Beginner - Must go train in a school?


White Belt
Jun 10, 2008
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Hey guys, just joined this forum. I've been reading up on the forums and it seems like most of you belong to a school for Wing Chun. My friend and I would like to start but we do not have the $$ to train at a school. Is there any alternatives (videos or books?) I know its a stretch but let me know! Thanks
Well, I wouldn't call them alternatives, as they are not even close to equalling classroom training. Just keep that in mind. Whatever you see or read on the DVD's and books will probably be taught different in the class.
Welcome! I'm afraid that in Wing Chun, even more than in many arts, a knowledgable instructor is essential.
There is too much going on in wing Chun and too many subtleties that make it, IMO, impossible to learn it properly or at all, from a video.

Videos are at best supplements to training, you need a real live sifu to train with.

An option to consider is having an instructor come to you. The cost may not be as forbidding as you might think, especially if you and some buddies pool together your funds.
You could make it a monthly seminar with your teacher and then you and your friends could train together between seminars.

Just food for thought
I believe to be the most effective fighter you can be you have to train in a school.
In the school you will be supervised so that bad habits don't become engrained.
Also you have to train with tall people , small people, strong people, tense people ,fast people, even slow people they all move differently.
If you just train with your friend all the time you will just get very good at defending against your friend.
I was told once by a senior instructor that if you can apply the same technique against 10 different people perfectly you are doing well.

Good instruction is a good investment in this case. The thing is that without proper basic knowledge, no good feedback will be obtained and you will think you're doing things right and as best you can, yet you're really not.

A good, qualified instructor will help you develop your skills much faster, and much better. Also, the companionship of others looking for the same thing (the other students) promotes a kind of accelerated learning curve.

so in investing in a school, you're investing in more than just the instruction.

Hope that helps.

Juan M. Mercado
There is too much going on in wing Chun and too many subtleties that make it, IMO, impossible to learn it properly or at all, from a video.

Videos are at best supplements to training, you need a real live sifu to train with.

I'd say this is true for all the arts as well. :)


An option to consider is having an instructor come to you. The cost may not be as forbidding as you might think, especially if you and some buddies pool together your funds.
You could make it a monthly seminar with your teacher and then you and your friends could train together between seminars.

Just food for thought

Training privately is usually very costly, even if it's once a month. If you can find a group of friends to split the cost with and can afford it, it would be a great start though.

Have you tried visiting a school in your area? Go in and check it out. Talk with the instructor about your desire to train and your financial hold-back. If you could train once or twice a month in class, that could be a better option. Train on your own in between. Not ideal, but once again, it's a start. :)
DVD's are good for supplemental training for someone with an instructor. In your case if you wish to learn Wing Chun then you will need to learn from an instructor in person.

Talk with the nearest school that you like and maybe you can pay half and go to half the classes until you are financially able to pay and attend all.

Good luck!
I take it you're in America. Which part? My bro lives in Baltimore and would probably help you guys for free - he could do with the training himself!

I'm sure if you go on forums like this, you will find some instructors who will train you either for free or for very cheap price

I know several good teachers in the UK who wouldn't mind teaching a hard working student for free
Try to build a martial arts workout group in a local park. I did this several years back and had a great time.
Talk to anyone you know who is in a martial arts school and see if they can come and bring other people. You may not end up with any wing chun people, but whatever you end up with is better than nothing.
You can use and your local newspapers and post in the free want ads about your workout group and even post fliers around town.

There is too much going on in wing Chun and too many subtleties that make it, IMO, impossible to learn it properly or at all, from a video.

Videos are at best supplements to training, you need a real live sifu to train with.

I don't train in Wing Chun, although I'm more than willing to take Xue's word for the level of complexity... but I will point out that even after 21 years of active training in TaeKwon-Do, I still train with my instructor whenever possible (usually weekly); there are too many things that I just don't see without someone to point them out. Trying to learn things from scratch without an instructor can lead to poor - or even dangerous (especially in terms of injury) habits that will be incredibly hard to break later.
Hey guys, just joined this forum. I've been reading up on the forums and it seems like most of you belong to a school for Wing Chun. My friend and I would like to start but we do not have the $$ to train at a school. Is there any alternatives (videos or books?) I know its a stretch but let me know! Thanks

I agree the other responses that there's no substitute for an instructor. Books and videos are only sometimes useful as a reference, and even then only sometimes.

Videos like other have said is great for extra's training but the instructor is always the best bet. Have you tried to go see some and see if they would train you if you cleaned the school a couple of times a week. Or maybe hand out flier in exchange for instruction, these are option that maybe the best solution to your problem. Best of luck.
Do not train off video's, you will only learn bad habits which will mean you will have to spend the time and energy to unlearn what you have taught yourself.
My sifu only charges $50 a month for 4 classes a week. There's a chi sao group also so where ya located?

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