bin laden died, obama...played cards...


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Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
We now know exactly what President obama was doing the night of the raid that killed the most wanted man in American history...he was playing cards...apparently he told all those people in the situation room that he couldn't sit through the raid...he must have been really bored...

We also know from the same interview that obama only works half days on the weekend...

None of this is it?

President Barack Obama expressed mainly disinterest on the night of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, according to a high-level White House staffer.

During an Artists & Athletes Alliance forum at UCLA, Obama's former personal assistant Reggie Love said the president played card games instead of remaining in the White House Situation Room to watch the raid unfold.

Regarding May 2, 2011, Love said: "We sat around in the private dining room. Most people were like down in the Situation Room and [Obama] was like, 'I'm not going to be down there, I can't watch this entire thing.' So he, myself, [White House photographer] Pete Souza, and Marvin, we must have played 15 hands, 15 games of spades."

Ryan Zinke, former Commander at SEAL Team Six and Chairman of Special Operations for America, told Breitbart News that "while America's best risked their lives to take out the world's most notorious terrorist, the President chose to play cards. Afterwards, he cynically took credit for directing the operation for political gain. One can only wonder what our Commander-in-Chief was doing the night of the Benghazi attacks."


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May 12, 2011
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I am not dismayed that he would have taken a break until the nitty-gritty was going down. He was easily reached if a decision was needed from him. Otherwise, that is what he has subordinates for.

I am dismayed that someone would talk about that. I'm not sure what non-disclosure statements they may have signed, but the office and the person in it deserves some respect, and loyalty.

Oh, I try very hard not to work on weekends at all. And if I do, I can expect overtime.

I don't mean to rain on your parade, and I am not a supporter of President Obama, but I don't see a problem with him trying to relieve the pressure a bit. If you haven't done it, you just haven't been in a high pressure situation.


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Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
It's the impression they tried to show, with that photo op of him in the situation if he was actually there the whole time. If this had been Bush, and he had been caught playing cards while this particular raid was going down, and taking credit for being there, in the moment, as it happened...can we be would be 24/7 coverage of how disconnected, unconcerned and unfit Bush was...


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain
I am not dismayed that he would have taken a break until the nitty-gritty was going down. He was easily reached if a decision was needed from him. Otherwise, that is what he has subordinates for.

I am dismayed that someone would talk about that. I'm not sure what non-disclosure statements they may have signed, but the office and the person in it deserves some respect, and loyalty.

Oh, I try very hard not to work on weekends at all. And if I do, I can expect overtime.

I don't mean to rain on your parade, and I am not a supporter of President Obama, but I don't see a problem with him trying to relieve the pressure a bit. If you haven't done it, you just haven't been in a high pressure situation.

I am sure it's all in a days work for bill to order a bunch of people being killed...
16 hands of spades...that's not but a half hour...


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Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
I If this had been Bush, and he had been caught playing cards while this particular raid was going down

...rather than continuing to read a children's book after being informed that the U.S. was under attack on 9/11...


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It's the impression they tried to show, with that photo op of him in the situation if he was actually there the whole time. If this had been Bush, and he had been caught playing cards while this particular raid was going down, and taking credit for being there, in the moment, as it happened...can we be would be 24/7 coverage of how disconnected, unconcerned and unfit Bush was...

He's not Bush. Either of them. He's not Reagan. He's not Clinton, Carter, or Nixon. Or Ford. Or even Washington.

Yes, the media certainly seem willing to cut him slack and support him more than any other President I can recall. I don't agree with that; I think it highlights the degradation of the professionalism of the news media. I don't like that he's going on the talk shows. I'm going by memory only, but I don't think anyone but maybe Clinton did that. I think it harms the dignity of the office.

But pouting rants about how he handled things, that he dares to only work a half day on weekends (how many hours do YOU work on the weekend? how much time did Bush or Reagan take as "vacation?")... That just makes you and the others going on about it look petty. It's like someone seeing a well performed kata from a super-commercial school, and the only thing they can complain about is that the guy's belt ends were uneven. Or getting a delicious, perfectly prepared steak, and complaining that it wasn't perfectly centered on the plate.

There are plenty of things to legitimately complain about in Obama's performance. Why not try to pay attention to those, and let the petty stuff slide? Here's a challenge for you -- personal, not official. For a week, limit your anti-Obama posts to one or two per day. Pick the best, most important... rather than just forwarding everything that pops up. Tell us why YOU think this is the most significant issue of the day regarding Obama.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain
It's the impression they tried to show, with that photo op of him in the situation if he was actually there the whole time. If this had been Bush, and he had been caught playing cards while this particular raid was going down, and taking credit for being there, in the moment, as it happened...can we be would be 24/7 coverage of how disconnected, unconcerned and unfit Bush was...

