Basket Ball

  • Thread starter Master of Blades
  • Start date

Master of Blades

How many of you people watch this sport and what do you think of it. Being a member of my school team I enjoy watching and playing and find it helps improve my hand feet and eye coordination. Its also wicked to watch when someone can ball! But what about you guys and which team do you support? I'm a Charlotte Hornets dude followed By Orlando Magics :cool:

Ps: I'm bored and posting random things of interest, Dont mind me :p
If I see it on t.v. I turn it off. I'm not a basketball fan. I wrestled in school and was too small for the team anyway. Personally I like the combat stuff. :)
Diehard, absolutely diehard hoopaholic fan big time. I get antsy if I don't get my daily roundball fix :anic:

Oh, and I'm into both college and pro ball. UCLA is my college B-ball team, and the Lake Show (L.A. Lakers) is my favorite pro team. Quat-row, Quat-row, Four-Peat! Four-Peat!!! :ultracool
Lol.......The Lakers aint doing too well as of late from what I've seen. Anyone else a B-Ball fan?
Yup, the Lakers have gotten off to a slowww start this time :eek:
That's okay though, no worries, the season is still young. Just wait until April and May roll around, and the playoffs begin. Now that's when the Lakes really step up and begin to play some serious ball! :armed:

I love basketball. College and pros. Being from Ct I am a die hard Uconn fan(womens). I never missed a game but since starting kempo, that comes first. I just tape the games and watch them later.