Brock And His Antics

remember Brock had a stint in the pro wrestling world. they teach you how to work a crowd. They teach you how to get people to love or hate you. They teach you how to get people to pay good money to see you get your head knocked off.
Are his antics good for his image NO
did most people like him anyway NO
are more people going to tune in to see him get beat YES
dose he realy give a damn what people think: good question but I think he would rather get big money than be a fan favorite
The reason the crowd booed Lesnar was because he approached Mir as he was just beginning to get up after the fight was stopped and this was very unsportsmanlike and in my opinion very inexcusable.
He beat the guy, adding insult to injury by approaching him in a hostile way is just plain stupid.
I firmly believe that there is no room for this type of image in MMA.
It's a combat sport and that'S the beauty of it, the minute fighters start disrespecting each other to the point of attacking each other after the match it degenerates into stupidity and everyone against the sport will have fuel for their opposition.
A few related articles on the UFC 100 and Brock.

So, some people are questioning, whether Brock is ruining the image of the UFC, by flipping the crowd off, disrespecting sponsors, and dragging Danas image thru the mud in the course of all of this. One thing that caught my attention, was the fact that Dana claims that he was upset with what Brock was doing and saying. Well, lets see, last time I checked, the UFC was Danas baby, so I'd think that he'd have the say as to what people fight on his show. So, common sense would tell you, that you'd do a little background checking on your fighters. I mean, if Brocks actions were so bad, you'd think that during his wrestling days, he'd have done the same thing. I doubt people who act like he did, just started the day they signed with the UFC.

IMHO, I really didn't see anything wrong with what he did, due to the fact that I could name a number of fighters, whos actions could be questionable. Lets see....Tito and Ken Shamrock. They've had more than their fair share of ring antics. Tank mocked John Matua (sp) in UFC6, after he KO'd him. Dan Henderson, from the article, hit a KO'd fighter.

I think its safe to say that whether all of the drama that we see is real or not, fact of the matter is, is that it brings in viewers, which means it brings in cash, and lots of it.

So, I thought we could talk about this. For those that watched the fight, do you feel that anything that happened, was that over the top?

1) Flipping off the crowd.

This was done by those before the current owners and with the current owners, Zuffa Inc.

2) Taunting the opponent after the fight.

This has been done as well by others.

3) Insulting one of the prime promoters / advertisers

I am not sure if this has been done before. I know that none approved wear and products have been removed before the fights or not allowed in the ring.

4) Making a off color comment about his Wife.

I am not sure that others have done this or not. I do not remember. So either I did not find it offensive or I did not see it.

I think the issue with the advertiser and money in Dana's pocket and the fact that the other three by themselves might have been ignored or allowed with a wave of the hand, but with all of them, it just seemed to cross a line.

Now me personally, I do not like nor do I respect Brock Lesnar. But that is my option as a fan. I think he should be fined. I also think if Budwieser paid for an exclusive rights for beer and since another name brand was mentioned by one of the UFC fighters then I think Brock should be responsible for refunding the exclusive monies paid to Zuffa Inc. by Budwieser. Note: I do not drink Bud, but I do respect contracts.

I did hear that Brock was walking around with a Bud in his hand, after his talk from Dana. So, a threat as I mentioned may have been made, where I would have had Brock or anyone walk around with the product, I would have them take their payday and more if required and refund the advertiser. This would make a statement on what was allowed and what is not.
Since Saturday was the 100th UFC match, the UFC themselves made a lot more fuss and a lot more hype over the match than the matches that have happened before. In return, I think there were more eyes on the match.


In addition, MMA fighting, while very popular, does not have the establishment that other sports do in the U.S., including boxing. I think as it gains in popularity, so will the scrutiny...particularly if viewers continue to skew to the younger side of the age bracket.

I don't know....after 16yrs, I think its pretty established, as I dont think any of the main groups, ie: UFC, Pride, are closing up shop any time soon.
Yeah, UFC will make even more money if it starts down that road. It's known as appealing to the lowest common denominator. WWF, here we come.

