

MTS Alumni
Mar 17, 2002
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N.C. Ohio
How many out here (dis)like cats? I'm just looking around the room and I have 4 cats. It's really about 2 too many but I didn't get a say in the animals in the first place. I'm o.k. with them except when they have to be up high and knock off all of my stuff on the floor breaking most of it.:rolleyes: Not that this subject really matters but I'm curious is all.
I love cats!!!!!!!!! I only have 3.:( If it were up to me, I'd have about 5. Right now my little black "panther" is laying on the bed next to me. That one is my special baby. :)

Robyn :asian:
Well, I'm really a dog person, but I own two cats (wife's idea). Fortunately, Chewie (the one on the left) thinks and acts like a dog. Diva is definately a cat.


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I have always been a cat person, whereas my hubby loves dogs. When we married, his mother was able to take his dog, whereas I didn't have anyone to take my cat. :D He and the cat have learned to live together in very imperfect harmony. :sniper:
Originally posted by Blindside
Well, I'm really a dog person, but I own two cats (wife's idea). Fortunately, Chewie (the one on the left) thinks and acts like a dog. Diva is definately a cat.

Those cats are gorgeous. Are they abynasians(spl)?
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
How many out here (dis)like cats? I'm just looking around the room and I have 4 cats. It's really about 2 too many but I didn't get a say in the animals in the first place. I'm o.k. with them except when they have to be up high and knock off all of my stuff on the floor breaking most of it.:rolleyes: Not that this subject really matters but I'm curious is all.

Finally, something the IKKO, and I can agree on. Cats are psycho, give me a dog anyday!;)
I love cats. I have 3. They don't break anything but they shed like crazy. The vaccuum is always out.

Didn't like 'em...then I did...then I realized I was allergic to 'em...

Now I like them from a distance...

No cats in this house (my wife is more allergic than I am)...
But we do have dogs...

In fact, the dogs I have are the primary dog sold in the "farmer's market" in Korea...Shiba Inu, is the breed...Koreans call the delicacy, KeiGoGi..

I prefer my dogs alive, thanks...

its amazing what you will eat when you think it is something normal... thats how i ended up trying dog fajitas in panama...
That's the name of my father in law's dog, KeiGoGi ... he got it
when he was dating a korean lady. We just call her Kay.
Those cats are gorgeous. Are they abynasians(spl)?

Nope, they are Burmese, a very fun and affectionate breed, but not really that widely known.

Originally posted by RCastillo
Yep, not only that, it's coming out in the next issue of Black Belt!:eek:

I heard they twist the storyline.:shrug: