems from the cdt website, here's just one
Trainees will be taught real world techniques that can give them a better chance for finding their children if they are lost in a crowded area. The course will cover a variety of scenarios that include possible child abduction, carjacking and acts of violence when children are present.


CDT - Compliance Direction and Takedown. Our school is a certified training school for CDT. I currently am certified in the Compliances and Escorts.

I can tell you this is really good stuff in the course simple to learn and easy to train. The biggest thing that CDT talks about is meeting the amount of force with not the same amount but one level down.
Personal protection (YOU), Subject safety, (idiot attacking you or being aggressive), Full circle liability (because you touched me without my permmission even though I was trying to hurt you means I can sue!!)
I think that what these guys have here is one of the best programs around. And I am really trying to get people who don't want to get into the gi's and do all the forms and spend years on a self-defense program learning and training.
From what I have gotten in 2 seminars was amazing stuff. I unfortunately missed the "Stun & Run" lessons. Have to catch up on those.

I suggest to anyone looking to advance what they know of the MA and concerned about liability to really look into CDT training, I feel it will really change your outlook.
For CDT training in the MD area

Not listed yet but website updates coming very soon!
Originally posted by c2kenpo

And I am really trying to get people who don't want to get into the gi's and do all the forms and spend years on a self-defense program learning and training. From what I have gotten in 2 seminars was amazing stuff.

It's really not possible to learn all you have to from seminars... You have to train hard to become proficient at self defence.

I've used this example before on another forum: My mother (a GP) went to a seminar on self defence against grabs, something doctors are fairly often subjected to by angry patients. She came home having learned some wonderful techniques, but had only practised with people her own size, so when I held her hand she had no idea how to deal with it. I'm not a big guy, but I could still resist her technique just by holding on. Had she practised against a range of opponents, she would have realised that you need body movement to shift a larger attacks, as strength alone will not work.

Obviously this isn't a criticism of the CDT system itself, which for all I know may be fantastic, but instead it is a comment on the people who honestly believe that after only a few hours training they will be able to deal with a violent aggressor. I've been training for about 10 years now, and I still wouldn't be comfortable in a serious combat situation, but I know that with my training my chances of getting hurt are less should a fight be unavoidable...
Originally posted by Aegis

It's really not possible to learn all you have to from seminars... You have to train hard to become proficient at self defence.

I've used this example before on another forum: My mother (a GP) went to a seminar on self defence against grabs, something doctors are fairly often subjected to by angry patients. She came home having learned some wonderful techniques, but had only practised with people her own size, so when I held her hand she had no idea how to deal with it. I'm not a big guy, but I could still resist her technique just by holding on. Had she practised against a range of opponents, she would have realised that you need body movement to shift a larger attacks, as strength alone will not work.

Obviously this isn't a criticism of the CDT system itself, which for all I know may be fantastic, but instead it is a comment on the people who honestly believe that after only a few hours training they will be able to deal with a violent aggressor. I've been training for about 10 years now, and I still wouldn't be comfortable in a serious combat situation, but I know that with my training my chances of getting hurt are less should a fight be unavoidable...

Okay..let me paraphrase..what you quoted. I suggested that CDT is a great NON-DEADLY FORCE training program for those NOT interested in taking years of MA training. I suggest you take a look at what CDT Training for Life has to offer first before making ANY judgements.
My view is simply that after 2 seminars of training I have been able to incorporate what I learned into my MA training and have found it to be very useful and of great value. CDT I believe is something that the general public

  1. Can do without years of training.
  2. Works regardless of body size and type.
  3. Women and men can do alike.
  4. Is designed for those who do not feel the need for a FULL self defense training.
  5. Is designed for those that want to feel that "It is better to know something then not know anything and need it."
  6. Meets the level of the attack with a response just below.