Well, Bush had 8 years to be in that position. I do believe he actually gave the hunt little to no priority...

...rather than continuing to read a children's book after being informed that the U.S. was under attack on 9/11...
As much as I think W was a disaster, that is NOT one thing I can fault him for.


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Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
The so called "petty" stuff can be just as important as the real issues because it creates an image that he and other politicians use to empower themselves and destroy opponents. The left uses these tactics against each and every republican that threatens them electorally, if it wasn't an important technique they wouldn't use it. Every republican is attacked as being dumb, racist and cold hearted and with the help of the government/democrat media this image gets traction in the public mind.

How else could e party of slavery, Jim Crow, lynching, the Kkkk, and all manner of racism (the democrats) have convinced the very people they hurt with those practices to vote democrat. Itcomes from years and years of democrat attacks, both petty and major, and years and years of republicans thinking that those attacks can't work...and yet they do.

Bush, who did better in school than Kerry and gore and who has a masters in business from Harvard, is seen as the dumb guy. why? Years of attacks that were never answered by him or his supporters.

To this day, people think Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house....when she never said it...Tina Fey said it in the very type of attack I am pointing to here.

People keep saying Obama was a law professor...he wasn't, he was simply a guest lecturer, and yet he gets great points for his alleged intelligence because of it.

So what may seem minor and petty can actually be important, especially when it is repeated and highlighted. If you only allow the media to frame the image of Obama...he gets reelected to a second term...instead of being voted out because he is a poor leader.

Here's a challenge for you -- personal, not official. For a week, limit your anti-Obama posts to one or two per day.

That is simply your bias showing. I haven't posted about Obama for quite some time, and it isn't as often as you have convinced yourself that it is.

Her is a challenge for you...once or twice a week, find an article that shows the anti-conservative, anti-tea party bias from a main stream media source, it won't be hard, and point out why it is unfair and misrepresents the targeted conservative/tea party, or (with Rand Paul now a threat) or libertarian.

it might help to put my posts in perspective. Keep in mind, the "petty" things you think are a waste of time...they are in the regular news media, education, and all throughout the entertainment media...

They don't seem to think they are a waste of time.


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
...rather than continuing to read a children's book after being informed that the U.S. was under attack on 9/11...

This is exactly the uninformed attack that undermined President Bush. The left never stopped the attack and never let any moment pass. since Bush was in secure location and the secret service was determining a course of action before they possibly walked the President into an ambush...

Also, Bush himself points out that he was watching the fact that the second tower was attacked by radical Muslim terrorists being relayed to the entire press corps. In the back of the room where we couldn't see them and he didn't want the situation to get out of hand...With a press feeding frenzy on top of the need to get out of the building especially with a room full of young children....

And yet, they pound him with that...and let the guy who was AWOL on the night of the Bhengazi attack, where our ambassador and three other people were murdered, get off without any tough questions...

Of course...we do have that image of him watching the bin laden raid in that bomber jacket...


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
Well, Bush had 8 years to be in that position. I do believe he actually gave the hunt little to no priority...

Unlike Obama, Bush seems to have realized that the problem with radical Muslim terrorism was a lot bigger than just bin laden...Obama may just now be beginning to realize that...

Keeping in mind that if Obama had been in office we would never have found Obama, since Obama objected to everything Bush did that actually allowed Obama to find bin laden...and then take all the credit...and reveal the name of the unit that did it, endangering them and their families, so he could constantly spike the football...


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
keep on mind as well, the media has allowed a serial sexual predator, bill Clinton, with two credible accusations of rape against him to become a popular and continue to be a public figure. the press is also going to help give the impression that his corrupt and incompetent wife is exactly the opposite, simply because they like her stand on the issues.
pRemember, she led the team that silenced all of his victims and girlfriends, she was the one who allowed Bhengazi to happen....and yet, she is supposed to be really smart...and yet, pointing out the "petty" things is wrong?

Touch Of Death

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Spokane Valley WA
keep on mind as well, the media has allowed a serial sexual predator, bill Clinton, with two credible accusations of rape against him to become a popular and continue to be a public figure. the press is also going to help give the impression that his corrupt and incompetent wife is exactly the opposite, simply because they like her stand on the issues.
pRemember, she led the team that silenced all of his victims and girlfriends, she was the one who allowed Bhengazi to happen....and yet, she is supposed to be really smart...and yet, pointing out the "petty" things is wrong?
Why? What does this have to do with the card game?

