Bruce Lee Movies ? ?


Blue Belt
Founding Member
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Topeka, KS
Does anyone know if the moves in the Bruce Lee movies are speed up? I know this is a common Hong Kong filming technique but I also heard that they are actual speed. Any ideas?
I have read that they have actually done the opposite sometimes, they had to ask Bruce to slow his kicks, because his kicking was too fast for the filming techniques of that era. My point is they didn't speed up his moves.
Originally posted by Samurai
Does anyone know if the moves in the Bruce Lee movies are speed up? I know this is a common Hong Kong filming technique but I also heard that they are actual speed. Any ideas?
Bruces Was asked often to slow down moves
His speed & Skill are verry impressive:D
I watched, "Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey" the other day.

They had footage of some of the fight scenes which were rejected. One was of Lee and Jabbar fighting. The reason they were rejected was, they were moving too fast! You could really see it. They looked very staccatto / jerky. Too quick to really follow very well.

Interesting stuff. The documentary also included 30 minutes of lost Game of Death footage (only 11 minutes of Bruce Lee fighting were in the theatrical release).
i was not a big fan of game of death. it was very dissapointing. i realize that he died during the making, but it should have been left alone. the final version doesn't do him any justice.
Another technique they used for Bruce, particularly on the Green Hornet series, was to speed up the camera during recording. This way, when it was played back at normal speed, the action would be slowed down, but smooth. Since Kato's costume was black, if they used a recorded at regular speed, they said it looked like Bruce walked up to a bad guy, there'd be a blur, then the guy would fall down. Sometimes, it would look like the bad guy fell down for no reason.

Originally posted by Shinzu
i was not a big fan of game of death. it was very dissapointing. i realize that he died during the making, but it should have been left alone. the final version doesn't do him any justice.

I agree & disagree
No The Movie is not even close to Enter The Dragon or Way of The Dragon(Return of the dragon in the U.S.)

But i would hate to have missed out on Some of Bruce Lee
in Action
all in all i still feel the movie does him not credit or justice. it would have been better off left unfinished in my opinion.
Originally posted by Samurai
Does anyone know if the moves in the Bruce Lee movies are speed up? I know this is a common Hong Kong filming technique but I also heard that they are actual speed. Any ideas?
I have heard that to but I dont remmember any Lee films that did follow that pattern.
Originally posted by Ronin
i think croutching tiger hidden dragon certainly did

i think CTHD was highly overrated. it is a good film, but it could have been soopoo much more.
Originally posted by Shinzu
i think CTHD was highly overrated. it is a good film, but it could have been soopoo much more.

Highly Over Rated
:drink2tha :redeme:
Originally posted by Shinzu
i think CTHD was highly overrated. it is a good film, but it could have been soopoo much more.

I dont know.....I thought it was all it was hyped up to be....Decent Film with Good Martial Arts :asian:
don't get me wrong. i did like the film and the MA was excellent. i guess i just expected a little more from the film as a whole.
Originally posted by Posiview
Bruce Lee = Overrated.


NO Bruce L33 r G0d!!!!!!!!!! The GOLDEN DRAGON reincarnation of musahi and Sun Tzu, not overrated at all! ;-)

I think that Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon got overrated because it was so much better than the competition. Gladiator=horrible choregraphy + less historical acuracy than Monty Python's "Life of Brian". CTHD is a very good movie though.