    I like to remind people the self-defense is not only for ones personal protection but it is the image that one has about how much personal protection that one needs.
    Me....I like to know that I'll react one way or another regardless of the "liability" factor. On the other hand my mother is terrified of my MA training and what it can do, but she LOVES what the CDT is about and how it works.

    But most of all to each his own and for me CDT is a great supplement to my MA training. And for those who dont want to train in the MA but are looking for something that works.
    I still suggest CDT to those NOT interested in the MA.

Originally posted by c2kenpo

Okay..let me paraphrase..what you quoted. I suggested that CDT is a great NON-DEADLY FORCE training program for those NOT interested in taking years of MA training. I suggest you take a look at what CDT Training for Life has to offer first before making ANY judgements.

Have checked their website and was somewhat surprised by how little you have to train to become an instructor in their system. Can't remember it exactly, but the topic came up on another forum before and I expressed similar views after looking at their site and their demonstration video.

CDT I believe is something that the general public

  1. Can do without years of training.
  2. Works regardless of body size and type.
  3. Women and men can do alike.
  4. Is designed for those who do not feel the need for a FULL self defense training.
  5. Is designed for those that want to feel that "It is better to know something then not know anything and need it."
  6. Meets the level of the attack with a response just below.

    1. They can do it without years of training, but I pity them if they ever have to use it and they've only trained for a few hours on it. Could well give an inflated sense of ability. That would of course be down to the individual, not the system..
    2. So do most martial arts
    3. Same with most martial arts

    These however are fairly moot points compared to the last 3. The last point is just dangerous. In a fight situation, it is not clever to assume you know the 'level' of attack. If someone attcks you and you percieve a punch, only to find out a moment later that actually it's a broken bottle or a knife, the momentary confusion will probably lose the fight for you. If you train to assume the worst out of any attack (ie, treat a punch as you would a knife) then you stand a better chance of surviving.

    The other 2 points... Is this therefore a half-assed self defence system, for people who don't really care? The saying "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" applies to the martial arts. Nothing is more dangerous than teaching people a system in a few lessons, telling them they're quallified as self-defence students and releasing them onto the streets.

    Added to this, I'd be suspicious of any system that calls itself "the most effective non-deadly force system in the world"

    I'll agree that it looks like a fine supplement to someone who already has martial arts knowledge, but I fervently believe that anyone seriously wanting to learn effective self defence would be a lot better off in ongoing martial arts training.
Pretty cool, if a little money fixated. Of course it was a trade show.
I think there are many simialar programs out there right now, just depends on which one is right for you.
Aegis...I love your avatar...heh heh heh
Aegis, I agree that CDT is not enough for those wanting to learn an effective self-defense program. However I have met many women and men in different lifestyles that feel that " I have never needed anything like that."but want something. CDT also is broken down into a number of categories and different classes. CDT is also focused on law enforcement, controlling the subject without permanently harming the subject. Anyone remember Rodney King? Most law enforcement personnel are still liable for what they do and most law enforcement agencies do not protect thier personell from lawsuits. This could leave an officer out in the wind should someone sue because he/she used excessive force.
Like I said and I'll repeat, CDT is NOT a MA. CDT is a system of tactics that create a personal protection system. And like always NO MA or Personal Protection System, TKD, Kenpo, JKD, CDT Krav Maga, Judo, etc, etc are perfect or going to work every time all the time. That is something that just does not happen.
CDT is something that fits in the personal protection category for todays age and todays "non-fighter' 'lawsuit frenzy' public. That is all. I hope you get to see a demonstration as the website doesn't give enough to really show what CDT is or how it works and it's design.

No more on the topic from me. I dont argue points just present diffent views. Gou asked about CDT and well from a student of CDT and MA those were my views.
Have a great day folks.