Don't laugh at me...I have always watched UFC primarily because I thought it was the one televised fight that I could count on to have some semblance of class and dignity.

As a female, I was turned off by Brock's remark about his wife. If UFC is looking to alienate female viewers and make this a macho he-man's fight show, by all means, it should encourage behavior like Brock's.

But, thats the thing....every TUF show that I've seen and many UFCs that I've seen, have all had the antics that were displayed in 100, so again, thats why I don't see what the fuss is. As for his comment, I don't think that it was anything negative directed towards his wife or women in general.
And through all of this Zuffa is laughing all the way to the bank. Negative publicity? Who cares, look how much discussion his behavior has generated.

They're probably already crunching numbers on the ppv sales of his next fight.
The reason the crowd booed Lesnar was because he approached Mir as he was just beginning to get up after the fight was stopped and this was very unsportsmanlike and in my opinion very inexcusable.
He beat the guy, adding insult to injury by approaching him in a hostile way is just plain stupid.
I firmly believe that there is no room for this type of image in MMA.
It's a combat sport and that'S the beauty of it, the minute fighters start disrespecting each other to the point of attacking each other after the match it degenerates into stupidity and everyone against the sport will have fuel for their opposition.

While this may be the case, this again, was nothing different than other fighters have done, with, IMO, less of a fiasco. Seems to me that some, not necessarily people here, are looking at this, as if it never happened has, many times. How many times has Tito and Ken Shamrock had words, got in each others face, etc.? Quite a few.

The image of MMA?? I'll point again, to TUF. What about the image that a bunch of 20-something, UFC hopefuls, is projecting, when you see them swear constantly, drink, and fight, and act like a bunch of classless asses?

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big MMA fan. I'm simply saying that it seems like people are making a mountain out of a molehill.
1) Flipping off the crowd.

This was done by those before the current owners and with the current owners, Zuffa Inc.

2) Taunting the opponent after the fight.

This has been done as well by others.


3) Insulting one of the prime promoters / advertisers

I am not sure if this has been done before. I know that none approved wear and products have been removed before the fights or not allowed in the ring.

No idea.

4) Making a off color comment about his Wife.

I am not sure that others have done this or not. I do not remember. So either I did not find it offensive or I did not see it.

Don't recall hearing a comment like that before. It was made as he was making his exit from the ring. Likewise, I wasn't offended by it either. I didn't take it as anything directed at females in general, nor did I take it as him hinting that he abuses his wife. As for the comment effecting female MMA fans....I highly doubt that'll happen, given the large female population in the crowd.

Now me personally, I do not like nor do I respect Brock Lesnar. But that is my option as a fan. I think he should be fined. I also think if Budwieser paid for an exclusive rights for beer and since another name brand was mentioned by one of the UFC fighters then I think Brock should be responsible for refunding the exclusive monies paid to Zuffa Inc. by Budwieser. Note: I do not drink Bud, but I do respect contracts.

I did hear that Brock was walking around with a Bud in his hand, after his talk from Dana. So, a threat as I mentioned may have been made, where I would have had Brock or anyone walk around with the product, I would have them take their payday and more if required and refund the advertiser. This would make a statement on what was allowed and what is not.

I've only heard that rumor online, regarding walking around with a beer, so I can't comment on that. Personally, in the beginning, I felt that Brock, who was new to MMA, should not have been fighting top ranked guys. Seems like he climbed to the top very quick. As I said, with more time, I'm sure he'll be more of a force to deal with. Do I respect him? I tip my hat to all of those guys that get in the ring. Its not for everyone. There are some fighters that I like more than others. Brock is making his way into my top 10, but he's not quite at the upper half yet. :)
And through all of this Zuffa is laughing all the way to the bank. Negative publicity? Who cares, look how much discussion his behavior has generated.

They're probably already crunching numbers on the ppv sales of his next fight.

