bob or bob xl anyone?

I don't have one but I know what you're talking about. I agree, it looks like a good training device. I'd be interested to know if anyone has one as well.
I'll let you know what my students think after class tomorrow - they've been fundraising to buy one, and they were on sale at Sports Authority, so I bought one yesterday. I haven't used it yet because it needs to go into the Y tomorrow (where I teach), so I didn't want to fill the base; without that, it's kind of ineffective to hit it.
Great for precise training, I like the fact that I can actually use my elbows exactly how I would execute on a real target. Punches, eye gouges, knees, hand swords, raining claws, I feel can be practiced more efficiently on the bob's than a standard bag. I like the XL because I can step through techniques utilizing groin strikes.
We have one at the school where I study. It's pretty good. There are two washers and screws exposed along the spine. Don't kick or hit them. It's kind of like a heavy bag.
A friend of mine used to have one, and I think they're pretty good depending on what you use them for. Like I don't think they take the place of a heavy bag if you want to train power, but for precision, combos, accuracy related things they're pretty good.
We started using our new Bob on Monday - the results were wonderful, as my color belt students, who usually only strike a bag or focus pad, or pull strikes on opponents they like, got their feet caught, suddenly discovered why some kicks/strikes should come at certain angles, or discovered just why making a proper fist is so important.
I don't have a Bob XXL, but I do have a regular XXL. I'd recommend the Bob XXL rather than the regular. The XXL just has more weight in the bottom so you can throw harder techniques. The Bob addition would be nice for the reality training.
Just a warning... If grapplers train at your school their going to want to choke it. :) Every time I see on I secretly want to sink a rear naked choke...

I Use to train BJJ at a karate school, and there was a seminar. I remember one of the smaller guys from another school, as soon as he got his gi on, ran across the room so he could leap on the Bob's back and choke him out.