Since CDT is becoming bigger all the time and MT has grown significantly since this thread was introduced, I would like to bring it back to the surface. To those unfamiliar with CDT here is there website

How many of our members have tried one fo the CDT courses? What do you guys think of the material?
My instructor is certifed. I can tell you it's very effective, having been exposed to it first hand. I suggest you do so as well. Changed my mind. As an addition to a "true" martial arts, it's worth is much greater then alone.
Thank you all there are many great points on this thread. I agree with many of them. I'm currently considering getting certified in CDT and teaching it. But especially since this thread is 3yrs old with no comments in nearly 1.5 years, I would like to know the current opinion of people about CDT. I'm not sure if it has gotten less popular or what. I first looked into this 1 or 2 yrs ago and it was in several magazines and on the news...

Currently I have contacted 2 former CDT instructors to see why they are no longer current. It looks to me like a great mini-course/primer/intro on self-defense.

Thanks in advance.
I got Level 1 Certified (Compliance/Escort) around 6 months ago. I think its a great addition to my martial arts training. It taught me some great options for situations which dont call for wholesale destruction, body bags and fire. I think it is a particularly good program for people in Law Enforcement, Executive Protection etc. where you might have more liability issues associated with the use of force. For me the techniques in level one were excellent alternatives for say removing an intoxicated person from a party or gaining compliance in a less than full out confrontation. If however I am faced with a motivated attacker I am thinking Kenpo all the way and will sort out the ramifications of my actions later. Thats my .02 anyway.
c2kenpo said:

CDT - Compliance Direction and Takedown. Our school is a certified training school for CDT. I currently am certified in the Compliances and Escorts.

I can tell you this is really good stuff in the course simple to learn and easy to train. The biggest thing that CDT talks about is meeting the amount of force with not the same amount but one level down.
Personal protection (YOU), Subject safety, (idiot attacking you or being aggressive), Full circle liability (because you touched me without my permmission even though I was trying to hurt you means I can sue!!)
I think that what these guys have here is one of the best programs around. And I am really trying to get people who don't want to get into the gi's and do all the forms and spend years on a self-defense program learning and training.
From what I have gotten in 2 seminars was amazing stuff. I unfortunately missed the "Stun & Run" lessons. Have to catch up on those.

I suggest to anyone looking to advance what they know of the MA and concerned about liability to really look into CDT training, I feel it will really change your outlook.
For CDT training in the MD area

Not listed yet but website updates coming very soon!

Not to put CDT down but, unfortunatly the compliance techniqes may work on people at seminars but, if you think that you can pull it of on a persistant & aggressive attacker that may not be realistic. Really, the best way to stop an attacker isn't to respond to force with a level down. Exactly how does that work? I train with plenty of LE that would disagree. Didn't you ever watch cops on tv? How is it that three or four cops have a hard time controlling one person? I am not saying that CDT dos'nt have it's value but, lets not over state what it really is.
My instructor is CDT certified. He usually teaches this in a series of 8 classes/seminars. I haven't been to any of them, but from those who attended, they seem to really like it a lot.

- Ceicei
Ceicei said:
My instructor is CDT certified. He usually teaches this in a series of 8 classes/seminars. I haven't been to any of them, but from those who attended, they seem to really like it a lot.

- Ceicei

I don't doubt this. I think that there is plenty of good in CDT.
Hello, Any new additional knowledge can be good. They may offer something that can add to everyone presents martial art classes. I just check out there wed site and read about them in BB magazine. It look interesting and we all have some thoughts on it. .........Give it a try? ...........Aloha
Thank you BigCat63, c2kenpo and ceicei, this is the kind of info I was looking for.

Sayoc ff, have you had a class or worked with someone who knows some of this stuff or what are you basing your experience on.

I think BigCat63 made good points. If you are dealing with someone who has you in fear for your life, go ahead and do Long 4 on them and worry about IDing the body parts later.

I'm considering CDT as something you might employ for its strategy and for the presumably easy to use maneuvers it teaches you for common situations where you may want to resist just to get away from a situation or to demonstrate that you are not helpless if that makes any sense.

I haven't taken a CDT class yet and I'm considering doing so in Jan to test my theory myself.

Thanks again to everyone.