James Kovacich

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Dec 4, 2002
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San Jose, Ca.
We now know exactly what President obama was doing the night of the raid that killed the most wanted man in American history...he was playing cards...apparently he told all those people in the situation room that he couldn't sit through the raid...he must have been really bored...

We also know from the same interview that obama only works half days on the weekend...

None of this is it?

I guess that video with the pentagon heavyweights watching live was fabricated.

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Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan

Just to be accurate, I've scrolled down the list of threads started by me, and you aren't even close in saying I should only post on Obama once or twice a week...I have maybe one or two Obama specific threads in the last 15 days, if that. The threads that I have posted about are mainly the I.R.S. scandal global warming and obamacare, the zimmerman trial, gun control issues and other topics, the ones related to Obama deal with policy or actual scandals, all of which aren't being covered properly by the government/democrat media.

guess that video with the pentagon heavyweights watching live was fabricated.

You would have to ask his friend in the video who actually made the comments. check his interview in the article.


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
Okay jks9199,

I've scrolled to page two of the thread list and still haven't found all of the Obama based threads you say I have started...remember how many you said there were? I think a quick check would show you have made a point not based in fact.

like someone seeing a well performed kata from a super-commercial school, and the only thing they can complain about is that the guy's belt ends were uneven. Or getting a delicious, perfectly prepared steak, and complaining that it wasn't perfectly centered on the plate.

There are plenty of things to legitimately complain about in Obama's performance. Why not try to pay attention to those, and let the petty stuff slide? Here's a challenge for you -- personal, not official. For a week, limit your anti-Obama posts to one or two per day. Pick the best, most important... rather than just forwarding everything that pops up. Tell us why YOU think this is the most significant issue of the day regarding Obama.

If you look at a lot of my posts...they cover the scandals that this president has presided over...Fast and furious, The I.R.S. targeting political opposition groups, the disaster that is obamacare, the failure and coverup of Bhengazi...the green jobs scams...hardly petty stuff...actually really serious stuff that isn't being covered by the government/democrat media...

So, I try to cover a full range of material, mainly things I am interested in, and that covers a lot of politics...not just the "petty"stuff...

But the "petty" stuff helps create a false image of this guy which in turn helps isolate him from the consequences of his decisions...


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Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
How about this...

Three more weapons from the failed Fast and Furious gun-tracking operation have turned up at crime scenes in Mexico, while an estimated 1,400 more sold in hopes of catching drug cartel leaders are still either on the streets or unaccounted for.

Read Latest Breaking News from
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

Many of the guns have since been recovered at crime scenes both in Mexico and the United States. However, an estimated 1,400 of them are still unaccounted for, CBS reports.

The Justice Department still refuses to provide a full account of the weapons to Congress, even after the House voted last year to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for refusing to hand over requested information.

Read Latest Breaking News from
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

Need I point out that if eric holder was John Ashcroft, every time he had a story about him...on a scandal this size...the report would say that he had been held in contempt by congress...


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Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
As to the false meme generated by paying attention to "petty," attacks by the left on conservatives and members of the Tea Party and soon the Libertarian party...

Buried within an article on Newark Mayor Cory Booker's run for U.S. Senate,
Edward-Isaac Dovere of Politico admits "the irony that in the age of Obama, Republicans have done a better job than Democrats of bringing diversity through their ranks."

That is a reality ignored all too often by the mainstream media in its rush to declare Republicans, and especially those from the Tea Party movement, as racist, white, male, and old.
In fact, the emergence of the Tea Party helped bring black and female candidates to the forefront of the GOP, as political newcomers seized (and created) political opportunities--often in opposition to the Republican establishment.
The irony, Dovere notes, is that Cory Booker has become a rare exception in the age of Obama--a viable black candidate in a party that has a near-complete lock on the African-American vote.

So you see, these "petty," and false, attacks take their toll on the truth when it concerns Conservatives and Tea Party members...that is why the left does it the case of obama, the posts aren't petty, they are simply highlighting the truth about the man that the media doesn't want to cover...the real man behind the myth of obama...

James Kovacich

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Dec 4, 2002
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San Jose, Ca.
Okay jks9199,

I've scrolled to page two of the thread list and still haven't found all of the Obama based threads you say I have started...remember how many you said there were? I think a quick check would show you have made a point not based in fact.


If you look at a lot of my posts...they cover ...
Everything involving Democratic party.

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