Exactly! I mean, when you think about the PPV sales, the sold out arena, and I'm sure tickets were not cheap, in addition to all of the other sales, ie: food, t-shirts, etc., we're talking about some serious cash!
As for his comment, I don't think that it was anything negative directed towards his wife or women in general.

It was tacky, crass, and disrespectful of his wife. If my husband said something like that in public, I would be humiliated and furious.
So you don't have to go googling for the comment to see how crude, crass, or disrespectful it is:

"Hell, I may even get on top of my wife tonight.” - Brock Lesnar

Reminds me of this character:

so you don't have to go googling for the comment to see how crude, crass, or disrespectful it is:

"hell, i may even get on top of my wife tonight.” - brock lesnar

reminds me of this character:


"bow to your sensei !!"
It was tacky, crass, and disrespectful of his wife. If my husband said something like that in public, I would be humiliated and furious.

While this may be the case, I can think of quite a few other things that I've seen that would fall into those categories.
While this may be the case, I can think of quite a few other things that I've seen that would fall into those categories.

That doesn't make it any less offensive, IMO.
So you don't have to go googling for the comment to see how crude, crass, or disrespectful it is:

"Hell, I may even get on top of my wife tonight.” - Brock Lesnar

Reminds me of this character:


Grab my, the other, with your other break the wrist and walk away.
That doesn't make it any less offensive, IMO.

I guess what I was trying to say was....if we look at all the 'in your face' posturing, by grown men, the swearing, the hand gestures, the childish antics by the UFC wannabes in the TUF shows, music videos with sexual content, the clothing that some people wear, what he did is no more offensive than any of that other stuff.

I'm of the belief that if you dont want to hear music, where every other word is ****, then don't buy it. If you don't like the clothing that some people wear, dont shop in those stores. If you dont like what is shown on TUF and UFC, dont watch it. But, understand that there is nothing that we can do about it, other than just deal with it. Trust me, my wife has seen more than her share of slender and not so slender girls wearing jeans that show off the top of their ***, complete with thong, and she's not offended. She may give a roll of her eyes but thats it. She goes about her business. I've pulled up along side of a car with loud rap music blasting, complete with **** this, and **** that, and laugh, and wonder to myself, if this driver knows how dumb they look, due to the fact that 99% of the time, the stereo system is worth 10times what the car is. LOL. But I'm not offended by it. I just continue on my way.
I guess what I was trying to say was....if we look at all the 'in your face' posturing, by grown men, the swearing, the hand gestures, the childish antics by the UFC wannabes in the TUF shows, music videos with sexual content, the clothing that some people wear, what he did is no more offensive than any of that other stuff.

I'm of the belief that if you dont want to hear music, where every other word is ****, then don't buy it. If you don't like the clothing that some people wear, dont shop in those stores. If you dont like what is shown on TUF and UFC, dont watch it. But, understand that there is nothing that we can do about it, other than just deal with it. Trust me, my wife has seen more than her share of slender and not so slender girls wearing jeans that show off the top of their ***, complete with thong, and she's not offended. She may give a roll of her eyes but thats it. She goes about her business. I've pulled up along side of a car with loud rap music blasting, complete with **** this, and **** that, and laugh, and wonder to myself, if this driver knows how dumb they look, due to the fact that 99% of the time, the stereo system is worth 10times what the car is. LOL. But I'm not offended by it. I just continue on my way.

People's clothing and music choices have no relationship to making disrespectful remarks specifically about one's wife in public. That's not a valid comparison, IMO. Not that I especially enjoy much rap music; some of it is very clever and well-written, though. And I rarely go around with my undies hanging out, but I don't care if anyone else does--it makes people-watching more fun.

I'm not delusional; I don't think I can stop UFC guys from acting like donkeys; nor would I try. Hell, I'm a librarian. I don't DO censorship. I can, however, state my opinion of their behavior, and judge their character by their behavior. I still think that the "in your face" stuff is stupid, and degrades the sport and the competitors who choose to behave that way. And I would happily tell them that to their faces, given an opportunity--in a respectful, courteous manner, of course.

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