Bare Knuckle Russian Pugilism!

Well I do not know if I would be doing it in the snow but each there own.
wowa very very interesting I heard alot about it but never actully had a chance of seen it in action.
If I'm not mistaken, this is called Storm Fighting, a modern spin-off of Slavyano-Goretskaya Bor'ba, "Slavic Mountain Fighting".
hmm I wonder if they teach it as a style on his own or blended into systema
Hmmm looks just like the rednecks in Missouri backyards except they wear ballcaps and T-shirts instead of Russian smocks.

I reckon they have roughly the same mentality, as well. :)

Maybe I should film it and market it as an "Ancient Redneckian Fighting Art."

hmm I wonder if they teach it as a style on his own or blended into systema

Completely on its own. There is another video clip on the internet of a Storm Fighter challenging a Systema player. Neither seemed very skilled in the video clip.

Hmmm looks just like the rednecks in Missouri backyards except they wear ballcaps and T-shirts instead of Russian smocks.

I reckon they have roughly the same mentality, as well. :)

Maybe I should film it and market it as an "Ancient Redneckian Fighting Art."


Storm Fighting focuses heavily on offense. They go at it full bore with the idea that if you overwhelm your opponent you don't need to worry about defense.

A case for a similar mentality could probably be made.
This is sort of related to this topic. We get the word rascal from the Russian Raskolniks. They were a religious order that trained to fight and withstand incredible pain. I understand Peter the Great killed 'em off though.
There is another video clip on the internet of a Storm Fighter challenging a Systema player. Neither seemed very skilled in the video clip.

Just a little correction, that "another clip" is actually Storm Fighter challenging Kadochnikov style guy.

Inside RMA context, word Systema is often related to Mikhail, Vlad and that line...