Bar & Grill Combined Quizzes

Originally posted by KenpoTess
Harumphs.. I wanna be a cute little green squatybody Yoda with cute ears and bad *** with a cane.. outta three isn't too bad...:rofl:
Originally posted by Chronuss my rule book...apparently you didn't get your copy. ;)

Listen here Mister.. who's clone are you????

*flips through the only viable rule book* Mine........ there'fore... well I think you already know .. *sweet smile*

*blowing a wintery breath on your neck*
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Listen here Mister.. who's clone are you????

*flips through the only viable rule book* Mine........ there'fore... well I think you already know .. *sweet smile*

*blowing a wintery breath on your neck*

ack...:eek: just like to see me in pain..
Originally posted by KenpoTess
You're winter too.. duh.........

*whispers.. Kids class* or else...

I gotta wait on Alex to be dropped off, he won't be until 7.
5th Element. You are all of the elements, water, fire, gold, wood, and earth. Well, there is nothing much to say except that you are perfect. You do have your ups and downs just like everyone else but it ends up to be all good for you. You can control water, fire, all the elements cause you are the 5th element.

Sounds pretty accurate to me :p
Originally posted by arnisador
Eh, this is distressingly close to the mark, but I still want to be the Iceman!


You scare me, I always wanted to be the iceman.

It was one of my favorites, I even had an ice wizard in D&D and created special spells for it. :D Remeber I am a Guro Geek ;)
You are Cyclops! You are attractive and strong, in a boy scout republican sort of way. You are set firm in your beliefs, which is not necessarily a bad thing. But often when faced with a conflicting opinion you become defensive and angry and prone to conflict. You like to be a leader, but you must acknowledge that there are some situations which others are better fit to deal with than yourself.

no one is better!!!*LOL..dammit!
And the winner is Wolverine!

You are Wolverine! A loner by nature, you feel uncomfortable when around those you don't know and even those you do. You are awkward when it comes to relationships, but fiercely loyal to those you love.


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I think my answer for this one is a major duh factor here now then yet.
I don't need a quiz to tell me I'm stupid -- that's what my wife is for. ;)
You are not stupid. Why the hell did you take it. Your smart you got the questions right you might have missed one but who cares your smarter then some of the people who take this stupid quiz

*blowing on fingernails....rubbing them on chest...hehehe